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Prof Steve Chuang serves as the Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI), where he is devoted to spearheading the transformation and upgrade of Hong Kong's industries. His primary focus lies in nurturing innovation and technology, leading the way in advanced manufacturing, and strengthening the steady growth of both domestic and international markets. Actively cultivating talent in the industrial and innovation sectors, Prof Chuang is committed to the vision of "Reinventing Hong Kong Industries."
In 1995, Prof Chuang founded the ProVista Group, which has since evolved into a comprehensive provider specializing in energy storage, solar and green energy electronics. The group encompasses everything from research and development to manufacturing, marketing, and sales. Additionally, it provides entrepreneurial incubation and accelerator support services, serving as a resource for young innovators and entrepreneurs.
Heading ProVista for the last 3 decades, Prof Chuang has devoted substantially in the technological advancement at the areas:
Power Electronics such as bi-directional inverter technology, solar DC-DC buck boost charging technology, advanced battery management system (BMS) for battery energy storage, and ultra high frequency power conversion technology.
AI image detection and recognition for home, business and vehicle security and safety.
IoT and 5G technologies and their applications.
Prof Chuang is the co-author for 4 articles/publications and conference papers on solar power technologies, a global MPPT algorithm for existing PV system mitigating suboptimal operating conditions, and modeling and design of series voltage compensator for reduction of DC-link capacitance in grid-tie solar inverter, on IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Solar Energy, and IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition – APEC 2014.
Under Prof Chuang’s Leadership, ProVista Inno Park is targeting carbon neutral operations in the next few years, and creates an environment with the great care of well-being of its employees, partners and team players.
Prof Chuang is currently doing a doctoral research project on the New Product Development (NPD) and innovation study in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). He is passionate in promoting innovation and technology.
Prof Chuang also holds numerous public positions. He is a Board Member of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), a Council Member of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), a member of the Committee on Innovation, Technology, and Industry Development, and a member of the Sub-committee on Development of Industries, part of the Advisory Committee on the Northern Metropolis, HKSAR.