
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Food By-products Utilization (CIFU) Research Symposium successfully held on 29 March 2022

THEi’s new Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Food By-products Utilization (CIFU) successfully held its first online Research Symposium on 29 March 2022. The symposium invited CIFU team members to share their inspirations and latest findings in food by-products research.

The speakers included Dr Paul Tsang (CIFU Team Leader) and Dr Angus Law, from the School of General Education and Languages, Dr Alex Tsang and Dr Fong Lai Ying from the Faculty of Science and Technology, Dr Vicky Leung from the Faculty of Management and Hospitality, and Mr Sonny Choy from the Faculty of Design and Environment. A range of topics were discussed from phytase utilisation, hydrogen production, development of edible cutlery, R&D of sustainable non-edible bio-polymer applications to revitalising spent coffee grounds. The online audiences were keen to know more about the topics and asked many questions in the Q&A sessions.




Overall, the symposium was well received, and was attended by over 150 online audiences. It was encouraging to see a huge support from the VTC community, as well as from colleagues, students and friends from other higher education institutions in Hong Kong, Shenzhen Polytechnic, local secondary schools, and industry professionals and partners. This research symposium was just one of many research related events to be held by CIFU, and there will be more engaging events coming in the foreseeable future.

CIFU is fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: UGC/IDS(R)25/20).