Department of Food and Health Sciences

Nurturing professionals in food and health sciences, with a focus on the application of traditional Chinese medicine, scientific evidence, nutrition and food safety to contribute to our community health and well-being.

Bachelor Degree Programmes


Dr. Allen HO
Industry Endorser(s), Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Food Science and Safet
The food industry is striving its best to provide wholesome and safe food to our consumers. We need well-trained professionals to safeguard our food production from the source, throughout the production processing, to the end products. There has always been a shortage of such well-trained food science professionals. This program is definitely most valuable to fill this need.
Executive Vice-President
Technical Services, Lee Kum Kee International Limited
WU Man Shan, Doris
Alumnus(i), Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Food Science and Safety

Being a student majoring in Food Science and Safety, I learnt the important role of food safety in our daily life. With the internship experiences, I wish that I could apply my knowledge to help others who are in need.

Ms Christy CHAN

Front-end Developer
The Hong Kong Testing and Inspection (TIC) industry plays a crucial role in the global supply chain. We need young talent joining us with a passion to provide innovative and professional services. SGS has partnered with THEi in internship programmes and public workshops, and we see that students from THEi are with hands on, practical technical knowledge and skills, who at the same time have the care and curiosity in exploring how they could contribute to the society with their professional knowledge. Let’s come together in revitalizing and energizing the Hong Kong TIC industry.
Director of Consumer and Retail,
SGS Hong Kong Limited

CHEUNG Yuen Ting

Alumnus(i), Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Testing and Certification

This programme provides me with a lot of fundamental and advanced knowledge in the Testing and Certification field. It also offers students many opportunities to practise what we have learnt. Last summer, I worked as a laboratory assistant at ALS Technichem (HK) Pty limited. I was responsible for doing sample preparations of various analytical samples such as water and foods. This internship experience not only enhanced my study life but also broadened my horizons. Working in the commercial laboratory gave me a glimpse of the actual operation in the industry. I strongly believe that my employability was greatly enhanced as a result of the internship programme.

Dr Pak-Yuen WONG, BH GSA

Industry Endorser(s), Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Food Science and Safety

In response to growing concerns and subsequent manpower needs in the area of food safety, THEi provides much-needed professional training with its new degree programme in food science and safety. The programme equips students with up-to-date knowledge and skills, contributing to our community’s health and well-being.

Alumnus(i), Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Food Science and Safety

Thanks to my four years of study at THEi, I built a solid foundation in theoretical knowledge and technical skills. Lecturers always inspired us to think critically, and they organised local and overseas food industrial visit for enriching our learning with practical experiences. I joined the summer internship in ALS Technichem (HK) Pty Limited and gained fruitful experiences in conducting food testing. To pursue my further study, I will take the postgraduate degree programme “MSc in Food Safety and Toxicology” in Hong Kong University.