
THEi Research Webinar “Cognitive and Affective Academic Self-concepts: Which predicts vocational education students’ career choice?” was successfully held on 26 April 2022

Dr Monica Choy of the Department of Hospitality Management/FMH surveyed 860 vocational education students to examine the relationships between cognitive self-concept, ie. “How good am I?”, and affective self-concept, ie. “How much do I like it?”; and the effects of these factors on educational outcomes and career choice. Dr Choy presented the findings of her study in a research webinar entitled “Cognitive and affective academic self-concepts: Which predicts vocational education students’ career choice?” on 26 April 2022.

The webinar was attended by 51 participants from Hong Kong, U.K. and Australia. Among the audience were students and teachers, as well as guests from the tourism and hospitality industry. The presentation was well received, followed by various interesting questions about the topic from the audience.