


語言與溝通 藝術、文化和世界觀 社會分析
可持續性、發展與科學 健康與保健 創新、管理與創業

學生選擇修讀的通識選修單元必須來自六個主題中的至少兩個,以符合通識選修單元的畢業要求。 更多詳情請參閱 附件八-通識選修單元的主題































































































































a.已獲豁免修讀 GEC4101 中文(一) 和 GEC5102 中文(二) 的學生需要額外修讀兩個通識選修單元,以符合畢業要求。
b. Students of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Surveying are allowed to take GEE5103 Living with Sustainable Materials to fulfil the graduation requirement with effect from Semester One, AY 2018/19.

c.三年級及四年級運動及康樂管理(榮譽)社會科學學士之康樂管理/運動管理專業範疇的學生,不可修讀GEE5106 Tree Safety Inspection & Climbing (樹木攀爬及安全檢查)GEE5208 Accounting for Non-Accountants (會計概論)GEE5210 Essentials in People Management(人事管理要領)來符合畢業要求。即使運動及康樂管理(榮譽)社會科學學士之康樂管理/運動管理專業範疇的學生在一年級及/或二年級時修讀此三個通識選修單元,也不會被視作符合畢業要求的單元。此要求也追溯適用於2012/13學年到2015/16學年的入讀學生。
d.學生可選擇修讀 GEE5305 The Art & Science of Film(電影的藝術與科技)GEE5416 Beyond Hollywood: Introduction to World Cinema,但不能同時修讀這兩個單元來符合畢業要求。GEE5416 Beyond Hollywood: Introduction to World Cinema由2018/19學年第二學期開始停止開辦。
e.由2018/19學年起入讀一年級和三年級之專業會計(榮譽)文學士的學生,不可修讀GEE5308 Web Technology & E-Commerce (電子商務及網路科技)來符合畢業要求。其他學年的入讀學生可修讀此單元。
f.由2016/17學年第一學期開始,醫療護理 (榮譽) 理學士的學生可修讀GEE5203 Corporate Social Responsibility (機構社會責任實務)來符合畢業要求。
g.修讀MCC5211Human Resources Management(人力資源管理)作為課程選修單元之公共關係及管理(榮譽)文學士/公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士的學生,不可修讀GEE5210 Essentials in People Management(人事管理要領) 來符合畢業要求。此要求也追溯適用於2012/13學年到2015/16學年的入讀學生。
h.學生可選擇修讀GEE5304 Nutrition & Health (營養及健康)GEE5307 Food in Daily Life(食物與生活),但不能同時修讀這兩個單元來符合畢業要求。 GEE5304 Nutrition & Health or GEE5307 Food in Daily Life but not both modules to fulfil the graduation requirement.
i.由2018/19學年第一學期開始,語文及通識教育學院所提供的GEE5405已由 “Modern Europe: History & Culture” 更名至 “The Modern World: History & Culture(現代世界的形成:歷史與文化)” 。在2018/19學年第一學期之前已選讀 "Modern Europe: History & Culture" 單元的學生,不能修讀 “The Modern World: History & Culture(現代世界的形成:歷史與文化)”單元來符合畢業要求。
j.由2018/19學年第二學期開始,語文及通識教育學院所提供的GEE5415已由 “從香港流行文化看粵語 (Cantonese in Hong Kong Popular Culture)” 更名至 “從香港流行文化看粵語語言學 (Cantonese Linguistics in Hong Kong Popular Culture)”。在2018/19學年第二學期之前已修讀 “從香港流行文化看粵語 (Cantonese in Hong Kong Popular Culture)” 的學生,不能修讀 “從香港流行文化看粵語語言學 (Cantonese Linguistics in Hong Kong Popular Culture)” 單元來符合畢業要求。
k.修讀MPM4200 Public Speaking(公開演說)作為課程必修/選修單元之公共關係及管理(榮譽)文學士/公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士的學生,不可修讀GEE5213 The Art of Professional Speaking(演講的藝術)來符合畢業要求。
l.自2018/19學年起入讀廚藝及管理(榮譽)文學士一年級和三年級之學生,可修讀GEE5102 Impact of Contemporary Design on Society (當代設計對社會的影響)來符合畢業要求。在以上學年之前入讀的學生不可修讀此單元來符合畢業要求。
m.修讀MPM5406 Translation for Public Relations (公共關係翻譯)作為課程選修單元之公共關係及管理(榮譽)文學士/公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士的學生,不可修讀GEE5407 Translation in Everyday Life (English-Chinese) (翻譯與生活)來符合畢業要求。此要求也追溯適用於2015/16學年到2019/20學年的入讀學生。
