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Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Building Services Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Building Services Engineering

DepartmentDepartment of Construction, Environment and Engineering

Programme NameBachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Building Services Engineering
* As approved by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, the programme will be converted into and launched as an applied degree programme starting from AY 2024/25.

For Year-1 Entry
JUPAS Catalogue No
JSSV10 (SSSDP, Full-time)
Application for subsidised places under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors via JUPAS)

For Year-2 Entry
Programme Code
ST145103-2 (SSSDP, Full-time) 
Application for places in Year-2 Entry via VTC Web-based Admission System

For Year-3 EntryProgramme Code
ST145103-3 (SSSDP, Full-time) 
ST525103-3 (Self-financed, Part-time Evening)

Application for places in Year-3 Entry via Through-train Scheme 
(Applicable to VTC Higher Diploma Final Year Students and Graduates Only)      
Application for places in Year-3 Entry via VTC Web-based Admission System
(Applicable to Non-VTC Higher Diploma Final Year Students and Graduates) 

Non-local Students Admission
Programme Code
ST125103 (Full-time) 
Application for Mainland Students via Mainland Admission System
Application for International Students via VTC Web-based Admission System

Mode, Year of Study Accepting Entry & Duration of StudyFull-time: 4 Years (Year-1 Entry) / 3 Years (Year-2 Entry) / 2 Years (Year-3 Entry)
Part-time (Evening): 3 Years (Year-3 Entry)
Work-Study Scheme : 3 Years (Year-2 Entry) / 2 Years (Year-3 Entry)
[Click HERE to know more about Work-Study Scheme]

Medium of InstructionEnglish 

Venue(s)Programme core modules would be conducted at Tsing Yi campus and some General Education (GE) elective modules at other campuses


  • Building Information Modelling Innovation Hub (BIMiHub)
  • Indoor Environment & Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Electrical Services and Lighting Laboratory
  • Piped and Fire Services Laboratory
  • HVAC Laboratory


Qualifications Framework

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Building Services Engineering is recognised under the QF
QF Level: 5

QR Registration No.: 15/000513/L5

Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2015 to 31/08/2025

Programme Aims

The programme aims to nurture professional engineers skilled in designing and managing the built environment and building services systems. As the first Government-recognised Applied Degree programme in engineering, it combines theory and practice, covering energy-efficient design methods, data-driven energy management, and large-scale construction project management, with a strong emphasis on Building Information Modelling (BIM) technologies. Students benefit from substantial internships and close industry partnerships, ensuring they acquire practical skills and real-world experience. Fully accredited by the HKIE, this programme offers a recognised pathway to becoming a Registered Professional Engineer, equipping graduates with the expertise needed to excel in the competitive engineering field.

Career Prospects

Graduates are mainly engaged in industries related to built environment and building services engineering, providing professional design and management services for governments, developers, contractors, consulting firms and property or facility management companies. Attractive salaries in the industry are available, with graduates earning as high as HK$26,000 per month, and the employment rate of the graduates is over 98%. Some graduates also choose to pursue postgraduate studies at local, Mainland or overseas universities.

Professional Recognition

The programme has received full accreditation from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). Academic programmes accredited by HKIE for the Building Services Discipline are recognised by the UK’s Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) under reciprocal recognition agreements. The programme is also accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) and recognised by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) of the HKSAR Government as meeting the academic qualification requirements for registration as a Grade C electrical worker.


Graduates of the programme are eligible to register for the HKIE Scheme “A” Training in the corresponding disciplines as detailed below:

  • Building Services Discipline (BSS): Graduates of the programme are eligible.

  • Fire Discipline (FRE): Graduates of the programme are eligible, provided they have completed the following elective modules: “SBS5432 Fire Dynamics”, “SBS5440 Computational Fire Modelling for Building Design”, and “SBS5441 Legislation Aspects of Fire Safety Management”.

  • Energy Discipline (ENY): Graduates of the programme are eligible, provided they have completed the elective module “SBS5433 Renewable Energy”. 

Entrance Requirements

Entrance Requirements for Year-1 Entry:

Please refer to the General Entrance Requirements for details 


Programme-specific Requirements :

  1. For applying on the basis of the HKDSE results :
  • Level 3 or above in the HKDSE English Language and Chinese Language; AND Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Mathematics and one Elective Subject (must be Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Biology / Chemistry / Physics / Mathematics Extended Module 1 or 2); AND an “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development; OR Equivalent.
  • a maximum of two ApL subjects can be counted for admission purpose. Relevant ApL subjects include: Automotive Technology, Building Facilities Engineering, Building Technology, Aviation Studies, Electrical and Energy Engineering, Digital Construction, Constructing Smart Cities, Tech Basics and AI and Robotics.
  1. Applicants may be required to attend an interview.


Entrance Requirements for Year-2 Entry:

Higher Diploma OR equivalent sub-degree qualifications/studies in a relevant area of study.

Entrance Requirements for Year-3 Entry:

Higher Diploma OR equivalent sub-degree qualifications/studies in a relevant area of study.


  1. Additional core modules are required (with fee charged) for sub-degree graduates according to the educational background of individuals.
  2. All applicants are screened and selected by an Admission and Interview Panel. All interviews are conducted in English.
  3. For enquiry please contact (Telephone No: 2176 1505 or Email: 

Work-Study Degree Scheme

The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) and the Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors (HKFEMC) have collaborated to launch an innovative scheme called “Work-Study Degree Scheme” for Year-1 entry students of THEi’s BEng(Hons) in Building Services Engineering programme. This scheme offers students the unique opportunity to study and work concurrently without having to pay any tuition fees. Participants will receive a designated monthly salary, and the total work remuneration throughout the four-year programme can amount to HK$ 500,000. The primary objective of this initiative is to address the shortage of professionals in the building services field by enabling students to earn a bachelor’s degree while gaining practical experience. Upon graduation, they will possess both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, making valuable contributions to the industry’s talent pool.


Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors

This programme is in the Government's Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP). Please click here for more details. Admission to the subsidised places will be through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) while admission to the self-financed places can be made through VTC Web-based Admissions System.

JUPAS Catalogue No.: JSSV10

Tuition Fee

  • The tuition fees are charged according to the number of credit points taken during a semester.
  • Year-1 Entry

The tuition fee for academic year 2024/25 is $3,350 per credit point (for Local Students) and $3,850 (for Non-Local Students). Tuition fees are subject to annual reviews.

  • Year-3 Entry

The tuition fee for academic year 2024/25 is $3,310 per credit point (for Local Students) and $3,810 (for Non-Local Students). Tuition fees are subject to annual reviews.

  • Students under the SSSDP will receive subsidies $89,620 per annum.
  • Individual modules of this programme are recognised by the Government’s Continuing Education Fund (CEF). Eligible applicants may submit an unlimited number of claims for reimbursement of fees on successful completion of the module up to a maximum sum of HK$25,000.