



电邮: xlcui@thei.edu.hk

电话: +852 3890 8192

  1. Management Information Systems
  2. Big Data for Predicting Human Behavior
  3. Principles and Practice of Management
  4. Organizational Behavior
  5. Research Methods and Design
  6. Thesis Supervision
2010Ph.D. in Management Information Systems
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2003Master of Economics (Information Systems)
University of International Business and Economics
2000Bachelor of Management
Shandong University
2024-PresentAssociate Professor
Department of Hospitality and Business Management
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
2020-PresentAdjunct Professor
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
2023-2024Associate Professor
Associate Head of Department
Director of Master’s Programme (MCP)
Director of Research Centre (DFCBARC)
Department of Business Administration
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
2022-2023Associate Professor
Director of Research Centre (DFCBARC)
Department of Business Administration
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
2018-2022Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
2012-2018Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Department of Business Administration
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
2003-2004Technical Consultant
Beijing Copia Technology Company
Associate EditorJournal of Technological Advancements
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2022, 2023, 2024 (one of the best conferences in IS field)
Program Committee MemberThe 24th and 25th Cross-Strait Information Management Development and Strategy Conference
Journal ReviewerJournal of the Association for Information Systems
Information Systems Journal
Information & Management
Decision Support Systems
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
International Journal of Information Management
Telematics and Informatics
Internet Research
Behaviour & Information Technology
International Journal of Electronic Business
And many conferences
2024Jury member in the Business Case Finals of International Economics Olympiad
2024Coach for Business Case of Hong Kong team for the International Economics Olympiad
2024Jury member in the Winter Challenge 2024 Business Case Finals of International Economics Olympiad
2023Coach for Business Case of Hong Kong team for the International Economics Olympiad
  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  • E-commerce
  • IT-supported Creativity and Innovation
  • Social Media
  • Impact of Technology on Psychiatry
  1. 2024-2026,Research Matching Grant Scheme (RMGS), “A study of brain activation through effective training activities”, Principle Investigator: Ho, R.; Co-investigators: Law, M., Cui, X. and Liu, B. Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Funding Amount: HK$1,181,000.
  2. 07/2024 – 06/2026, University Research Grant (URG/23/10), “Setting the right ChatGPT parameters for the right tasks: An experiment among university students”. Principle Investigator: Cui, X.; Co-investigators: Chow, J.; Funding Amount: HK$39,968.
  3. 01/2024-06/2025, University Research Grant, “A snapshot of ChatGPT in Business Research: a topic modelling analysis”. Principle Investigator: Zhou, Q.; Co-investigators: Cui, X. & Shen, N.; Funding Amount: HK$39,960.
  4. 06/2022 – 06/2025, Donation of Dr. Francis Cheung (BA/DN/2022/001), “Proposal for the construction of the Dr. Francis Cheung Business Analytics Research Centre”. Team leaders: Law, M. and Cui, X.; Funding Amount: HK$2,000,000.
  5. 01/11/2020-30/06/2021, Proactive Think Tank Ltd., Hong Kong (BA/RS/2020/003), “Examining Hong Kong consumers’ behaviors in live video streaming”; Investigators: Law,, Ng, M., Lam, L. & Cui, X., Funding Amount: HK$20,000.
  6. 01/2017 – 04/2019, Faculty Development Scheme of RGC (Project No.: UGC/FDS15/B01/16), “Is social media a distraction or an enhancement for organizations? A social media and team creativity model (SMTCM)”. Principle Investigator: Cui, X.; Co-investigators: Liu, L.; Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Funding Amount: HK$ 755,650.
  7. 1/2016 – 12/2017, General Research Fund of RGC (Project No.:14500715), “Information Asymmetry and bidding performance: the case of online peer-to-peer lending”; Principle Investigator: Lai, V.; Co-investigator: Cui, X.; Institution: the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Funding Amount: HK$648,916.
  8. 01/2015 – 04/2017, Faculty Development Scheme of RGC (Project No.: UGC/FDS15/B02/14), “In-role and extra-role knowledge sharing among information technology professionals: A self-determination perspective”. Principle Investigator: Cui, X.; Co-investigators: Du, T. C. & Peng, K. Z.; Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Funding Amount: HK$472,075.
  9. 11/2015-10/2018, Quality Enhancement Support Scheme Fund (Project No.: T01/QESS/2015), “A Visual Platform for the Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Collaborative Business Simulation Games”, as Team Member; Funding Amount: HK$6,600,140.
