電話: +852 3890 8189
- 2008 – Ph.D. in The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 2005 – Master of Arts in Beijing Normal University
- 2002 – Bachelor of Science in Northwest Normal University
May 2024 – present | Associate Professor, Department of Hospitality and Business Management |
Sep 2017 – Apr 2024 | Associate Professor & Research Fellow, Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) Department of Business Administration |
Sep 2010 – Aug 2017 | Assistant Professor & Research Fellow, Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) Department of Business Administration |
Sep 2008 – Aug 2010 | Lecturer & Research Fellow, Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) Department of Business Administration |
Oct 2010 – Jan 2011 | Visiting Scholar, Department of Management and Marketing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Nov 2011 – Mar 2012 | Visiting Scholar, SHU MBA Center, Shanghai University |
Since 2014 | Asia Pacific Journal of Management (Senior Editor, since 2022; Guest Editor, 2021-2023; Member of Editorial Review Board, since 2014) |
Since 2012 | Ad hoc Reviewer, Journal of Managerial Psychology |
Since 2019 | Ad hoc Reviewer, Journal of Organizational Behavior |
Since 2015 | Ad hoc Reviewer, Personnel Psychology |
Since 2017 | Ad hoc Reviewer, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology |
Since 2017 | Ad hoc Reviewer, Career Development International |
Since 2019 | Ad hoc Reviewer, Asian Journal of Social Psychology |
Since 2015 | Membership, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology |
Since 2004 | Membership, Academy of Management, OB & HR Division |
Since 2003 | Membership, Asia Academy of Management |
Since 2001 | Membership, International Association for Chinese Management Research |
28/10/2016 | Seminar on “Towards a new resolution of motivating new generation employees.”Cinda International Holdings Limited. |
2013 | Training Manual: Bridging the Expectations between Generation-Y Employees and Generation-X Managers (with 120-minute DVD). |
12/07/2011 | Seminar on “Modern Human Resource Management in Practices”The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the 175th Hong Kong Business Forum. |
03/06/2010 | Seminar on “Modern Human Resource Management in Practices”The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the 165th Hong Kong Business Forum. |
2010 | 澳門青少年職業輔導計劃:評估工具可用性之研究 (in Chinese). Submitted to The Education and Youth Bureau, Macau Special Administrative Region Government. |
2009 | Development of Assessment Kit for Job-Matching for the Labour Department Progress Report. Submitted to Labour Department, Hong Kong SAR. |
2024 | Asia Academy of Management Meeting (Miri, Malaysia), assisting program chair for conference organizing and preparing. |
2022 | Asia Academy of Management Meeting (Lanzhou, China), Organizational Behavior Track Chair |
2015-present | Evaluation Committee Members, BA Paper Competition, Hong Kong Federation of Business Students |
2017-2018 | Writing articles and/or article series to local newspaper as staff of Hong Kong Shue Yan University |
01/2024 – 12/2025 | FDS-RGC Grant on “Mastery and Helpless Responses to Proactivity Setbacks: The Role of Implicit Person Theory (UGC/FDS15/B09/23)”. PI: Peng, K. Z.; Co-I: Zhang L. L. Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Funding Amount: HK$ 848,225; Rank: 4. |
07/2022 – 12/2023 | URG Grant on “How Do Supervisors’ Implicit Theories Influence Subordinates’ Proactive Performance? An Exploratory Investigation (URG/21/06)” PI: Peng, K. Z.; Co-I: Zhang L. L. Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Funding Amount: HK$ 39,950. |