n.自2020/21學年起入讀園藝樹藝及園境管理(榮譽)理學士一年級和三年級之學生,不能修讀GEE5106 Tree Safety Inspection & Climbing (樹木攀爬及安全檢查)來符合畢業要求。在2020/21學年之前入讀園藝樹藝及園境管理(榮譽)理學士一年級和三年級之學生,可修讀此單元來符合畢業要求。
o.由2020/21學年第二學期開始,產品設計(榮譽)文學士的學生不可修讀GEE5107 Land Art (大地藝術)來符合畢業要求。
p.由2021/22學年第一學期開始,廣告(榮譽)文學士的學生不可修讀GEE5107 Land Art (大地藝術)來符合畢業要求
q.GEE5426 Entrepreneurship in Action (創業實務)是為三年級入學的學生而設計,已修讀GEC4306 Entrepreneurial Mindset(企業家思維)的學生不能修讀GEE5426 Entrepreneurship in Action (創業實務)來符合畢業要求。此要求也追溯適用於所有由2012/13年開始入讀THEi高科院的學生。
r.修讀MCC5323 Entrepreneurship (創業概念研究)的三及四年級運動及康樂管理(榮譽)社會科學學士之康樂管理/運動管理專業範疇的學生,不能修讀GEE5426 Entrepreneurship in Action(創業實務) 來符合畢業要求。此要求也追溯適用於由2012/13學年到2020/21學年入讀THEi高科院的學生。
s.修讀 MCC5323 Entrepreneurship(創業概念研究)作為課程選修單元之公共關係及管理(榮譽)文學士/公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士的學生,不能修讀 GEE5426 Entrepreneurship in Action (創業實務)來符合畢業要求。此要求也追溯適用於2015/16學年到2020/21學年的入讀學生。
t. GEE5427 Technology & the Future of Work (科技與未來工作)是為三年級入學的學生而設計,已修讀 GEC4305 A.I. and Blockchain in Society & Work(社會與工作中區塊鏈及人工智能)# 的學生不能修讀 GEE5427 Technology & the Future of Work (科技與未來工作)來符合畢業要求。此要求也追溯適用於所有由2012/13學年開始入讀THEi高科院的學生。
u.自2022/23學年第一學期開始, GEE5109 已由 “Toy Design” 更名至  “Design for Fun(趣味設計)” 。 在2022/23學年第一學期之前已修讀 “Toy Design” 單元的學生,不能修讀 “Design for Fun(趣味設計)” 單元來符合畢業要求。
v.由2022/23學年第二學期開始,屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士的學生不能選修 GEE5323 Indoor Environment Engineering (室內環境工程)來符合畢業要求。
w.由2022/23學年第二學期開始,土木工程(榮譽)工學士的學生不能修讀 GEE5324 Environmental Engineering(環境工程)來符合畢業要求。
x.由2022/23學年第二學期開始,食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士的學生不能修讀 GEE5325 Advanced Topics in Food Science(食品科學專題)來符合畢業要求。
y.由2022/23學年第二學期開始,檢測和認證(榮譽)理學士的學生不能修讀GEE5326 Gemological Science(寶石科學)來符合畢業要求。
z.由2022/23學年第二學期開始,中藥藥劑學(榮譽)理學士的學生不能修讀GEE5327 中藥炮製學(Processing of Chinese Materia Medica) 來符合畢業要求。
aa.由2022/23學年第二學期開始,營養及健康管理(榮譽)理學士的學生不能修讀GEE5328 Primary Health Care & Health Promotion (健康教育及推廣)來符合畢業要求。
ab.GEE5428 從語言到生活:認識香港粵語與文化 (From Language to Daily Life: Understanding Hong Kong Cantonese & Culture) 是為以普通話(國語/華語)為母語的在香港升學之學生設計。
# 由2024/25學年第一學期開始,GEC4305 已由 “Technology, Society & Work” 更名至 “A.I. and Blockchain in Society & Work(社會與工作中區塊鏈及人工智能)
GEE5101 Effective Branding & Consumer Behaviour (Offered by Department of Design and Architecture)

This module aims to introduce the forces that shape the value systems of the society and individuals leading to different consumer behaviours in the socio-cultural context of a globalised world. It also aims to develop students’ awareness of effective branding in the marketplace. On completion of this module, students are expected to be able  to apply the concept of consumer decision making process for the contemporary issues in global markets; perform research on consumer consumption and brand implication; and analyse and propose appropriate solutions for branding by identifying the specific issues relating to lifestyle segmentation of target.


