THEi Research Equipment Registry Equipment Shared-use (Only Provide English Version)

1. Who can borrow?
All THEi full-time or fractional academic staff are welcome to borrow/use the equipment listed in the registry subject to availability. Supervisors of THEi students may borrow the equipment for their students’ final year projects and supervise its use by the students.
2. Where Can I Find the Full Equipment Registry list?
The equipment list is available 按此.填妥表格。.
3. How to borrow?
The borrower should contact the equipment contact person to borrow/use the equipment listed in the registry subject to availability.
4. Priority of Use and Responsibilities
- Priority is given to the First Project, which initiated the purchase for the equipment, for the entire project period. The equipment is placed under the custody of the Principal Investigator or Project Leader of the First Project (hereby referred to as the Custodian).
- After the completion of the first project, other THEi borrowers may borrow/use (hereby refered to as the Borrower) the equipment in the following order of priority:
i) Externally funded research projects
ii) THEi Seed Grant projects
iii) Student final year projects
iv) Other research-related activities
v) Temporary teaching purposes - During the loan period, the borrower is responsible and liable for the equipment under his/her custody. Detailed responsibilities of the custodian/borrower is available 按此.填妥表格。.
5. Categories of Equipment Available for Shared-use
The categories of equipment in the registry is divided into “O”, “S” and “L”:
- Category “O”– office equipment such as desktop computers, notebook computers, portable hard disks, personal electronic devices, audio-visual equipment, general statistical software, and other common office equipment.
- Category “S”– specialized equipment for which special knowledge and training are required to operate the equipment.
- Category “L”– specialized software with life-time license of use.
- Specialized equipment may be subject to a “borrowing fee”.
- Specialized equipment may require the borrower to undergo training before use.