01/2020 – 12/2023 | IDS(C)-RGC Grant on “Youth Identity Status and its Psychosocial Correlates: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong (UGC/IDS(C)15/H01/19)”. Acting as Co-PI (Principal Coordinator: Cheung, Yuet-Wah) Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Funding Amount: HK$ 3,465,000. |
01/2019 – 12/2020 | IIDS-RGC Grant on “Fueling the Proactivity by Emotions “Energy”: Through Understanding the Functions of Discrete Emotions in Different Social Settings (UGC/IIDS15/B01/18)”. PI: Peng, K. Z..; Co-I: Irene H. C., CHOW T. S. Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Funding Amount: HK$ 592,707. |
01/2018 – 06/2020 | FDS-RGC Grant on “Working with Emotionally Intelligent People: I am ‘Energized to’ be More Proactive (UGC/FDS15/B05/17)”. PI: Peng, K. Z..; Co-I: Huang, G. H.; Wong, C. S. Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Funding Amount: HK$693,780; Rank: 4. |
01/2017 – 12/2019 | IDS-RGC Grant on “Further Enhancement of interdisciplinary research at Hong Kong Shue Yan University through the establishment of the Center of Interdisciplinary Research in Evidence-Based Practices (UGC/IDS15/16). Acting as Team Member (Team Leader: Yeung, Wing Kay), Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Funding Amount: HK$ 6,221,500. |
08/2009 – 12/2009 | Validation Study for the Self-Assessment Kit of Career Counseling for the Youth of Macau (Funded by the Education and Youth Bureau, Macau Special Administrative Region Government). PI: Peng, K.Z.; Co-I: Wong, C.S., Wong, P.M., & Iun, S.J. Amount Funded: Macau Dollars 160,000. |
- The Behavioral Side of Management: Proactivity at Work, Emotions (Emotional Intelligence) in workplace, Career Development, Stress, Burnout & Coping, Gender issues & inclusion.
- Peng, K. Z., & Huang, G. H. (2024). The affect-proactive performance link and its reciprocal process: A hedonic contingency theory perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41(1), 171-191. (JCR 2023: 5.40/Q2)
- Peng, K. Z., Cooke, F. L., & Wei, X. (2023). Managing minority employees in organizations in Asia Pacific: Towards a more inclusive workplace? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 40(3), 877-902. (JCR 2023: 5.40/Q2)
- Jiang, Z., Wu, C. H., Wang, Y., Peng, K. Z., & Li, W. (2023). Moving forward: Diverse conceptual and theoretical perspectives to advance career proactivity research. Applied Psychology, 72(1), 205-210. (JCR 2023: 7.20/Q1)
- Jiang, Z., Wang, Y., Li, W., Peng, K. Z., & Wu, C. H. (2023). Career proactivity: A bibliometric literature review and a future research agenda. Applied Psychology, 72(1), 144-184. (JCR 2023: 7.20/Q1)
- Wong, C. S., Lan, J., Peng, K.Z. and Iun, J. (2022), “Should we stop using the label of “paternalistic leadership”? Evidence from three Chinese samples”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 43(6), 909-927. (JCR 2023: 4.90/Q2)
- Peng, K. Z., Chen, Z., Zhang, I. D., & Li, J. (2021). Unwilling to leave the good Samaritans: How peer interpersonal-oriented citizenship behavior retains “me”. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38(2), 669-685. (JCR 2023: 5.40/Q2)
- Lan, J., Mao, Y., Peng, K. Z., & Wang, Y. (2021). The combined effects of positive and negative affect on job satisfaction and counterproductive work behavior. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-19. (JCR 2023: 5.40/Q2)
- Liu, Y., Mao, Y., Lan, J., Wong, C. S., & Peng, K. Z. (2021). Conducting studies on person-centered career interest profiles: an illustrative example in Hong Kong. Journal of Career Development, 48(4), 491-506. (JCR 2023: 2.90/Q3)
- Lan, J., Wong, C. S., Mao, Y., & Peng, K. Z. (2020). Neglected forms of dispositional variable-employee outcome relationships. Journal of Management and Business Research (in Taiwan), 37(3), 187-200.
