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The Retail Management Programme at THEi offers a truly unique educational experience for students.

Professor Charles Ingene
業界分享, THEi

The Retail Management Programme at THEi offers a truly unique educational experience for students.
I know from personal experience that Retail Management faculty at THEi are highly knowledgeable about retail theory and practice in Hong Kong. More importantly, they are dedicated academics and mentors who deliver first-rate education and internship support that will enable their students to obtain high quality retailing jobs at graduation.
Charles Ingene
Professor, University of Oklahoma
Former editor, the Journal of Retailing
Industry Endorser(s), Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Retail Management, THEi
Professor Charles Ingene
業界分享, THEi

業界分享, 環境工程及管理(榮譽)工學士, THEi

前金門建築有限公司 執行董事
業界分享, 環境工程及管理(榮譽)工學士, THEi
THEi BSc (Hons) in Surveying programme is tailored to the needs of employers, including property developers, consultancy firms and contractors.
Sr Dr WONG Tsz Choi
業界分享, 測量學(榮譽)理學士, THEi

THEi BSc (Hons) in Surveying programme is tailored to the needs of employers, including property developers, consultancy firms and contractors.
THEi BSc (Hons) in Surveying programme is tailored to the needs of employers, including property developers, consultancy firms and contractors. The studio projects are based on real life market practice and the Work-Integrated Learning further enriches THEi graduates.
Sr Dr WONG Tsz Choi
Senior Director
Valuation and Advisory Services at CBRE
Sr Dr WONG Tsz Choi
業界分享, 測量學(榮譽)理學士, THEi
THEi Product Design provides talents to my company from which the course is a work-ready programme tailored for product design industry.

Steve Yeung
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi

THEi Product Design provides talents to my company from which the course is a work-ready programme tailored for product design industry.
THEi Product Design provides talents to my company from which the course is a work-ready programme tailored for product design industry. Their Graduates are well-equipped with unique design skill sets and always come up with insightful solutions for our projects.
Steve Yeung
Cofounder & Director
Former President
Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong (2015-16, 2017-18)
Steve Yeung
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi
The new Public Relations and Management Program offers a full set of curricula that are on par with quality educational standards and capable of training work-ready graduates.

業界分享, THEi

The new Public Relations and Management Program offers a full set of curricula that are on par with quality educational standards and capable of training work-ready graduates.
The new Public Relations and Management Program offers a full set of curricula that are on par with quality educational standards and capable of training work-ready graduates.
Professor Steve GUO
Director of MA in Communication
Department of Journalism
Hong Kong Baptist University
業界分享, THEi

業界分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi

業界分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi

業界分享, 土木工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi

利基控股有限公司 營運總監
業界分享, 土木工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi
A unique program to nurture culinary talents and leaders

Executive Chef Uwe OPOCENSKY
業界分享, 廚藝及管理(榮譽)文學士, THEi

A unique program to nurture culinary talents and leaders
Culinary Arts and Management (CAM) degree programme offered by Faculty of Management Hospitality (FMH) at THEi is a unique program to nurture culinary talents and leaders in the hospitality industry. Apart from a balance of theory and practical components, the students also engage with project-based learning in developing recipes and business plan, as well as conducting food-related research. We feel honoured to be one of the Work-integrated Learning partners to offer practical work experience to CAM students. We look forward to hiring work-capable graduates in the near future.
Executive Chef
Island Shangri-La Hong Kong
Executive Chef Uwe OPOCENSKY
業界分享, 廚藝及管理(榮譽)文學士, THEi
The Sport Therapy discipline is new in Hong Kong and I am happy to accept the students from this programme to come to our club to do their placement.

Mr Chris Moseley
業界分享, THEi

The Sport Therapy discipline is new in Hong Kong and I am happy to accept the students from this programme to come to our club to do their placement.
Dr. Del WONG is one of the well-known sport scientists in professional football. He is now leading the BSocSc (Hons) in Sports and Recreation Management program at THEi. The sport therapy discipline is new in Hong Kong. I am happy to accept the students from this programme to come to my club to do their placement.
Mr. Chris Moseley MSc BSc (Hons) MCSP, SRP, GSR, FA Dip, Dip SOM, AREA.
Head Physiotherapist,
Middlesbrough Football Club, UK.
Mr Chris Moseley
業界分享, THEi
We see that students from THEi are with hands on, practical technical knowledge and skills

Ms Christy Chan
業界分享, 檢測和認證(榮譽)理學士, THEi

We see that students from THEi are with hands on, practical technical knowledge and skills
SGS Hong Kong Limited
Ms Christy Chan
業界分享, 檢測和認證(榮譽)理學士, THEi

業界分享, THEi

區域人力資源總監 — 香港、澳門及台灣
業界分享, THEi

業界分享, 公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士 (MH125108, 教學語言: 英文) , THEi

業界分享, 公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士 (MH125108, 教學語言: 英文) , THEi
The programme provides both theory knowledge and hands-on practical experience, which make it very unique from the others. I fully support this degree programme and foresee its positive impact to Hong Kong.