  10. 06/2013 – 06/2015, Hong Kong Shue Yan University Research Grant (RSDC, Project No.: 12035C), “In-role and extra-role knowledge sharing”; 原则 Investigator: Cui, X., Co-investigators: Peng, K. Z.; Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Funding Amount: HK$24,000.

Journal articles

  1. Cui, X., Lei, Y., Huo, B., Lowry, P.B. & Yang, X., (2025). Uncovering the Effects of Non-hedonic Social Media Use on Knowledge Workers’ Depression through the Conservation of Resources Theory. Accepted by Information & Management.
  2. Law, M., Ho, K-H. & Cui, X., (2025). Exploring Hong Kong public attitudes and concerns about traditional Chinese medical treatments: A study on discussion forum responses. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. Ahead-of-print.
  3. Cui, X., Lei, Y., Wang, Q., & Huang, P. (2024). The impact of personal social media ubiquity on individuals’ overtime work and job performance”. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 33. (ESCI, ABS 2)
  4. Luo, Y., Cui, X., Liu, Q., Zhou, Q., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Identifying exaggeration in ESG reports using machine learning techniques. Data and Information Management, 100084.
  5. Gui, Z., Zhang, Q., Sha, S., Li, X. H., Su, Z., Cheung, T., Cui, X., Ungvari, G. S., Wong, K. K., Ng, C. H., Yuan, F., & Xiang, Y. T. (2024). Bipolar disorder and oxidative stress: A bibliometric perspective. Asia‐Pacific Psychiatry, 16(3), e12564. (SCI, IF=2.8)
  6. Cui, X., Yang, X., Ren, J., Lowry, P. B., & Du, T. C. T. (2024). Enhancing team creativity among information technology professionals through knowledge sharing and motivational rewards: A self-determination perspective. Data and Information Management, 100075.
  7. Cui, X., Zhu, Z., Liu, L., Zhou, Q., & Liu, Q. (2024). Anomaly detection in consumer review analytics for idea generation in product innovation: Comparing machine learning and deep learning techniques. Technovation, 134, 103028. (SSCI, IF=12.5, ABS 3)
  8. Zhang, , Law, M., Cui, X., & Huang, L. (2024) Social media commerce: an empirical study of platform, people and information from the trust transfer perspective. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 26 (2), 164-181 (ABS 1)
  9. Xiang, Y.T., Sun, H.L., Chen, P., Bai, W., Zhang, L., Feng, Y., Su,, Teris Cheung, T., Gabor S Ungvari, G.S, Cui, X., Ng, C.H. & An, F. (2024). Prevalence and network structure of depression, insomnia and suicidality among mental health professionals who recovered from COVID-19: a national survey in China. Translational Psychiatry (accepted), (SCI, IF=6.8)
  10. Chen, P., Sun, H. L., Li, D. H., Feng, Y., Su, Z., Cheung, T., Cui, X., Ungvari, G. S., Jackson, T., An, F. R., & Xiang, Y. T. (2024). A comparison of psychiatric symptoms between mental health professionals with and without post-infection sequelae of COVID-19. Psychiatry Research331, 115631 (Accepted). (SCI, IF: 11.3)
  11. Cui, X., Law, M., Ng, M., & Lam, L. (2024). What drives consumers to buy in live streaming commerce? A systematic literature review. Journal of Logistics Informatics and Service Science, 11(2), 464-486.
