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Fight against Wastes: THEi Engineers Work on Waste Recycling and Reuse Research Projects


Ir Dr. Gordon Leung (right) and Ir Dr. Alex Tsang, the principal investigators for the projects of high percentage reclaimed pavement and wood waste recycling

Ir Dr. Gordon Leung (right) and Ir Dr. Alex Tsang, the principal investigators for the projects of high percentage reclaimed pavement and wood waste recycling

Ir Dr. Gordon Leung and student

Ir Dr. Gordon Leung and student

Ir Dr. Alex Tsang and student

Ir Dr. Alex Tsang and student

(English version only)

The Research Centre for Waste and Resource Management of THEi undertook a study on the use of high percentage reclaimed asphalt pavement materials in road construction in Hong Kong, aiming to increase the use from the current 15% - 30% to 50% - 60%. The study helps reduce asphalt waste and the cost of road projects, and thus lessen the impact on the environment.

Another project of the Centre is to raise the public awareness on the value of wood wastes. Researchers are working on processing wood and paper contaminated by edible oil wastes. The objective is to devise a catalytic system to chemically degrade oil wastes and wood wastes simultaneously so as to convert them into automobile fuel like gasoline and diesel. This technology can be applied in treating non-recyclables such as contaminated wood and paper product wastes. They can be recycled into valuable products and at the same time landfill burden could be reduced.


Ir Dr. Gordon Leung and Ir Dr. Alex Tsang, the principal investigators for the projects of high percentage reclaimed pavement and wood waste recycling were interviewed by the press recently. The research directions, objectives and anticipated outcomes of the projects were finally reported by seven local newspapers in Hong Kong on 13th February 2018.