Our Vision
With our students in mind, THEi supports research activities which inform teaching to equip graduates with cutting-edge knowledge to meet the challenges of the work place.
With our staff in mind, THEi encourages creativity, diversity, innovation and collaboration in research.
With our community in mind, THEi strives to produce research outputs which enhance industry development and people’s lives.
Our Service
Service is one of the primary activities of THEi’s academic staff. We encourage all our academic staff to use their professional knowledge and skills through sponsored research and consultancy to bring benefits and opportunities to industry and the wider community.
Our consultancy works range from public/private contract projects to practical solution-finding for industries and establishing joint research and development centres with our industrial partners. Our work has won international awards and led to patents granted in Hong Kong, China, United States and other foreign countries.
Our Researchers
THEi has a team of seasoned researchers from diverse backgrounds, including design, engineering, hospitality, health science, physical sciences, social sciences, languages and business management.
Our researchers are academics who have taught in other universities, are experienced in academic research, and have published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals. We welcome collaborative research with colleagues from other local and overseas institutes.
Our Experts
Consultancy is provided by our academics from six departments – Department of Design and Architecture, Department of Digital Innovation and Technology, Department of Hospitality and Business Management, Department of Sports and Recreation, Department of Food and Health Sciences and Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering.