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李鋕瀅博士擁有超過20年納米材料應用於環保、電化學技術和催化反應方面的研究和開發經驗。她是澳大利亞工程師學會資深會員(FIEAust);註冊專業工程師;國家註冊工程師(澳大利亞)(CPEng NER); APEC和IPEA註冊工程師(IntPE(Aus));英國材料、礦物和採礦學會資深會員(FIMMM),以及英國特許註冊工程師(CEng)和特許註冊科學家(CSci)。 李博士曾擔任ITC、RGC、國家自然科學基金委員會(NSFC)和香港大學資助的研究項目的項目統籌、首席研究員和副研究員。其研究及開發領域涵蓋先進電池技術(包括鋰和鈉離子電池)、金屬-空氣和金屬-硫電池、燃料電池,以及用於醇、一氧化碳和煤煙氧化的新型催化劑。 她精通研發鋰電池及次世代電池的電池材料,功能化金屬有機骨架以應用於電化學和氫儲存,以及相關的理論模型。此外,她在電化學、電力電子和運動科學的跨領域學術研究具有豐富經驗。 李博士於頂級SCI國際期刊中的發表了多篇有關材料研究的論文,如ACS Energy Lett.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Nano Energy,Nano Lett.,Chem. Mater.,Carbon,Chem Comm.,Electrochim. Acta.,Appl. Energy Mater,並擁有應用於環保的創新技術的專利。
- Doctor of Philosophy, School of Materials Science & Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
- Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Science), The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
- Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
2024 – Present | Head of Research Office; Associate Professor, |
2016 – 2024 | Research Assistant Professor / Senior Research Officer, Department of Chemistry, University of Hong Kong |
2020 – 2024 | Hong Kong Quantum AI Lab Limited (Spin-off from University of Hong Kong) |
2017 – Present | Honorary Assistant Professor, |
2010 – 2015 | Postdoctoral Fellow, |
- FIEAust CPEng NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus)- Fellow, Institute of Engineers Australia; Chartered Professional Engineer, National Engineer Registered; APEC and IPEA registers
- FIMMM CEng CSci – Fellow, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3), UK; Chartered Engineer, Chartered Scientist
- K. Y. Chan, A.A. Voskanyan, and C.Y.V. Li, Method to Deposit a Precious Metal Film, U.S. Patent Application, No. 16/111,127, Filed 23rd August 2018
- K. Y. Chan, A.A. Voskanyan, and C.Y.V. Li, Method of Producing a Porous Crystalline Material with a Highly Uniform Structure, Patent No.: WO2017143978A1, Filed 31st August, 2017
- J.K. Pulleri, K.-Y. Chan*, C.Y.V. Li*, D.Y.C. Leung, Clean Hydrogen from Aqueous Water−Gas Shift Reaction at Near-Ambient Temperature, J. Chem. Eng. Data 2024, 69, 12, 4377–4383.
- B. Qin, L. Wang, C.K.J. Tsui, C.-K. Ho ‡, W.Y.A. Lam‡, F. Li, Y.V. Li*, G.H. Chen, K.-Y. Chan* Impacts of Carbon Mesopores on Superoxide Degradation in Cathode of a Na-O2 Battery, Energy Fuels, 2024, 38, 6, 5522–5533.
- K.M. Leung, C.K.J. Tsui, Y.Y. Tay, C.Z. Liao, C.K. Ho, H.T. Yau, T. Salim, C.Y.V. Li*, and K.Y. Chan, Highly Durable Vanandium-free Catalyst for Low-Temperature Ammonia-assisted NOx Reduction, ACS Omega 2023, 8, 13, 12362–12371.
- C.K. Ho, C.Y.V. Li*, Y.Y. Tay, C.Z. Liao, K.M. Leung, C.K.J. Tsui, G.H. Chen, and K.Y. Chan Li4Ti5O12 Coating on TiO2(B) Nanofibers as Durable Anode for Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2023, 6, 22, 11433–11441.
