電話: +852 3890 8287
- Arboriculture
- Statistics
- Turfgrass management
2018 | PhD in Geography, University of Hong Kong |
2015 | MPhil in Geography, University of Hong Kong |
2013 | Bachelor of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong |
2019 – Now | Lecturer I, THEi |
2019 | Research assistant, EdUHK |
2018 | Research assistant, THEi |
- Certified Arborist (International Society of Arboriculture)
- > Training Board Member, VTC
Carbon sequestration
Green roof
Research methods
Thermal comfort
Urban ecology
Urban forestry
Vertical greening
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. (2023). Improving efficiency and accuracy of air temperature forecasting: Assessing exponential smoothing, sinusoidal regression and autoregressive regression models. (under review)
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. (2023). Thermal and humidification effects of a swimming pool in Hong Kong’s humid-subtropical summer. Sustainable Cities and Society, 104816.
- Lee, L. S. H., Zhang, H., Ng, K. T. K., Lo, S. C., & Yu, A. S. L. (2023). Streamlining urban forest monitoring based on a large-scale tree survey: A case study of highway vegetation in Hong Kong. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(1), 198.
- Lee, L. S. H., Zhang, H., Ng, K. T. K., Lo, S. C., & Yu, A. S. L. (2023). Structure and species composition of tree stands on verges and slopes along a major highway in Hong Kong. Journal of Forestry Research, 2023, 1-12.
- Lee, L. S. H., Zhang, H., Kathy, T. K. N., Lo, S. C., & Alan, S. L. Y. (2022). Analysing urban trees on verges and slopes along a highway using machine learning methods. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 78, 127786.
- Lee, L. S. H. (2022). Quantitative tools for the prediction of pavement damages associated with urban trees. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 48(4), 217–232.
- Lee, L. S. H., Zhang, H., & Jim, C. Y. (2021). Serviceable tree volume: An alternative tool to assess ecosystem services provided by ornamental trees in urban forests. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 59, 127003.
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. 2020. Quantitative approximation of shading-induced cooling by climber green wall based on multiple-iterative radiation pathways. In Eco-efficient Materials for Reducing Cooling Needs in Buildings and Construction (pp. 79–100). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.
- Lee, L. S. H. & Jim, C. Y. (2020). Multidimensional analysis of temporal and layered microclimatic behavior of subtropical climber green walls in summer. Urban Ecosystems, 23(2), 389-402.
- Lee, L. S. H., Cheung, P. K., Fung, C. K., & Jim, C. Y. (2020). Improving street walkability: Biometeorological assessment of artificial-partial shade structures in summer sunny conditions. International journal of biometeorology, 64(4), 547-560.
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. (2019). Urban woodland on intensive green roof improved outdoor thermal comfort in subtropical summer. International journal of biometeorology, 63(7), 895-909.
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. 2019. Energy benefits of green-wall shading based on novel-accurate apportionment of short-wave radiation components. Applied Energy, 238, 1506–1518.
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. 2019. Thermal-irradiance behaviours of subtropical intensive green roof in winter and landscape-soil design implications. Energy and Buildings, 109692.
- Lee, L. S. H., Jim, C. Y., & Zhang, H. (2019). Tree density and diversity in Hong Kong’s public housing estates: From provision injustice to socio-ecological inclusiveness. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 46, 126468.
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. (2018). Applying precision triaxial accelerometer to monitor branch sway of an urban tree in a tropical cyclone. Landscape and Urban Planning, 178, 170-182.
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. 2018. Thermal-cooling performance of subtropical green roof with deep substrate and woodland vegetation. Ecological Engineering, 119, 8–18.
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. 2017. Subtropical summer thermal effects of wirerope climber green walls with different air-gap depths. Building and Environment, 126, 1–12.
- Chen, X. W., Pan, M., & Lee, L. S. H. (2023). Microbe-assisted plant invasion In M. H. Wong, T. Seastedt. (Eds.), Sustainable Management of Invasive Species. (in press)
- Lee, L. S. H., Law, C. M. Y., Chen, S. S., Pan, L. M., Leung, G. Z. W., & Zhang, H. (2022). The relevance of applied education to urban sustainability: A case study of a degree programme in horticulture, arboriculture and landscape management in Hong Kong. In C. Hong, & W. W. K. Ma. (Eds.), Applied Degree Education and the Future of Learning. Heidelberg: Springer Nature.
- Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. (2020). Quantitative approximation of shading-induced cooling by climber green wall based on multiple-iterative radiation pathways. In F. Pacheco-Torgal, L. Czarnecki, A. Pisello, L. Cabeza, & C. Goran-Granqvist. (Eds.), Eco-efficient Materials for Reducing Cooling Needs in Buildings and Construction (pp. 79–100). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.