

GEE5105 Urban Greenery & Ecology

Green spaces in the cities have become one of the essential infrastructures for the well-being of urban population. This module introduces the ecosystem functions and multiple benefits of urban greenery and ecology, discusses the challenges and limitations which it faces, and how to sustain ecological balance and diversity through a greenery network. Emerging trends in urban greenery and ecology, such as urban wildlife, invasive species, urban forestry as management strategies, will be investigated.

Field trips are especially designed to enhance the interactive learning experience for students to explore and analyze the environmental, socio-cultural, technological issues intertwined with urban greenery. Students need to bring a pair of 8 x 42 binoculars for the field trips.

The following topics/areas will be covered:

  1. Definitions and structures of urban greenery
  2. Benefits provided and costs incurred by urban green spaces
  3. Local urban green spaces
  4. Ecology of Hong Kong
  5. Challenges of ecological conservation in Hong Kong
  6. Conservation of biodiversity in urban areas
  7. Emerging trends

Assessment Methods:

ComponentIndividual assignmentGroup assignment
No. of assessment21
Weighting as a % of module mark85%15%

Possible field trips arrangement (Tentative):

日期No. of hoursThemeLocation (tentative)Fees incurred
Near the end of the semester
(A sunny.weekend)
6Urban wildlife and vegetationLocation to be confirmedTransportation fee & A pair of 8×42 binoculars


This module aims to provide a broad range of topics on global contemporary environmental problems and sustainable development related issues. Essential principles required for the understanding of environmental problems in affecting our air, water, land and other natural resources will be addressed. The role of technological, economic and sustainable development in the protection of the natural and urban environment will also be discussed. On completion, students are expected to be able to identify the human role in the natural environment and the impacts of human activities and technology development on environmental quality; evaluate global environmental problems, identify pollution sources, and evaluate available technology in pollution controls and environmental protections; apply the concepts of environmental risk, conservative thinking and sustainability in the devise of practical solutions to enhance sustainable development for the society; and evaluate current environmental, development and sustainability issues and analyze problems based on scientific, social- economics, technological, and political factors in an open and objective manner.

Assessment Methods

ComponentIndividual AssignmentGroup Project Written ReportOral Presentation
No. of assessment111
Weighting as a % of module mark30%40%30%

This module aims to provide an overview of buildings and infrastructures. The module introduces general engineering concepts and aesthetics of various buildings and infrastructures, as well as their relevant uses and social status, to build up the students’ own perspective in building and infrastructures. Students will learn the infrastructure developments in Hong Kong since 1960’s started from the new town development, water reservoirs and Lion’s Rock Tunnel to the 10 major infrastructure projects in 2010’s. Furthermore, students will learn different forms of infrastructures, and how to appreciate the buildings and infrastructures in the aspects of functions and aesthetics. The module also intends to cultivate the students’ awareness of the social status of the infrastructures.

Assessment Methods

ComponentIndividual Reflective JournalsGroup ReportGroup Presentation
No. of assessment211

Weighting as a % of module



# The percentage contributions of the different assessment items to the overall module assessments.

This module aims to introduce the basic concepts and essential background of building information modelling (BIM) to students of construction-related engineering, and other related professional disciplines. It extends the knowledge in engineering drawing and computer-aided design (CAD) in construction projects, and develop skills necessary for understanding virtual design and construction (VDC).

In this module, students will learn the conceptual background of BIM and apply the principles for the various aspects of BIM.

The following types of topics/areas should be covered:

  • Introduction to BIM
  • Computer modelling and visualisation
  • External and internal collaborations
  • Construction coordination and calculations
  • Sustainable design and energy analysis
  • Documentation and latest BIM trends

Assessment Methods

ComponentIndividual Reflective JournalsProject/td>
No. of assessment21

Weighting as a % of module


25%+25%50% (BIM Modelling)


The module aims to develop students’ understanding of the philosophy of building design, and the strategies to improve the sustainability of buildings in relation to environmental performance from global to local issues.

The following types of topics/areas should be covered:

  • Sustainability
  • Green building assessment methods
  • Global issues
  • Local issues
  • Indoor issues
  • Pollutants in building
  • Indoor environmental quality
  • Health and safety audit
  • Immunized building

Assessment methods

No. of assessment111
Weighting as a % of module mark30%10%60%