Research Equipment Registry

3D Printing and Advanced Prototyping

CNC Router

Brand: Zund / M-2500

描述: The CNC Router is a computer-controlled cutter, which can be used to cut different kinds of hard materials such as metal, wood, steel, plastics and foams.

Contact: Mr Sonny Choy at Tel: 3890 8305 or

電郵: schoy@thei.edu.hk

FDM 3D Printing Filament Making Machine

Brand: 3Devo

描述: The machine makes 3D printing filaments for use in 3D printing.

Contact: Mr Sonny Choy at Tel: 3890 8305 or

電郵: schoy@thei.edu.hk

Laser Cutting System for Textiles Products

Brand: Universal Laser System / iLS 12.75

Description: The Laser Cutting System supports engraving and treatment of textiles products. Laser engraving is fast, accurate and powerful to improve the production rate during pattern-cutting of different textiles materials.

Contact: Dr Eve Chan at Tel: 3890 8301 or

電郵: evechan@thei.edu.hk

Multi-material 3D Printer

Brand: Stratasys / Objet350 Connex3

描述: The Multi-material 3D Printer can handle different materials such as opaque, transparent and elastic materials in creating 3D prototypes for proof of concept and testing.

Contact: Mr Sonny Choy at Tel: 3890 8305 or

電郵: schoy@thei.edu.hk

Plastic Pellet Dryer

Brand: 3Devo

Description: The plastic pellet dryer dries and prepares plastic pellets as 3D printing materials for use in a 3D printer.

Contact: Mr Sonny Choy at Tel: 3890 8305 or

電郵: schoy@thei.edu.hk


Ultimaker-S3 FDM 3D Printer

Brand: Ultimaker-S3

Description: The Ultimaker-S3 Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) uses CAD to develop models to send to the Ultimaker for 3D printing. It can be used to create prototypes, tools, and parts with almost any mechanical properties.

Contact: Mr Sonny Choy at Tel: 3890 8305 or

電郵: schoy@thei.edu.hk