業界分享, THEi

The programme provides both theory knowledge and hands-on practical experience, which make it very unique from the others. I fully support this degree programme and foresee its positive impact to Hong Kong.
I have been involving in this degree programme from its initial accreditation to the implementation. The programme provides both theory knowledge and hands-on practical experience, which make it very unique from the others. In Hong Kong, we need more coaches with relevant degree training. Likewise, there has been huge demand in the recreation management area. The sports therapy specialization in this degree programme is the very first in Hong Kong. Sports Therapist will be able to provide on-field service to athletes for injury treatment and fitness training. I fully support this degree programme and foresee its positive impact to Hong Kong.
Amy LC Chan, JP
Manager, Racing Development Board
Headmistress, Apprentice Jockeys School
The Hong Kong Jockey Club
業界分享, THEi
THEi’s Health Care programme is a definitely stepping stone for joining our health care and medical industry.

Dr. Wilson Wong, PhD
業界分享, THEi

THEi’s Health Care programme is a definitely stepping stone for joining our health care and medical industry.
Novus Life Sciences Limited
Dr. Wilson Wong, PhD
業界分享, THEi

業界分享, 公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士 (MH125108, 教學語言: 英文) , THEi

業界分享, 公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士 (MH125108, 教學語言: 英文) , THEi
THEi sports program has been a key part of Cricket Hong Kong High Performance Team providing strength and conditioning and sports therapy service to help our national men’s and women’s teams to perform on international stage.

Simon Willis
業界分享, THEi

THEi sports program has been a key part of Cricket Hong Kong High Performance Team providing strength and conditioning and sports therapy service to help our national men’s and women’s teams to perform on international stage.
Simon Willis
業界分享, THEi

David Waterman
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi

偉易達通訊設備有限公司 設計主管
David Waterman
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi
The programme provides all graduates with exceptional high standards of clinical and technical skills to meet the vocational demands of the sports industry

Mr David REES
業界分享, THEi

The programme provides all graduates with exceptional high standards of clinical and technical skills to meet the vocational demands of the sports industry
The BSocSc (Hons) in Sports and Recreation Management at THEi is an innovative forward-looking programme which provides all graduates with exceptional high standards of clinical and technical skills to meet the vocational demands of the sports industry.
THEi provides a high specification of laboratory equipment, all of which is utilized on a regular basis by all
the students as part of the intensive learning process.
This equipment along with teaching techniques allows the Institute to promotethigh standards of competency and safe practice while focusing on effective use within the workplace.
The Hong Kong Rugby Football Union is very excited to collaborate with THEi allowing our staff and players the oppmiunity to gain access to the excellent facilities and service provided by THEi. We are delighted to extend our partnership and involvement to their BSc (Hons) in Sports and Recreation Management programme."
Mr. David Rees
General Manager , Rugby Perfonnance
Hong Kong Rugby Football Union
Mr David REES
業界分享, THEi
Through our close collaboration with THEi’s Health Care programme, we offer young people who have a passion for the industry

Dr. Rachel Cheung
業界分享, THEi

Through our close collaboration with THEi’s Health Care programme, we offer young people who have a passion for the industry
Over the years, we continue to see high demand for healthcare professionals in Hong Kong. Quality HealthCare, part of the Bupa Group, provides professional healthcare solutions to help people live longer and better lives. Through our close collaboration with THEi’s Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Care programme, we offer young people who have a passion for the industry a platform to acquire professional knowledge and skills as well as on-the-job training in Quality HealthCare. We are happy to be able to provide career opportunities to the graduates, and we hope to see more young professionals joining the healthcare industry to help
safeguard Hong Kong people’s health.
Dr. Rachel Cheung
業界分享, THEi

業界分享, 酒店營運管理(榮譽)文學士 (MH125104, 教學語言: 英文) , THEi

業界分享, 酒店營運管理(榮譽)文學士 (MH125104, 教學語言: 英文) , THEi
We have been collaborating and providing scholarships to THEi product design students in the past few years and we certainly will be continuing this support in the future.

Kenneth Ha
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi

We have been collaborating and providing scholarships to THEi product design students in the past few years and we certainly will be continuing this support in the future.
Students from THEi Product Design have taken part in the Certified SolidWorks Association examination in the past for a number of years with excellent passing results, which reflects that they are truly Tech Ready and Work Ready. We have been collaborating and providing scholarships to THEi product design students in the past few years and we certainly will be continuing this support in the future.
Kenneth Ha
Sales Director, Intelligent CAD/CAM Technology Ltd
Kenneth Ha
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi
THEi 提供創新的課程符合業界的需要

業界分享, 酒店營運管理(榮譽)文學士 (MH125104, 教學語言: 英文) , THEi

THEi 提供創新的課程符合業界的需要
主席 陳國威先生
業界分享, 酒店營運管理(榮譽)文學士 (MH125104, 教學語言: 英文) , THEi
The programme can equip public relations professionals with the necessary skills to embrace industry challenges of the new era.

