THEi 高科院流动应用程式
THEi students, staff and visitors can download, install and use THEi’s mobile app to access most THEi services and the most recent “News/Events” about Institute-wide activities. Students may also receive a “Message” from the Institute for any exceptional alert, such as a severe weather warning.
THEi Mobile App Download:
If you are not accessible to those above platforms, you may download the below files to install:
- iOS [ipa] (Last updated as of 21 March 2024)
- Apk [apk] (Last updated as of 15 March 2024)
- N.B. This is the official site for download THEi mobile app. For security reasons, please NEVER install the app you receive from other means.
- Sign in: 访客 can browse around the mobile app without the need to log in. For THEi Students 及 教师及职员, you may log in to access Institute-related services.
- Menu buttons: There are the Main Menu and sub-menu buttons that you can click to browse the content.
- Site map: You may find the listing of main content here,
- Chatbot: Click here to start asking questions to THEi mobile app chatbot CWTY (pronounced as QT) on any matters about the Institute and its services.

Updates – Several new functions for the THEi Mobile App listed below are now available:
- Barcode generator: THEi staff and students’ ID card barcode has been implemented in Mobile App for accessing Learning Commons (CW).
- Timetable: Student timetables are available for student access, including the date, the time, and the venue for the classes on a day
- Class Attendance: Student class attendance records are available for student access.
- Study Pace List: Student study pace lists are available for student access.