  12. Sun, H. L., Wang, Y. Y., Feng, Y., Cui, X., Cheung, T., Su, Z., Tang, Y. L., Ungvari, G. S., Ng, C. H., & Xiang, Y. T. (2024). COVID-19 and sleep problems: A perspective from bibliometric aBehavioral Sleep Medicine (Accepted). (SCI, IF: 3.1)
  13. Ng, M., Law, M., Lam, L & Cui, X. (2023) A study of the factors influencing the viewers’ satisfaction and cognitive assimilation with live steaming commerce broadcast in Hong Kong. Electronic Commerce Research, 23, 1565-1590. (SSCI, IF: 3.9, ABS 2)
  14. Lei, Y., Zhou, Q., Cheung, W., Cui, X. & Peng, L. (2023). Market reaction to the announcement of online sales channel investment in enterprises: Evidence from a relatively stable market environment. Electronic Commerce Research, 23, 973-1005. (SSCI, IF: 3.9, ABS 2)
  15. Sun, H., Bai, W., Li, X., Huang, H., Cui, X., Cheung, T., Su, Z., Yuan, Z., Ng, C.H., & Xiang, Y. (2022). Schizophrenia and inflammation research: A bibliometric analysis. Frontiers in Immunology, 13: 907851. (SCI, IF: 7.3)
  16. Lei, Y., Zhou, Q., Ren, J., & Cui, X. (2022). From “personal” to “interpersonal”: A multilevel approach to uncovering the relationship between job satisfaction and knowledge sharing among IT p Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(6), 1566-1588. (SSCI, IF:7, ABS 2)
  17. Li, S., Wang, K., Huo, B., Zhao, X. & Cui, X. (2022). The impact of cross-functional coordination on customer coordination and operational performance: an information processing view. Industrial Management & Data Systems,122(1), 167-193. (SSCI, IF:5, ABS 2)
  18. Bai, W., Cai, H., Liu, S., Chen, X., Sha, S., Cheung, T., Lin, J. J., Cui, X., Ng, C. H., & Xiang, Y.T. (2021). Anxiety and depressive symptoms in college students during the late stage of the COVID-19 outbreak: a network approach. Translational psychiatry, 11(1): 638. (SCI, IF: 8)
  19. Zhang, X., Li, W., Zhao, N., Jin, Y., Cheung, T., Ungvari, G.S., Cui, X., & Wang, G. (2021). Comparing the self-and external assessment versions of the HCL-33 as screening instruments for bipolar disorder in older depressed patients. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12: 727992. (SCI, IF: 3)
  20. Liu, R., Wang, F., Liu, S,. Zhang, Q., Feng, Y., Sim, K., Cui, X., Lin, J.X., Ungvari, G.S., & Xiang, Y.T. (2021). Reliability and validity of the quick inventory of depressive Symptomatology — self-report scale in older adults with depressive symptoms, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12: (SCI, IF: 7.3)
  21. Cai, H., Xie, X.-M., Zhang, Q., Cui, X., Lin, J.-X., Sim, K., Ungvari, G.S., Zhang, L. & Xiang, Y.-T. (2021). Prevalence of suicidality in major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative studies, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12: (SCI, IF: 7.3)
  22. Cui, X., Zhou, Q., Lowry, P. B., & Wang, Y. (2021). Do enterprise systems necessarily lead to innovation? Identifying the missing links with a moderated mediation m Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(1), 74-104. (ESCI, ABS 2)
  23. Wang, F., Liu, S., Zhang, Q., Ng, C.H., Cui, X., Zhang, D., & Xiang, Y.-T.*. (2021). Prevalence of depression in older nursing home residents in high and low altitude regions: a comparative study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12: 669234. (SCI, IF: 3)
  24. Li, S., Wang, K., Huo, B., Zhao, X. & Cui, X. (2021). The impact of cross-functional coordination on customer coordination and operational performance: an information processing view. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122(1), 167-193. (SSCI, IF:5, ABS 2)
  25. Cui, X., Lai, V., Lowry, P.B. & Lei, Y.*, The effects of bidder factors on online bidding strategies: A motivation-opportunity-ability (MOA) model, Decision Support Systems, 138: (SCI, IF: 7.5, ABS 3)
  26. Li, L.*, Lok, G.I.*, Mei, S.*, Cui, X.*, An, F.*, Li, L., Cheung, T., Ungvari, G. S., & Xiang, Y., Prevalence of depression and its relationships with quality of life among university students in Macau, Hong Kong and mainland China, Scientific Reports, 10: 15798 (*for joint first authors). (SCI, IF: 4.6)
  27. Li, L.*, Lok, G.K.I.*, Mei, S.L*., Cui, X.*, Li, L., Ng, C.H., Ungvari, G.S, Zhang, J., An, F. R., & Xiang, Y.T. (2020), The severity of mobile phone addiction and its relationship with quality of life in Chinese university students, PeerJ — the Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences, 8:e8859 (* for joint first authors). (SCI, IF: 7)
  28. Cui, X., Huo, B., Lei, Y.* & Zhou, Q. (2019). The influence of team social media usage on individual knowledge sharing and job performance from a cross-level perspective, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 40(5), 553-573. (SSCI, IF: 9, ABS 4).
  29. Zeng, L., Yang, Y., Wang, C., Li, X., Xiang, Y., Hall, B.J., Ungvari, G.S., Li, C., Chen, C., Chen, L., Cui, X., An, F, & Xiang, Y.* (2019). Prevalence of poor sleep quality in nursing staff: A meta-analysis of observational studies, Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 18(6), 746-759. (SCI, IF: 3.17).
  30. Zeng, L.*, Yang, Y.*, Feng, Y.*, Cui, X.*, Wang, R., Hall, B.J., Ungvari, G.S., Chen L., & Xiang Y., (2019). The prevalence of depression in menopausal women in China: a meta-analysis of observational studies, Journal of Affective Disorders, 256(1), 337-343. (* for joint first authors) (SCI, IF: 6).