業界分享, THEi

The programme can equip public relations professionals with the necessary skills to embrace industry challenges of the new era.
The programme can equip public relations professionals with the necessary skills to embrace industry challenges of the new era.
Mr. Raymond Ho, Chairman
The Hong Kong Advertisers Association (HK2A)
業界分享, THEi
The graduates from THEi’s BEng-BSE are work-ready.

Ir Victor Cheung
業界分享, 屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi

The graduates from THEi’s BEng-BSE are work-ready.
Past President,
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2014/15)
J. Roger Preston Limited
Ir Victor Cheung
業界分享, 屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi

業界分享, THEi

業界分享, THEi

業界分享, 專業會計(榮譽)文學士, THEi

“由THEi工商及酒店旅遊管理學院(FMH)開辦的專業會計(榮譽)文學士在理論和實踐之間達到很好的平衡,並具有工作綜合學習和業界實習的特點。 學生能夠善用從課堂上學到的知識,並獲得該行業的實習經驗。 我堅信FMH的畢業生會受到雇主的歡迎。”
業界分享, 專業會計(榮譽)文學士, THEi
The students were engaged throughout the process and provided insightful design solutions to the problems presented.

Andrew Walton
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi

The students were engaged throughout the process and provided insightful design solutions to the problems presented.
Lidl Asia worked with students from THEi on live design projects over several weeks. The students were engaged throughout the process and provided insightful design solutions to the problems presented.
It is clear the students receive a high-quality foundation in design, which is further supported with excellent facilities in which to realise their ideas.
Additionally, students joined Lidl Asia’s summer internship programme, which has shown the student’s readiness to work in a fast-paced industry environment.
Andrew Walton
Design Manager, Lidl Hong Kong Limited
Andrew Walton
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi

業界分享, THEi

業界分享, THEi
In light of the frequent occurrence of food incidents, research shows that the greatest concern on consumers’ mind is food safety.

業界分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi

In light of the frequent occurrence of food incidents, research shows that the greatest concern on consumers’ mind is food safety.
The food industry is striving its best to provide wholesome and safe food to our consumers. We need well-trained professionals to safeguard our food production from the source, throughout the production processing, to the end products. There has always been a shortage of such well-trained food science professionals. This program is definitely most valuable to fill this need.
業界分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi

業界分享, 園境建築(榮譽)文學士, THEi

泛亞環境國際控股有限公司 主席
業界分享, 園境建築(榮譽)文學士, THEi
We welcome THEi graduates to join HML after their graduation

Chef Bo Ip Sorensen
業界分享, 廚藝及管理(榮譽)文學士, THEi

We welcome THEi graduates to join HML after their graduation
“Managing seven restaurants and over 300 banqueting events at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, we’re delighted to offer work placements to THEi CAM students at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited (HML) every year. They are provided an opportunity to work in different kitchens to broaden their culinary experience, develop their professional knowledge and learn from veterans. We highly appreciate that the students of the Work Integrated Learning Programme came well prepared to learn and work. We welcome THEi graduates to join HML after their graduation.”
Chef Bo Ip Sorensen
業界分享, 廚藝及管理(榮譽)文學士, THEi
Students demonstrated well rounded design knowledge and applied manufacturing, technology and trends.

Leon Yoong
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi

Students demonstrated well rounded design knowledge and applied manufacturing, technology and trends.
Excited to have experienced the journey of THEi product design course and it’s graduates as Industry External Examiner.
Students demonstrated well rounded design knowledge and applied manufacturing, technology and trends.
With their learning attitude, variety of industry projects, competitions and work experience, they can complement well with existing creative teams and the creative industry.
Leon Yoong
Hong Kong SAR · Senior Vice President Techtronic Design · Techtronic Industries Hong Kong
Leon Yoong
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi
香港賽馬會實習 ,培育園藝園境管理人才。

業界分享, THEi

香港賽馬會實習 ,培育園藝園境管理人才。
業界分享, THEi
The Aircraft Engineering degree programme is vocationally-oriented and features both theoretical and practical trainings.

Captain CHAN Chi-pui, Michael, MBS, MBB, GMSM, AE
業界分享, 飛機工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi

The Aircraft Engineering degree programme is vocationally-oriented and features both theoretical and practical trainings.
Former Controller, Government Flying Service
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region
Captain CHAN Chi-pui, Michael, MBS, MBB, GMSM, AE
業界分享, 飛機工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi
Never bend your head. Always hold it high and stay true to yourself. Definitions of success are countless.

Adran Chong
業界分享, THEi

Never bend your head. Always hold it high and stay true to yourself. Definitions of success are countless.
“Never bend your head. Always hold it high and stay true to yourself. Definitions of success are countless. How I define success will never be the same as you define it. But I am sure it can only be achieved when you try your best in all aspects of everything you do.”
Soap Studio Co. Ltd.
Adran Chong
業界分享, THEi
THEi Product Design is an industry relevant and work-ready programme

William Shum
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi

THEi Product Design is an industry relevant and work-ready programme
THEi Product Design is an industry relevant and work-ready programme; we have several collaborations with THEi and we are also providing internships to THEi product design students.
William Shum
Founder and CEO of Memorigin Watch Company Limited
William Shum
業界分享, 產品設計(榮譽)文學士, THEi