- L. Xie, K.-Y. Chan*, and V.C.Y. Li, Molecular dynamics simulation of hydration and free energy of ions in nanochannels of polyelectrolyte threaded metal organic framework and the impacts on selective ion transport, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 367, Part B, 120553.
- L. Xie, K.-Y. Chan*, and V.C.Y. Li*, Counter-ion Distribution around a Polyelectrolyte Confined in a Metal Organic Framework, Molecular Simulation, 2022, 48, 926-934.
- C.K.J. Tsui, K.M. Leung, Y.Y. Tay, C.Z. Liao, C.K. Ho, H.T. Yau, T. Salim, C.Y.V. Li*, and K.Y. Chan, Highly Durable Pt–Ru-Doped Ce0.9Zr0.1O2 as an Effective Dual Catalyst for Low-Temperature Simultaneous Propane and Carbon Monoxide Oxidation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126, 9334-9351.
- C.-K. Ho+, C.Y.V. Li+*, L. Gao, K.-Y. Chan*, J.W. Chen, J.Y. Tang, J.F. Olorunyomi, C.Z. Liao, and T.S. Zhao, Protonated Emeraldine Polyaniline Threaded MIL-101 as a Conductive High-Surface Area NanoPorous Electrode, ACS Energy Letters, 2021, 6, 3769-3779.
- B. Qin, K.Y. Chan*, and C.Y.V. Li*, Studies of Superoxide Degradation Kinetics and Electrolyte Management for a Reversible NaO2 Battery, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 11, 4317–4324.
- L. Gao, K.Y. Chan*, C.Y.V. Li*, L. Xie and J.F. Olorunyomi, “Highly Selective Transport of Alkali Metal Ions by Nano-channels of Polyelectrolyte Threaded MIL-53 Metal Organic Framework”, Nano Letters, 2019, 19, 4990-4996.
- S. Zhao, B. Qin, K.Y. Chan, C.Y.V. Li, and F. Li*, “Recent Development of Aprotic Na‐O2 Batteries”, Batteries and SuperCap, 2019, 2, 725-742.
- C.K. Ho, C.Y.V. Li*, Z. Deng, K.Y. Chan*, H. Yung and C. Yang, Hierarchical Macropore-Mesoporous Shell Carbon Dispersed with Li4Ti5O12 for Excellent High Rate Sub-Freezing Li-ion Battery Performance, Carbon, 2019, 145, 614-621.
- G. Weng, C.Y.V. Li* and K.Y. Chan, Hydrogen battery using neutralization energy, Nano Energy, 2018, 53, 240-244.
- L. Gao, C.Y.V. Li* and K.Y. Chan*, Polyelectrolyte Threaded in Metal-Organic Framework: Cation Exchange Polystyrene Sulfonate in MIL-101Cr(III), Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 3601-3608.
- L. Gao, C.Y.V. Li*, K.Y. Chan* and Z.N. Chen, Metal−Organic Framework Threaded with Aminated Polymer Formed in Situ for Fast and Reversible Ion Exchange, Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2014, 136, 7209−7212.
Edited Book:
- Electrochemically Enabled Sustainability – Devices, Materials and Mechanisms for Energy Conversion edited by K.Y. Chan* and Y.V. Li*, CRC Press, Apr 2014. 328 pp (ISBN: 978-1-4665-7543-1)
Book Chapter:
- H. Li, C.Y.V. Li*, G.M. Weng and K.Y. Chan*: “Chapter XI: pH Differential Power Sources with Electrochemical Neutralization” in Electrochemically Enabled Sustainability – Devices, Materials and Mechanisms for Energy Conversion edited by K.Y. Chan and C.Y.V. Li, CRC Press, Apr 2014. (ISBN: 978-1-4665-7543-1)
- C.Y.V. Li, Z.M. Wang and S.L.I. Chan, “Hydrogen Storage in Carbon Nanotubes”, in Chemistry of Carbon Nanotubes edited by V.A. Basiuk and E.V. Basiuk, American Scientific Publishers, 2008, 187-216. (ISBN: 978-1-58883-128-0)