The following topics/areas will be covered:

  1. Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
  2. Research Methodology
  3. Individual Determinants of Consumer Behaviour
  4. Environmental Influences on Consumer Behaviour
  5. Lifestyle Segmentation
  6. Situations and Decision Making
  7. Branding

Assessment Methods



Brand Audit Evaluation

Project and Presentation

No. of assessment




Weighting as a % of module mark





Living with Sustainable Materials is designed to develop students’ intellectual ability and aesthetic sense through the appreciation of contemporary materials used in designs for our daily life. Through an exposure to the innovative trends of the use of materials in the global market, students will develop social sensibility and an awareness of advance notions of sustainability from a socio-cultural perspective. Their creative thinking will also be fostered during the process of exploring and re-engineering various conventional and non-conventional materials.


The following topics/areas will be covered:

  1. Materials in Society
  2. Material Thoughts and Design Thinking
  3. Performance, Properties and Processes of Design Materials
  4. Selection, Experimentation and Exploration of Materials
  5. Transforming and Application of  Materials


Assessment Methods

Component Research Log
(Individual Assignment)
Group Project
No. of assessment 1 4
Weighting as a % of module mark 30% 70%


The Research Log comprising students’ collections and evaluations of environmental issues; The Group Project will be used to assess students’ creative thinking, problem solving skill as well as their aesthetic quality, while requiring them to demonstrate their social sensibility in addressing a sustainability issue.

This module aims to introduce the basic principles and theories of landscape appreciation, through discussions on world-wide famous landscape sites and projects. This will broaden students’ perspective by presenting a general image of landscape architectural design practice, and demonstrates the environmental and social contributions of landscapes. This module will also raise students’ awareness of cultural and technological aspects of landscape architecture.

On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to critique on landscape design based on comprehensive awareness of aesthetic, functional, cultural or technological issues. Students would be aware of the contributions of landscape architecture in environmental and social aspects as well as having knowledge and basic design theories on landscape architecture.

The following topics/areas will be covered (not in sequential order):

  1. Concepts of landscape and landscape appreciation
  2. Basic landscape theories and principles
  3. Physical and cultural landscapes
  4. History and future trends of landscape design
  5. Case studies (used to facilitate understanding on above mentioned theories and principles concurrently, both natural and artificial cases will be included):


The percentage contributions to the overall module assessment are:

Component Individual Assignment Group Project: In-class exercise Group Project:
No. of assessment 1 1 1
Weighting as a % of module mark 35% 15% 50%


Note: This module includes a 6-hour out-of-class site visit.


Green spaces in the cities have become one of the essential infrastructures for the well-being of urban population. This module introduces the ecosystem functions and multiple benefits of urban greenery and ecology, discusses the challenges and limitations which it faces, and how to sustain ecological balance and diversity through a greenery network. Emerging trends in urban greenery and ecology, such as urban wildlife, invasive species, urban forestry as management strategies, will be investigated.

Field trips are especially designed to enhance the interactive learning experience for students to explore and analyze the environmental, socio-cultural, technological issues intertwined with urban greenery. Students need to bring a pair of 8 x 42 binoculars for the field trips.

The following topics/areas will be covered:

  1. Definitions and structures of urban greenery
  2. Benefits provided and costs incurred by urban green spaces
  3. Local urban green spaces
  4. Ecology of Hong Kong
  5. Challenges of ecological conservation in Hong Kong
  6. Conservation of biodiversity in urban areas
  7. Emerging trends

Assessment Methods:

ComponentIndividual assignmentGroup assignment
No. of assessment21
Weighting as a % of module mark85%15%

Possible field trips arrangement (Tentative):

日期No. of hoursThemeLocation (tentative)Fees incurred
Near the end of the semester
(A sunny.weekend)
6Urban wildlife and vegetationLocation to be confirmedTransportation fee & A pair of 8×42 binoculars


Students will acquire knowledge of the development needs of children and the role of objects in play. They will apply knowledge of child development to a simple design process and explore the creation a plaything. Experimental problem-solving and creative thinking will be encouraged as part of making toy design solutions. Besides this, students’ self-confidence, and learning will be developed along with students’ ability to work within a prescribed framework and communicate toy ideas.

