電話: +852 3890 8199
- Managerial Accounting and Finance
- Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2005-2009 | PhD in Finance The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2000-2003 | Master of Science in Management Tianjin University |
1996-2000 | Bachelor of Engineering Tianjin University |
2025-Present | Associate Professor Department of Hospitality and Business Management Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong |
2020-2024 | Associate Professor Department of Business Administration Hong Kong Shue Yan University |
2014-2020 | Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration Hong Kong Shue Yan University |
2018-2018 | Visiting Scholar Australian Centre for Asian Business, University of South Australia, Australia |
2010-2014 | Lecturer Department of Business Administration Hong Kong Shue Yan University |
2003-2005 | Consultant Deloitte (Tianjin office) |
2018 | Endeavour Research Fellowship, Department of Education and Training, Australia Government |
2017, 2019, 2021 | Research Active and Teaching Excellent Award. Hong Kong Shue Yan University |
Since 2010 | Reviewer of many journals such as International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Finance Research Letters, etc. |
2024 | Reviewer of HKCGI Corporate Governance Paper Competition |
2024 | Reviewer for “LEAD to the Future” Business Case Competition |
Since 2010 | Member, International Association for Chinese Management Research |
Since 2017 | Director of HKAORS (Hong Kong Association of Overseas-Returned Scholars) |
Since 2022 | Committee member of Greater Bay Area Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship Foundation |
- Corporate Finance
- Family Firm
- Entrepreneurship
- YI, L., SHEN, N*., XIE, W., LIU, Y. (2024). Rational herding: Evidence from equity crowdfunding. Management Decision (SSCI, ABS2), 62 (3), 1008-1029.
- SHEN, N., XU, L. (2024). Internet finance, private firm financing, and investment: Evidence from China. In Sustainable Wealth Management – Directing Capital towards Sustainability (edited by Dr. Karen Wendt, Dr. Bernd Villhauer). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
- SONG, D., SHEN, N., SU., J. (2023). A catering perspective of performance commitment-evidence from acquisitions in China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI, ABS2). 78, 101987.
- HUANG, S., YANG, J., SHEN, N., XU, Q., ZHAO, Q. (2023). Artificial intelligence in lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis: Current application and future perspective. Seminars in Cancer Biology (SCI), 89, 30–37.
- SHEN, N., AU, K., LI, W. (2020). Strategic Alignment of Intangible Assets: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI, ABS3), 37, 1119–1139.
- YUE, X., CHEUNG, C., ZHENG, X., WANG, W., YAN, H., SHEN, N. (2020). Positive impact of Learning Chinese Culture and History on National Identification and Self-esteem. Hong Kong Journal of Social Science, 55, 79-93.
- SONG, D., SU, J., YANG, C., SHEN, N. (2019). Performance commitment in acquisitions, regulatory change and market crash risk–evidence from China, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI, ABS2), 57(C).
- SHEN*, N. (2018). Family Business, Transgenerational Succession and Diversification Strategy: Implication from a Dynamic Socioemotional Wealth Model. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management (SSCI, ABS2), 25 (4), 628 – 641.
- SHEN*, N., AU, K. & YI, L. (2018). Diversification strategy, ownership structure and financial crisis: Performance of Chinese private firms. Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (SSCI), 47, 54-80.
- SHEN, N., & SU, J. (2017). Religion and Succession Intention – Evidence from Chinese Family Firms. Journal of Corporate Finance (SSCI, ABS4), 45, 150-161.
- SHEN*, N., AU, K. & BIRTCH, T. (2016). The performance of Chinese private firms in coping with a global financial crisis: Who is best positioned? Frontiers of Business Research in China (ESCI), 10(4): 548–575.
- SHEN*, N., & SU, J. (2015). A Comparison of Different Contract Forms for Consumers with Switching Costs and Changed Preferences. Economic Modelling (SSCI, ABS2), 50:19-26.
- LI CH., CUI, X., & SHEN, N. (2015). How Do Different People Evaluate Mobile Applications? A study on Demographic Characteristics and Utilitarian Mobile Applications. Global Journal of Emerging Trends in e-Business, Marketing and Consumer Psychology, Vol 1 (1): 222-239.
- ZHANG, M., SU, J., SUN, Y., ZHANG, W., & SHEN, N. (2015). Political Connections and Corporate Diversification: An Exploration of Chinese Firms. Emerging Market Finance and Trade (SSCI, ABS2), 51(1), 234-246.
- SHEN*, N. (2014). Consumer Rationality/irrationality and Financial Literacy in the Credit Card Market: Implications from An Integrative Review. Journal of Financial Services Marketing (ABS1), 19 (1), 29-42.
- REN, B., AU, K., & SHEN, N. (2014). Bamboo network in China: An emerging phenomenon unlike the overseas Chinese. In Handbook of East Asian Entrepreneurship (edited by Tony Fu-Lai Yu and Ho-Don Yan). London: Routledge.
* represents corresponding author