



電郵: rogerng@thei.edu.hk

電話: +852 2176 1023

  1. Lighting Technology

PhD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

BEng(Hons) in Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  1. Associate Professor, Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
  2. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
  3. Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Science and Technology, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
  4. Lecturer, Department of Engineering, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin)
  5. Instructor, Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Registered Professional Engineer (Building Services), Engineers Registration Board, Hong Kong
  • Member, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
  • Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council, UK
  • Member, The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, UK
  • Corporate Member, Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society, Hong Kong
  • BEAM Professional, Hong Kong Green Building Council
  • Building Services Engineering
  • Lighting Engineering
  • Building Information Modelling
  • Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
  • Engineering Education
  1. Ng, R.T.H., Lai, J.H.K., Leung, O.C.H. and Edwards, D. (2023), Assessing lift maintenance performance of high-rise residential buildings. Journal of Building Engineering 68, 106202.

  2. Lai, J.H.K., Ng, R.T.H., Chiu, B.W.Y., Hou, C.H.Y., Edwards, D. and Wong, P.Y.L. (2022), Retro-commissioning for buildings: problems and the way forward for a policy research study. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1101, 062013.

  3. Cheng, J.Y.C, Wong, N.C.Y, Ho, T.W.L, Kwong, H.F., Ng, R.T.H. and Cheung, H. (2021), A case study of lighting retrofit to improve building energy efficiency and lighting quality by using luminaires with nano optical coating. HKIE Transactions 27(4), 156-165.

  4. Ng, R.T.H. and Wong, A.Y.Y. (2020), Perceived importance and levels of technical English communication skills among stakeholders in engineering fields. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology 5(2), 43-50.

  5. Chan, M.Y. and Ng, R.T.H. (2015), An experimental study of heat pipe heat exchanger for cooling and dehumidification in an indirect evaporative way. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 36(5), 596-613.

  6. Lai, J.H.K, Ng, R.T.H. and Chiu B.W.Y. (2016), “Research Study – Towards adoption of Building Information Modelling in Building Services Engineering in Hong Kong”, Collaborative Research among CIBSE-HKB, HKIE-BSD and PolyU.

  7. Chung, T.M. and Ng, R.T.H. (2016), “Application of analytic hierarchy process in daylighting performance assessment”, Indoor and Built Environment, 25(1), 50-68.

  8. Chung, T.M. and Ng, R.T.H. (2013), Introduction of a new daylighting quality benchmarking method. ICSDEC 2012: Development the Frontier of Sustainable Design, Engineering, and Construction, 921-928

  9. Ng, R.T.H. and Chung, T.M. (2011), “On the calibration of high dynamic range photography for luminance measurements in indoor daylit scenes”, Architectural Science Review, 54, 39-49.

  10. Chung, T.M. and Ng, R.T.H. (2010), Variation of calibration factor over time for high dynamic range photography in a single daylit interior scene. Journal of Light & Visual Environment, 34(2), 87-93.