On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Analyse and evaluate a range of toys and games on the market to place them into related categorisations;
  2. Judge appropriateness of a toy’s target user based on knowledge of child development and play needs;
  3. Generate toy design concepts through analysis of relationship between child development and toy design;
  4. Use creative problem-solving skills to generate play value in toy design concepts.

The following topics/areas are covered:

  1. Develop design communication skills including sketching thumbnails, making basic 3-dimensional artefacts, graphic and verbal presentation;
  2. Child development stages and necessity of play;
  3. Toy design methods, toy appreciation and consideration of function related to creating toy ideas;
  4. Problem-solving skills using divergent thinking and creative methods; 
  5. Classification of toy and game categories; and
  6. Group work involving creating and testing of original toy ideas.

The percentage contributions to the overall module assessment:


Component Research Report Design Project
No. of assessment 1 1
Weighting as a % of module mark 40% 60%

This module aims to provide an overview of how individuals could increase control over health through lifestyle and behavioural modification.  This module will employ laboratory sessions, exercise sessions and experiential learning activities to equip students with the skills to pursue healthy lifestyle.  The tutorial venues will be at Human Performance Laboratory & Fitness Room at CW campus.  By completion of the module, students will be able to design, implement and review a personalized total wellness programme for themselves.

The following topics/areas will be covered:

  1. Introduction to Wellness and Lifestyle Management
  2. Wellness
  3. Healthy Nutrition
  4. Weight Management
  5. Self Image and Self Esteem
  6. Lifetime Fitness and Wellness

The following topics will be delivered in tutorials and practical classes:

  1. Change of Behaviour
  2. Fitness Activities
  3. Prevention of Cancer
  4. Addictive Behaviour
  5. Emotional Well-being

Assessment Methods

ComponentReflective JournalWritten TestProjects
No. of assessment112
Weighting as a % of module mark30%30%40%

The primary purpose of this module is to help students to learn the most updated, practical and down to earth personal finance practices / knowledge. After completing the module, students will be able to apply the knowledge in personal financial management in their future life.

Studying the module GEE5204 Personal Financial management, will help students in two aspects:

  • Develop a plan to achieve financial security,
  • Improve their quality of life,

The contents of the module may include the following:

  • Career Planning
  • Money / Cash flow management
  • Consumer credit
  • Taxes
  • Housing decision
  • Legal protection and insurance
  • 投資學
  • Retirement planning
  • Estate planning

The following topics/areas will be covered:

  • Understanding Personal Financial Management
  • Measuring Personal Financial Health
  • Cash or Liquid Asset Management
  • Using Credit Cards and Consumer Loans
  • Housing Decision
  • Personal Insurance
  • Investment Basics
  • Retirement planning

Assessment Methods

ComponentClassworkIndividual AssignmentGroup AssignmentTerm Test
No. of assessment6111
Weighting as a % of module mark15%20%40%25%


The primary purpose of this module is to provide students with an introduction to the principles of self-marketing and personal branding while also drawing on marketing and branding practices of leading brands. It also provides conceptual, practical and ethical considerations on how to market and brand an individual effectively.

Studying the module will allow students to:

synthesize the theories of marketing and branding to conduct a self-audit;
apply marketing and public relations strategies to personal development and future career development with ethical considerations; and
critically select and manage information, develop and present arguments on marketing and branding issues

The key contents of the module may include the following:

Introduction to personal marketing;
Personal Ethics and Morals;
Personal Branding and visibility;
Personal marketing plan and self-evaluation;
Public speaking;
Reputation management; and
Challenges of the Online environment

Assessment Methods

Assignments 30%
Written Test 30%
Group Project 40%

The tourism sector is one of the major pillars of the economy of Hong Kong. In addition to economic impacts, other impacts related to social and cultural issues also affect Hong Kong as the host destination. This module intends to build a stronger understanding about the nature of tourism by focusing on tourism planning and development and various impacts of tourism on Hong Kong’s economy, culture, society and environment. Effective methods of counteracting negative impacts are examined with reference to case studies.