- Rao, W. W., Zeng, L. N., Zhang, J. W., Zong, Q. Q., An, F. R., Ng, C. H., Ungvari, G. S., Yang, F. Y., Zhang, J., Peng, K. Z., & Xiang, Y. T. (2019). Worldwide prevalence of falls in older adults with psychiatric disorders: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Psychiatry research, 273, 114-120. (JCR 2023: 11.23/Q1)
- Cheung, F. Y. M., Peng, K., & Wong, C. S. (2018). Beyond exchange and prosocial motives, is altruistic helping a valid motive for organizational citizenship behavior? Chinese Management Studies, 12(1), 222-242. (JCR 2023: 2.20/Q4)
- Wang, Y., Peng, K. Z., Mao, Y., & Lan, J. (2018). Development of a Chinese measure on twelve basic emotions and a preliminary test on a two-dimensional model on emotions-job outcome relationship. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(2), 529-564. (JCR 2023: 5.40/Q2)
- Peng, K. Z. (2017). Responding to emotions in China: Gender differences and the emotion-job outcome relationship. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 34(2), 443-460. (JCR 2023: 5.40/Q2)
- Peng, K. Z. (2017) Exhaustion and emotional demands in China: A large-scale investigation across occupations. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 11(1), 45-68.
- Liu, L. Y, Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S., & Mao, Y. (2017). Different forms of relationship between vocational interests and career maturity in Chinese context. Journal of Career Development, 44(5), 425-439. (JCR 2023: 2.90/Q3)
- Lam, L. W., Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S., & Lau, D. (2017). Is more feedback-seeking always better? Leader-member exchange moderates the relationship between feedback-seeking behavior and performance. Journal of Management. 43(7), 2195-2217. (JCR 2023: 13.50/Q1; FT50)
- Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S., & Song, L. J. (2016). How do Chinese employees react to psychological contract violation? Journal of World Business, 51(5), 815-825. (JCR 2023: 8.90/Q1)
- Cheung, M., Peng, K. Z., & Wong, C. S. (2014). Supervisor attribution of subordinates’ organizational citizenship behavior motives. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29(8), 922-937. (JCR 2023: 3.20/Q2)
- Liu, L. Y., Peng, K. Z., & Wong, C. S. (2014). Career maturity and job attainment: The moderating roles of emotional intelligence and social vocational interest. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 14(3), 293-307. (JCR 2023: 1.80/Q4)
- Mao, Y., Wong, C. S., & Peng, K. Z. (2013). Breaking Institutionalized Corruption: Is the Experience of the Hong Kong Independent Commission against Corruption Generalizable? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(4), 1115–1124. (JCR 2023: 5.40/Q2)
- Song, L. J., Lu, Q., Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S., & WU, W. (2013). The effect of leader positive affectivity on team member turnover intention and team OCB: A Resource Conservation Perspective. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 7(3), 311-332.
- Mao, Y., Peng, K. Z., & Wong, C. S. (2012). Indigenous research on Asia: In search of the emic components of guanxi. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(4), 1143-1168. (JCR 2023: 5.40/Q2)
- Yan, M. N., Peng, K. Z., Francesco, A. M. (2011). The differential effects of job design on knowledge workers and manual workers: A field quasi-experiment in China. Human Resource Management, 50(3), 411-428. (JCR 2023: 6.20/Q1; FT50)
- Wong, C. S., Wong, P. M., & Peng, K. Z. (2011). An exploratory study on the relationship between parents’ career interests and the career interests of young adults, International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, 11(1), 39-54. (JCR 2023: 1.80/Q4)
- Wong, C. S., Peng, K. Z., Shi, J., & Mao, Y. (2011). Differences between odd number and even number response formats: Evidence from Mainland Chinese respondents. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(2), 379-399. (JCR 2023: 5.40/Q2)
- Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S., & Che, H. S. (2010). The missing link between emotional demands and exhaustion. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(7), 777-798. (JCR 2023: 3.20/Q2)
- Song, L. J., Huang, G. H., Peng, K. Z., Law, K. S., Wong, C. S. & Chen, Z. (2010). Differential effects of general mental ability and emotional intelligence on academic performance and social interactions. Intelligence, 38(1), 137-143. (JCR2023: 3.61/Q1)
- Wong, C. S., Wong, P. M., & Peng, K. Z. (2010). Effect of middle-level leader and teacher emotional intelligence on school teachers’ job satisfaction: The case of Hong Kong. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 38(1), 59-70. (JCR2023: 2.57/Q1)
- Peng, K. Z., Ngo, H. Y., Shi, J. Q., & Wong, C. S. (2009). Gender differences in the work commitment of Chinese workers: An investigation of two alternative explanations. Journal of World Business, 44 (3), 323-335. (JCR 2023: 8.90/Q1)
- Wong, C. S., Wang, C. W., Peng, K. Z., Wang, Y., Zhang, S. B., & Jiang, C. Y. Chinese leaders are no magicians: The myth of paradoxical leadership. Presented at Asia Academy of Management Meeting, Lanzhou, June 12-13, 2022.
