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Senior Management



  • President
    Professor Alan Kin Tak LAU

    PhD (PolyU), MEng (RMIT, Aus), BEng (RMIT, Aus)

    Chair Professor of Product Innovation 


    Fellow of European Academy of Sciences and Arts

    Fellow of European Academy of Sciences


  • Vice President (Academic)

    Professor Paul Wai Kei TSANG
    PhD (CUHK), BSc (CUHK)


    MBA (UToronto, Canada), BA(UToronto, Canada)

    PD (PolyU)


  • Head of Department, Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering 

​    Ir Dr Simon Ho Fai WONG

    PhD (HKUST), MPhil (HKUST), BEng (HKUST)


  • Head of Department, Department of Design and Architecture 

​    Dr CHAN Yin Lun

    PhD (HKU), MLA (UBC, Canada), BES (UW, Canada), BASc (UW, Canada)


  • Head of Department, Department of Digital Innovation and Technology 

​    Dr CHEONG Kai Yuen

    PhD (SU, Japan), MPhil (PolyU), BEng (PolyU)


  • Head of Department, Department of Food and Health Sciences 

​    Dr CHAN Shun Wan

    PhD (CUHK), MEd (PolyU), BSc (HKU)


  • Head of Department, Department of Hospitality and Business Management 

​    Dr CHOY Monica

    DBA (UoN, Australia), MSc (PolyU), MBA (Sydney&UNSW, Australia), BCom (Curtin, Australia)


  • Head of Department, Department of Sport and Recreation 

    Dr LUK Jim
    PhD (CUHK), MPhil (CUHK), BSc (PolyU)


  • Head, School of General Education and Languages
    Dr ZHANG Hao, Allen
    PhD (CUHK), MPhill (SCAU, China), BA (SCAU, China)


    PhD (HKUST), MEng (AIT), BSc (NTU)