Assessment Methods

Individual Assignment   30%
Test 30%
Group Project and Presentation  40%          


This module aims to prepare students, with little or no prior business education with a foundation knowledge in business management. It covers introductory topics in the areas of management, accounting and financial management, human resources management, and marketing. It also provides an introduction to the business environment in Hong Kong. Through the study of this module, students will be able to develop their analytical, evaluation and problem-solving skills in dealing with and responding to management issues.


The following topics/areas will be covered:

  1. Fundamentals of Management
  2. Accounting and Financial Management
  3. 人力資源管理
  4. 市場管理學
  5. Business Environment


Assessment Methods

Component Individual Essay Group Project
No. of assessment 1 1
Weighting as a % of module mark 60% 40%

This module aims to equip students with comprehensive knowledge about different principles and concepts of human resource management functions and processes in relevant industries and provide a conceptual and practical understanding of a line manager and human resources manager’s role in organising, controlling, motivating and developing human resources so that they are committed to the maintenance of a high service standard ethic, and the satisfaction of customers’ and clients’ needs.

In addition, it facilitates students to build up professional, interpersonal, managerial and intellectual skills and knowledge in effective human resources management; and develop personal ability to contribute to the success of company goals and gain sustainable competitive advantage through competence in operational decision-making, problem-solving and change management in human resources aspects.

Assessment Methods

In-class Activities20%
Group Project50%  


This module aims to provide a broad range of topics on global contemporary environmental problems and sustainable development related issues. Essential principles required for the understanding of environmental problems in affecting our air, water, land and other natural resources will be addressed. The role of technological, economic and sustainable development in the protection of the natural and urban environment will also be discussed. On completion, students are expected to be able to identify the human role in the natural environment and the impacts of human activities and technology development on environmental quality; evaluate global environmental problems, identify pollution sources, and evaluate available technology in pollution controls and environmental protections; apply the concepts of environmental risk, conservative thinking and sustainability in the devise of practical solutions to enhance sustainable development for the society; and evaluate current environmental, development and sustainability issues and analyze problems based on scientific, social- economics, technological, and political factors in an open and objective manner.

Assessment Methods

ComponentIndividual AssignmentGroup Project Written ReportOral Presentation
No. of assessment111
Weighting as a % of module mark30%40%30%

How does Spiderman stop a train using his bare hands in the movie? How does Batman jump off from IFC unharmed? How does Optimus Prime transform himself into a truck? How does Pixar create the movie Toy Story created entirely with computers? As George Lucas once said “The secret to film is that it is an illusion.” In the first part of the course, we are going to examine the technologies behind those magical illusions and relate them to film development.


Did you feel happy when seeing Katniss Everdeen winning yet another game in the movie “Hunger Game”? Did you feel happy when you see Dr. Ryan Stone finally returning to Earth in the movie “Gravity”? Did you cry when you see Cooper bidding farewell to his daughter Murph leaving Earth in the movie “Interstella”? Did you feel excited when seeing Bruce Wayne beating up Penguin and restoring law and order in the Gotham City? In the second part of this course, we are going to critically evaluate how films communicate with the audiences using different theoretical frameworks.


Note: This module is taught in English, but Chinese may be occasionally used to supplement teaching when necessary.


The following topics/areas will be covered:

  1. How We See Images and Hear sound?
  2. Film in the Pre-digital Era
  3. Digital Revolution in Film Production
  4. The Future of Film
  5. Basic Cinematography and Techniques
  6. Film Analysis
  7. Film as Art Forms
  8. Hollywood Film Genres
  9. Hong Kong Film

Assessment Methods

ComponentIndividual AssignmentGroup Project
No. of assessment11
Weighting as a % of module mark50%50%


(Latest update will be announced during class)

GEE5309 Housing Policy and Management* (Offered by Department of Design and Architecture)

Do you think housing is a major problem in Hong Kong?  Housing is a challenging agenda of our Government in these decades.  This module will guide you to appraise and evaluate this core public and social policy.    


This module aims to provide students opportunities to assess housing policies and the policy making process in Hong Kong and neighbouring countries, to appraise the role of government and private sector in housing under social, economic and political perspectives.  This module evaluates how housing and management theories can be applied in Hong Kong, China and other East Asian and Western countries in relation to housing development and management practice.