- Qian, C., Wen, S. S., Peng, K. Z. The role of guanxi in employment relationship for Chinese employees: an exploratory study. Presented at Asia Academy of Management Meeting, Bali, Indonesia, June 19-21, 2019.
- Peng, K. Z., Huang, H., & Wong, C. S. Working with Emotionally Intelligent People: I am Energized to be More Proactive. Presented at Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, USA, August 10-14, 2018.
- Chen, Z., Peng, K. Z., & Zhang D. Unwilling to Leave the Good Samaritans: A Social Identity Perspective. Presented at Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, USA, August 10-14, 2018.
- Peng, K. Z., Wang Y., Mao, Y. & Wong, C. S. The Effect of Dispositional individual Characteristics on Employee Job Outcomes over Time: The Three Possible Ways. Presented at Asia Academy of Management Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan, June 20-21, 2017.
- Wang Y., Peng, K. Z., Mao, Y, Lan, J. & Wong, C. S. An Exploratory Study on the Stability of Positive and Negative Emotions and Employee Outcomes. Presented at Asia Academy of Management Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan, June 20-21, 2017.
- Mao, Y, Peng, K. Z., Wang Y., Lan, J. & Wong, C. S. Combined Effects of Positive and Negative Affect on Employee Outcomes. Presented at Asia Academy of Management Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan, June 20-21, 2017.
- Peng, K. Z., & Wong, C. S. Impact of leader and teammates’ emotional intelligence on my satisfaction. Paper accepted for presentation for 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA, USA, August 5-9, 2016.
- Peng, K. Z., & Wong, C. S. The role of guanxi in employment relationship for Chinese employees. Paper accepted for presentation for 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA, USA, August 5-9, 2016.
- Peng K. Z., Wang Yong,., Mao Yina, & Wong, C. S. Discrete Basic Emotions and Job Outcomes: Scale Development and Preliminary Model Test. Presented at Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouvar, Canada, August, 2015.
- Peng K. Z., Song, L. J., Zhang, X. J., & Wong, C. S. Differential effects of social exchange relationship and psychological contract violation on constructive and destructive responses. Presented at The 2nd Frontiers of Business Research in China International Symposium, Beijing, China, May, 2015
- Peng K. Z., Wong, C. S., & Song, L. J. Differentiation of Relationship and Exchange under the Social Exchange Theory: Through Social Exchange and Psychological Contract Violation. Presented at International Association for Chinese Management Research, Beijing, China, June, 2014.
- Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S. Towards a Theory of Psychological Contract. Presented at International Association for Chinese Management Research, Hong Kong, China, June, 2012.
- Yan, M., & Peng K. Z. Li, J. The Identity-based Organizational Socialization Scale: Validity Analysis of A Theory-based Measure. Presented at International Association for Chinese Management Research, Hong Kong, China, June, 2012.
- Lam, L. W., Peng, K. Z., Wong, C.S., Lau, D. Is more feedback always better? LMX moderates the relationship between FSB and performance. Presented at Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, USA, August, 2012.
- Song, L. J., Peng, K. Z., LU, Q., WU W. The Effect of Leader Positive Affectivity on Team Member Turnover Intention and Team OCB. Presented at Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, USA, August, 2012.
- Yan, M., & Peng, K. Z. The Social Identity Process in Organizational Socialization Improvement. Presented at Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, USA, August, 2012.
- Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S., & Song, L. J. How do employees react to bad employer? Predicting EVLN by PCV through integrating social exchange and expectancy perspectives. Presented at the Asia Academy of Management, Macau, December 2010.
- Guo, Y. J., Peng, K. Z., Wang, C. W., & Wong, C. S. Assessing job applicants’ emotional intelligence in computer-assisted and face-to-face interviews. Presented at the Asia Academy of Management, Macau, December 2010.
- Wong, C. S., Peng, K. Z., & Huang, G. H. 2010. Alternative methods assessing the emotional intelligence of Chinese respondents. Presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong, July, 2010.
- Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S, Che H. S. 2010. Burnout and Emotional Labor in Chinese: A Large Scale Investigation across Vacations. Presented at International Association for Chinese Management Research, Shanghai, China, June, 2010.
- Zhao, X. J., Shi, C. X., Peng, K. Z., Gan, S. Q., Jiang, Y. Z., & Zhang, P. C. A Study on the Influence of Self-Efficacy in Emotional Regulation and Coping Strategies of Inmates Serving Sentences (in Chinese). Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Psychology, Psychological Sciences and Computer Science (PPSCS), 2010.
- Wong, C. S., Peng, K. Z., & Cheung, .M. 2009. When Will Supervisors Regard Extra-Role Actions as Citizenship Behaviors? Presented at Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August, 2009.
- Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S., &. Cheung, M. 2008. From Bilateral to Multilateral Perspective: Predicting the Consequences of Psychological Contract Breach/Violation. Presented at the Asia Academy of Management Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, December, 2008. (This paper won the Best Doctoral Paper Award of the conference).
- Cheung, M., Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S., & Qi, X. 2008. Does the Construct of Altruistic Helping Really Exist as a Motive of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors? Presented at the Asia Academy of Management Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, December, 2008. (This paper was selected as a Finalist for Best Paper Award of the conference).
- Wong, C. S., Wong, P. M., & Peng, K. Z. 2008. Will Young Adults Inherit Career Interests From Their Parents? An Preliminary Evidence. Presented at the Asia Academy of Management Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, December, 2008.
- Wong, C. S., Peng, K. Z., Shi, J. Q., Mao, Y. N. 2008. Differences between Odd and Even Number of Response Format: Evidence for Mainland Chinese Respondents. Presented at the Asia Academy of Management Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, December, 2008.
- Peng, K. Z., Millissa, F. Y., & Wong, C. S. 2008. How Should We Examine the Combined Effects of Employer and Employee Obligations on Employees’ Work Outcomes? A Back to the Basic Approach. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, August, 2008.
- Wong, C. S., Peng, K. Z., Millissa, F. Y., & Jiang, J. Y. 2007. OB issues in Chinese Management. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA, August, 2007.
- Peng, K. Z., Wong, C. S., & Che, H. S. 2006. The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Supervisor Support in Buffering against Exhaustion: A Refinement of the Job Demand-Resource Model. Presented at the Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan, December, 2006.
- Chan, K. W., Peng, K. Z., Yiu W. D., Wyatt T. A., Wong, C. S. 2006. When Do Organizations Act Homogeneously and When Do They Act Heterogeneously? A Case Study of the Bank Industry in China. Presented at the Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan, December, 2006.
- Wong, C. S., Wong, P. M., & Peng, K. Z. 2006. Effect of Middle-Level Leader and Teacher Emotional Intelligence on School Teachers’ Job Satisfaction: The Case of Hong Kong. Presented at the Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan, December, 2006.
- 彭正敏 (2017). 情感與理智的較量:中國員工如何面對雇傭關係的背叛。清華商業評論,第7-8期,40-45。
- 東網: 研究揭建立自我認同激勵青年積極生活, 惟逾7成未認定自我身份. https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20240408/bkn-20240408171614321-0408_00822_001.html
- South China Morning Post: 80% of Hong Kong secondary students unsure about life path, with some opting to “lie flat”. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3258268/80-hong-kong-secondary-students-unsure-about-life-path-some-opting-lie-flat