  31. Xiang, Y.*, Li, L.*, Lok, K.I.*, Mei, S.*, Cui, X. *, Li, L., Ng C.H., Ungvari, G.S., An, F., & Ning, P. (2019). Sleep duration and self-rated health in Chinese university students, Sleep and Breathing, 23(4), 1351-1356. (* for joint first authors) (SCI, IF: 2.5).
  32. Li, S.; Cui, X.; Huo, B*.; & Zhao, X. (2019) Information sharing, coordination and supply chain performance: The moderating effect of demand uncertainty, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 119(5), 1046-1071. (SCI, IF: 5.5, ABS 2)
  33. Li, L., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Zhang, L., Li, L., Xu, D., Ng, C.H., Ungvari, G.S., Cui, X., Liu, Z., Li, S.D., Jia, F., & Xiang, Y.*, (2018). Prevalence of sleep disturbances in Chinese university students: a comprehensive meta-analysis, Journal of Sleep Research, 27(3). (SCI, IF: 4.4)
  34. Wang, Q., Xu, Z., Cui, X., Wang, L*. & Ouyang, C. (2017). Does a big Duchenne smile really matter on e-commerce websites? An eye-tracking study in China, Electronic Commerce Research, 17(4), 609-626. (SSCI, IF: 3.9, ABS 2)
  35. Cui, X.* (2017). In-and extra-role knowledge sharing among information technology professionals: The five-factor model perspective, International Journal of Information Management, 37(5), 380-389. (SSCI, IF: 21, ABS 2)
  36. Cui, X., Zhang, N.* & Lowry, P.B. (2017). The agent bidding habit and use model (ABHUM) and its validation in the Taobao online auction context, Information & Management, 54(3), 281-291. (SCI, IF: 9.9, ABS 3)
  37. Zhang, A.* & Cui, X. (2017). In search for the effects of business and political ties on innovation ambidexterity, International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(2). (SNIP IF: 2.1, ABS 2)
  38. Cui, X., Law, L.K., Lowry, P.B. & Wang, Q.* (2016). A contingency model of bidding strategies in online auctions in China, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 8(2), 47-72. (AIS Journal, ABS 2)
  39. Cui, X.* (2016). Determining when to adopt advanced information technologies: A multi-stage real option analysis, International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 5(4), 350-357.
  40. Cui, X.*, Lai, V. & Lowry, P.B. (2016) How do bidders’ organism reactions mediate auction stimuli and bidder loyalty in online auctions? The case of Taobao in China, Information & Management, 53(5), 609–624. (SCI, IF: 9.9, ABS 3)
  41. Wang, Q., Cui, X., Huang, L.*, & Dai, Y. (2016). Seller reputation or product presentation? An empirical investigation from cue utilization perspective, International Journal of Information Management, 36(3), 271-283. (SSCI, IF: 21, ABS 2)
  42. Cui, X., Zhou, Q*. & Liu, L. (2015). Using online field surveys in e-business research: reflections on a referent study, International Journal of Electronic Business, 12(4), 345-363. (SJR IF: 2.488, Level C in ERA 2010)
  43. Li, C.H.*, Cui, X., & Shen, N. (2015). How do different people evaluate mobile applications? A study on demographic characteristics and utilitarian mobile applications, Global Journal of Emerging Trends in e-Business, Marketing and Consumer Psychology, 1(1), 222-239.
  44. Cui, X.* & Lai, V. (2013). Bidding strategies in online single-unit auctions: Their impact and satisfaction, Information & Management, 50(6), 314-321. (SCI, IF: 9.9, ABS 3)
  45. Du, T.*, Cheung, W., Lai, V., & Cui, X. (2012). Willingness to share information in a supply chain: A partnership-data-process perspective, Information & Management, 49, 89-98. (SCI, IF: 9.9, ABS 3)
  46. Lai, V.*, Chau, P., & Cui, X. (2010). Examining Internet banking acceptance: A comparison of alternative technology adoption models, International Journal of Electronic Business, 8(1), 51-79. (SJR IF: 2.488, Level C in ERA2010)
  47. Cui, X.*, Lai, V., & Liu, C. (2008). Research on consumer behaviour in online auctions: Insights from a critical literature review”, Electronic Markets, 18(4), 345-361. (SSCI, IF: 8.5, ABS 2)
  • 《香港電商研究報告》2021年12月, 樹仁大學企業及社會發展研究中心(吳志豪,羅翠翠,林昊輝,崔希玲)