Assessment Methods


Attendance &

Class Participation

AssignmentGroup Project
No. of Assessment1011
Weighting as a % of module mark10%
(by individual)
(by individual)

25% (Report)

20% (Presentation)


Note: This module is taught in English, but Cantonese may be occasionally used to supplement teaching when necessary


This module aims to provide an overview of buildings and infrastructures. The module introduces general engineering concepts and aesthetics of various buildings and infrastructures, as well as their relevant uses and social status, to build up the students’ own perspective in building and infrastructures. Students will learn the infrastructure developments in Hong Kong since 1960’s started from the new town development, water reservoirs and Lion’s Rock Tunnel to the 10 major infrastructure projects in 2010’s. Furthermore, students will learn different forms of infrastructures, and how to appreciate the buildings and infrastructures in the aspects of functions and aesthetics. The module also intends to cultivate the students’ awareness of the social status of the infrastructures.


Assessment Methods

ComponentIndividual Reflective JournalsGroup ReportGroup Presentation
No. of assessment211

Weighting as a % of module




# The percentage contributions of the different assessment items to the overall module assessments.

The module aims to develop students’ understanding of the philosophy of building design, and the strategies to improve the sustainability of buildings in relation to environmental performance from global to local issues.


The following types of topics/areas should be covered:

  • Sustainability
  • Green building assessment methods
  • Global issues
  • Local issues
  • Indoor issues
  • Pollutants in building
  • Indoor environmental quality
  • Health and safety audit
  • Immunized building


Assessment methods

No. of assessment111
Weighting as a % of module mark30%10%60%


This module aims at providing the students with the principle of processing of Chinese Materia Medica (CMM). Emphasis will be placed on the processing methods of raw CMM to ensure the quality and safety of the processed CMM for clinical uses.

本單元旨在讓學生了解單元的加工原理。 重點研究中藥原料的加工方法,確保臨床使用的中藥加工品的品質與安全。


The following types of topics/areas should be covered:

  • Understand the concept of processing of CMM.


  • Select appropriate processing method for the specific CMM prescribed on the Chinese medicinal formulas.


  • Conduct the processing method to produce quality processed CMM.


  • Evaluate the quality of processed CMM and the processing method.



Assessment Methods

ComponentExaminationProjectLab report
Weighting as a % of module mark50%20%30%

Module Aim(s)

This module aims at strengthening students’ commitment to improve general health and well-being of individuals and community by providing a depth of understanding concerning Primary Health Care concepts and the relative effectiveness of health promoting interventions. The knowledge and skills acquired will enable students to assume professional responsibility in evaluating and planning community-based primary healthcare programmes.


Assessment Methods

ComponentIndividual AssignmentGroup Project
No. of assessment21






Note: This module is taught in Chinese.

The Modern World: History & Culture is taught as a three-hour combined lecture, reading and discussion seminar and introduces students to history as a form of storytelling and culture as a form of analysis. Through the tool of historical narrative, we will take a ‘big picture’ survey of modern world history and culture from the maritime revolution to the rise of popular and consumer culture in the late twentieth century.


The module will examine select topics in world history around three units of inquiry, which integrate history and culture into a historical chronology. These units of inquiry include the following topics/areas:


  1. The Origins of Global Interdependence, 1500-1800
  2. The Age of Industrialisation and Revolution, 1800-1914
  3. Contemporary Global Realignments, 1914 to the Present


Assessment Methods


No. of


Weighting as a

% of module mark

Active Class Participation115%
Role Play115%
Group Presentation130%
Research Essay140%

Plants and Human Civilisations aims to provide students with a critical analysis on the role of plants as the single most influential factor that dominate human survival, rise and fall of civilisations and continuity of human societies.  A selection of plants that played pivotal roles in mankind will be introduced and their impacts on human civilisations will be investigated with a combination of scientific, cultural and societal perspectives.  Students are expected to articulate the impacts of plants on human civilisations and societies in the past, critically evaluate the contemporary issues both brought by and solved by plants at present, and project the advancement of mankind with breakthrough in plant sciences and agricultural biotechnology.


