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屋宇設備工程 (榮譽)工學士

I am so grateful to be part of the big THEi family.

CHING, Man Kit Marco

CHING, Man Kit Marco

校友分享, 屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi

CHING, Man Kit Marco

I am so grateful to be part of the big THEi family.

I had a great time during my four years at THEi! Here I got many opportunities to enrich myself. The teachers helped me to arrange a 3-month internship in a large BSE firm, where my technical knowledge and practical skills were highly utilised and developed. I also had much fun in the Singapore study tour, during which I got to make many new engineering friends. I am so grateful to be part of the big THEi family.

2019 Graduate

CHING, Man Kit Marco

校友分享, 屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi

The graduates from THEi’s BEng-BSE are work-ready.

Ir Victor Cheung

Ir Victor Cheung

業界分享, 屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi

Ir Victor Cheung

The graduates from THEi’s BEng-BSE are work-ready.

The programme produces high-calibre building services engineers with passion and dedication to tackle challenges for the smart and sustainable development of Hong Kong. The curriculum design of the programme has a strong vocationally-oriented basis. The graduates are well equipped with both essential academic knowledge and practical engineering skills, including the BIM application. Without extra supervision, their self-initiative graduates can work independently and as a team member. In short, the graduates from THEi’s BEng-BSE are work-ready.

Past President,
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2014/15)
J. Roger Preston Limited

Ir Victor Cheung

業界分享, 屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi

我代表THEi擔任ASHRAE (美國採暖、製冷與空調工程師學會) 學生支會的委員,試過到新加坡跟世界各地的委員進行交流,感覺到自己一點一滴的進步真的很開心。



學生分享, 屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi


我代表THEi擔任ASHRAE (美國採暖、製冷與空調工程師學會) 學生支會的委員,試過到新加坡跟世界各地的委員進行交流,感覺到自己一點一滴的進步真的很開心。


學生分享, 屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士, THEi