

The primary purpose of this module is to help students to learn the most updated, practical and down to earth personal finance practices / knowledge. After completing the module, students will be able to apply the knowledge in personal financial management in their future life.Studying the module GEE5204 Personal Financial management, will help students in two aspects:
  • Develop a plan to achieve financial security,
  • Improve their quality of life,
The contents of the module may include the following:
  • Career Planning
  • Money / Cash flow management
  • Consumer credit
  • Taxes
  • Housing decision
  • Legal protection and insurance
  • Investment
  • Retirement planning
  • Estate planning
The following topics/areas will be covered:
  • Understanding Personal Financial Management
  • Measuring Personal Financial Health
  • Cash or Liquid Asset Management
  • Using Credit Cards and Consumer Loans
  • Housing Decision
  • Personal Insurance
  • Investment Basics
  • Retirement planning
Assessment Methods
ComponentClassworkIndividual AssignmentGroup AssignmentTerm Test
No. of assessment6111
Weighting as a % of module mark15%20%40%25%
The primary purpose of this module is to provide students with an introduction to the principles of self-marketing and personal branding while also drawing on marketing and branding practices of leading brands. It also provides conceptual, practical and ethical considerations on how to market and brand an individual effectively.

Studying the module will allow students to:

synthesize the theories of marketing and branding to conduct a self-audit;
apply marketing and public relations strategies to personal development and future career development with ethical considerations; and
critically select and manage information, develop and present arguments on marketing and branding issues

The key contents of the module may include the following:

Introduction to personal marketing;
Personal Ethics and Morals;
Personal Branding and visibility;
Personal marketing plan and self-evaluation;
Public speaking;
Reputation management; and
Challenges of the Online environment

Assessment Methods

Written Test30%
Group Project 40%


The tourism sector is one of the major pillars of the economy of Hong Kong. In addition to economic impacts, other impacts related to social and cultural issues also affect Hong Kong as the host destination. This module intends to build a stronger understanding about the nature of tourism by focusing on tourism planning and development and various impacts of tourism on Hong Kong’s economy, culture, society and environment. Effective methods of counteracting negative impacts are examined with reference to case studies.

Assessment Methods

Individual Assignment30%
Group Project and Presentation40%
This module aims to equip non-accounting and non-business students with the fundamentals of accounting knowledge and concepts. Students are enabled to examine financial statements and their financial implications to the various functions of a company. At the operational level, students learn how to apply financial accounting and management accounting knowledge and the techniques in managing a company.The following topics will be covered:
  • Accounting Fundamentals
  • Financial Statements
  • Cash Transaction and Internal Control
  • Cost Behavior and Allocation of Costs to Production
  • Simple Price and Quantity Analysis
  • Incremental Analysis and Resources Allocations
Assessment Methods
ComponentAssignmentQuizTests (Two)
No. of assessment122
Weighting as a % of module mark25%25% (12.5% each)50% (25% each)
This module aims to prepare students, with little or no prior business education with a foundation knowledge in business management. It covers introductory topics in the areas of management, accounting and financial management, human resources management, and marketing. It also provides an introduction to the business environment in Hong Kong. Through the study of this module, students will be able to develop their analytical, evaluation and problem-solving skills in dealing with and responding to management issues.The following topics/areas will be covered:
  1. Fundamentals of Management
  2. Accounting and Financial Management
  3. Human Resources Management
  4. Marketing Management
  5. Business Environment
Assessment Methods
ComponentIndividual EssayGroup Project
No. of assessment11
Weighting as a % of module mark60%40%
This module aims to equip students with comprehensive knowledge about different principles and concepts of human resource management functions and processes in relevant industries and provide a conceptual and practical understanding of a line manager and human resources manager’s role in organising, controlling, motivating and developing human resources so that they are committed to the maintenance of a high service standard ethic, and the satisfaction of customers’ and clients’ needs.In addition, it facilitates students to build up professional, interpersonal, managerial and intellectual skills and knowledge in effective human resources management; and develop personal ability to contribute to the success of company goals and gain sustainable competitive advantage through competence in operational decision-making, problem-solving and change management in human resources aspects.

Assessment Methods
In-class Activities20%
Group Project50%
The primary purpose of this module is to equip students’ with professional speaking skills for a variety of professional contexts. Key concepts and techniques of public speaking will be introduced with emphasis on how to apply them to develop and deliver presentations tailored to specific purposes and audiences. The module enables students to plan and develop effective presentations, and utilise technology-enabled tools to maximise the presentation impact.Studying the module will allow students to:
  • Apply and evaluate the key concepts, principles, and theories underlying effective public speaking to prepare and deliver high quality informative and persuasive speeches;
  • Perform audience analysis for speech adaptation to the intended audiences in a professional context;
  • Evaluate and select the suitable technological-enabled tools to enrich public speaking presentations;
  • Critically evaluate speeches delivered by classmates
The key contents of the module may include the following:
  • Types of speaking and speech purposes;
  • Audience analysis;
  • Planning informative and persuasive speeches;
  • Use language effectively in public speeches;
  • Integrating technology-enabled tools in public speeches;
  • Presenting impactful and engaging speeches in an engaging manner;
  • Ethics and law in public speaking; and
  • Presenting genres of public speaking
Assessment Methods
Individual Assignment (Written Speech Outline and Presentation)25%
Group Written Assignment (Formal Written Speech Outlines)25%
Group Presentation (Delivering Speeches)25%