The following topics/areas will be covered:

The module is organized around the exploration and understanding of the intimate relationship between plants and humans.  Fundamental concepts of life sciences, including the plant and human biological systems, will be introduced at the beginning and throughout the topics of the module, which support students in analysing the impacts brought by the uses and abuses of plants:


Plants as our green friends

Seed of change – plants that changed the course of human history

Seed of culture – plants that shaped the cultures of civilizations

Seed of future – How plants continue to boost mankind transformation


Assessment Methods

ComponentNo. of assessment

Weighting as a

% of module mark

In-class activity and participationContinuous assessments10%
Reflective Essay130%
Group assignment and project130%

The concept of “service leadership” is highlighted in this course as service industry plays a dominate position around the world nowadays. This module aims at providing insights on becoming a service leader in a new era through cultivating appropriate knowledge skills, characters and compassion towards self, others and society. An effective service leader is expected to show commendable sensitivity in negotiating with the service provider and the recipient. Integrating the concepts of management, political sciences, psychology and sociology, the module will stimulate students’ reflections on how they can manage their personal and professional lives efficiently and develop sensitivity to oneself and to others.


Assessment Methods

ComponentNo. of assessmentWeighting as % of module mark
Class Participation and engagement不適用10%
In-class Mini Presentations120%
Mid-term Individual Reflective Note140%
Group Project Presentation130%

This module is designed to inspire students to systematically and critically understand our world, human experience and various social issues through sociological perspectives and concepts. It aims at enabling students to make sense of human behaviours in the society, to discern the social relationship and interaction, and to comprehend the contemporary world.


The following areas/topics will be covered:

  • Sociology and Our World
  • Socialisation and Self Development
  • Social Mobility
  • Social Culture
  • Races, Ethnicity, and Minority Groups
  • Family and Intimate Relationships
  • Sexuality and Gender


Assessment Methods

ComponentNo. of assessment

Weighting as a % of module mark

Class engagement and participation不適用15%
Group Presentation125%
Individual Essay160%


This module teaches you French language and culture. The following are descriptions:

  • For language, beginner’s French will be taught. You will learn how to introduce or talk more in depth about yourself, produce sentences using most-commonly used verbs, nouns and adjectives, and describe people. 
  • For culture, topics in French culture will be explored and discussed in English.

The following areas/topics on French culture* will be covered:  

  •  Key facts and figures about the Francophone world
  • Paris, the Eiffel Tower and more 
  • The French national flag and its history and symbolism
  • The French revolution 
  • Music appreciation in French 
  • French film appreciation 
  • Food and wine culture in France
  • France and Quebec and their cultural and linguistic contrasts
  • French influence on English, its history and mechanism
  • Verlan (talking backwards in French)
  • French fashion brands and their influence in fashion
  • French art appreciation

At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to use French at a survival level, analyse issues related to French culture and be engaged in self-language learning.

Assessment Methods:

Component No. of assessmentWeighting as a % of module mark
Independent Learning and Participation 
(participation in class and self-learning for French)  

Tests on French language  

  • Written Test 1 (10%)
  • Written Test 2 (15%) 
  • Oral Test (15%)
Individual Essay
(on culture written in English)
Group Presentation
(on a cultural topic orally presented in English)   

 *subject to change at the discretion of the teacher.  

The module aims to provide students with a basic understanding of business concepts based on PBL (Project-based learning).  Students will learn the fundamental and core ideas, concepts, and theories related to business operations that allow them to perform self-reflection and establish real-world connections.  Students will be required to work in teams to develop a student-driven business operation (a service or a product) with interdisciplinary elements.


The following topics/areas will be covered:

  • The PBL (Project-based learning) will be employed, and students are required to apply it in their business projects.
  • The basic idea of design thinking will be incorporated in the course to help students develop their “empathy” to design their business ideas.
  • Basic ideas and concepts of the business principles, including retail management, marketing, business plan, e-commerce and forecast, warehouse, logistics, and human resources management.
  • Basic communication skills for solving organisational conflicts at different levels and contexts via case study of real examples.
  • Students are required to carry out a group project for a business operation using the knowledge they have learnt in this module.

Assessment methods:

ComponentWeighting as a % of module mark
Class Participation and Engagement10%
Business Plan Proposal30%
Poster Presentation50%
Peer Evaluation10%


(Offered by School of General Education and Language)




  • 粵語語音系統
  • 粵語拼音方案簡介
  • 粵普語音相同及相異之處



  • 粵語詞彙的形式
  • 從歷史的承傳、外來語的影響、文化的體現等方面看粵語詞彙
  • 粵普詞彙差異



  • 粵語的句法特點
  • 粵普句法差異



  • 居住
  • 飲食
  • 娛樂 (粵語流行曲/港產片/電視劇)
  • 戀愛
  • 職場
  • 社交
  • 其他生活範疇




