The objectives of the scheme:
To nurture future-ready and work-ready talents equipped with diverse competencies and attributes, THEi has always encouraged students to participate in extra-curricular activities that broaden their horizons and knowledge. As an institutional initiative, the Digital Badges Scheme serves as a centralised system to record and recognise students’ learning achievements through participation in extracurricular activities.
How does the scheme work?
The Digital Badges Scheme recognises students’ learning achievement by awarding them with 6 different Digital Badges, each representing an attribute expected of a THEi graduate. Students are encouraged to earn all 6 types of Digital Badges in the duration of their study to ensure a comprehensive achievement by participating in different types of activities. The scheme enables students to review their learning records through the VTC MyPortal. The students can also present their achievements in the form of a transcript, requests can be made to the scheme administrator at the Learning Commons for the printout of the Non-Academic Transript (NAT).
For students to earn the Digital Badge:
Under the Digital Badges Scheme, students can simply choose an activity of interest to join. The activity poster should indicate the type of badge that students may receive after completing the activity. Students can review their digital badge records periodically by accessing the VTC MyPortal, logging in with CNA, and searching under Activity > Activity History.

For staff to incorporate an extracurricular activity into the Digital Badges Scheme:

THEi Staff are encouraged to participate in the Digital Badges Scheme by incorporating the extracurricular activities organized for the students. Staff can participate with the following steps:
- Organise an extracurricular activity or event;
- Identify the type and number of badge(s) aligned with the intended learning outcome(s) of the activity;
- Promote the activity by mentioning the digital badge intended to award;
- Conduct the activity or event as planned;
- Record the student ID# from the attendance record;
- Prepare and upload the attendance record to the MyPortal system with the template provided;
- Check if the activity’s record appears correctly in the MyPortal system;
- Send a copy of the attendance record to the scheme administrator for filing.
Activity organisers are encouraged to remind students to check on their MyPortal account, and search on “Activity” > “Activity History” for the individual Digital Badge record.
THEi’s graduate attributes/ Digital Badges:
- Informed and professionally competent (IPC)
- Independent learners (IDL)
- Problem-solvers (PS)
- Effective communicators (EC)
- Professionally, socially and globally responsible (PSG)
- Positive and flexible (PF)
General principles on awarding the Digital Badge:
General principles on awarding the Digital Badge:
1. The number of badges that can be awarded to each participant in an activity depends on the duration of the activity.
- For an activity with a duration of 1 day or less, one digital badge should be awarded to each participant.
- For an activity with a duration of 2 days, two different types of digital badges can be awarded to each participant
- For an activity with a duration of 3 days or more, a maximum of three different types of digital badges can be awarded to each participant.
2. Activity organiser has the discretion to choose the most appropriate type of badges for the participants, based on the nature and the intended learning outcome of the activity. E.g. An activity that intends to equip participants with problem-solving skills, the activity organiser can consider awarding the Problem Solvers (PS) badge to the participant.
3. Pending on the level of participation from each participant, the activity organiser has the discretion not to award the participant with a Digital Badge who failed to meet the expected learning outcomes of an activity.
- For a 1 day team communication workshop, the student can earn one Digital Badge with the attribute of Effective communicator (EC)
- 2. For a 2 days mental health first-aid course, the student can earn 2 Digital Badges with the attributes of 1.) Positive and flexible (PF) and 2.) Effective communicator (EF)
- For a 3 months exchange tour in Korea, the student can earn 3 Digital Badges with the attributes of 1.) Professionally, socially and globally responsible (PSG), 2.)Informed and professionally competent (IPC), 3.) Independent learner (IDL)
Descriptions of categories:
The respective 6 Digital Badges should be awarded based on the nature of the activity.

Informed and professionally competent (IPC) represents activities that enabled participants to learn professional knowledge and skills required in an industrial setting.

Independent learners (IDL) represent activities that required participants to take initiative in gaining knowledge and skills in enhancing academic and personal development

Problem-solvers (PS) represent activities that equipped participants with critical and analytical thinking skills that lead to solving existing problems

Effective communicators (EC) represent activities that required participants to demonstrate a high level of communication skills as effective communicators through various communication channels

Professionally, socially and globally responsible (PSG) represents activities that enabled participants to learn about the pressing issues and ethical codes in the industry with social, economic, global implication

Positive and flexible (PF) represents activities that enabled participants to develop a positive mindset, show empathy towards others as well as be adaptive in coping with the new challenge

Benefit for students
Nowadays, recruiters not only consider the academic achievement of a graduate candidate. They would also require candidates to present evidence and demonstrate abilities on various personal attributes, which are essential to succeed in the profession. Therefore the Digital Badges Scheme is intended to provide a platform for students to accumulate and showcase their achievements, here is the summary of the benefits for students:
- Recognition of students’ achievement in participating in extracurricular learning
- A centralised platform that keeps track of students’ achievement which students can access and review
- Student can present their achievements in the form of a Non-Academic Transcript (NAT)
*Request for NAT printout can be made to the scheme administrator in writing
Benefit for activity organiser
The Digital Badges Scheme is part of the THEi initiative for the student to enrich their overall learning experiences by actively participating in extracurricular activities and connecting with industry professionals as well as fellow students. The scheme is intended to provide extra incentives for students to participate in extracurricular activities and get connected with their fellow tutors and students. Students can also develop a positive habit of taking ownership of their learning by reviewing their activity records periodically.
Workflow for activity organiser:

Principles of the scheme::
- Each activity, workshop, and seminar organised under the scheme should deliver knowledge and skills to participants which can be translated to the 6 THEi’s graduate attributes. Depending on the nature and the intended outcome of the activity, activity organisers can decide the type and number of Digital Badges that they are going to offer to their participants. The learning advisor will monitor the implementation of the scheme and may advise organisers on their selection if necessary.
- Students can learn about the objectives of the activity, the type and number of the Digital Badge(s) that they can earn before joining an activity. Students are encouraged to match their learning goals and interests with the activity they enrolled in. Ultimately, the scheme should comprise activities with different attributes and natures. Students are encouraged to participate in various types of activities that cover all 6 types of Digital Badges during their study.
- To ensure participants of the activities can earn the Digital Badges they deserve, the scheme will rely on activity organisers to submit the attendance of students who had completed the activity, so that the attendance can be accurately recorded, consolidated, and uploaded to MyPortal in a timely manner. Activity organisers are advised to upload the attendance and submit a copy to the scheme administrator for filing within a month after the completion of the activity.
- Staff and activities organisers should always respect students’ privacy and any personal data gathered in the scheme will be treated confidentially according to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.