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Teaching Areas

  • Hospitality and Tourism Marketing/Management 
  • Human Resources Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Strategic Management
  • Japanese Language and Culture



Doctor of Business Administration, The University of Newcastle, Australia


MSc in Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Master of Business Administration, The University of Sydney and The University of New South Wales, Australia


Bachelor of Commerce (Management & Marketing), Curtin University of Technology, Australia


Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Level 1, Inter-Cultural Institute of Japan


高端服務業技能人才培訓專家 - 珠海市人力資源和社會保障局職工教育和職業培訓協會 (2012 – 2014)

國家旅遊咨詢師 - 中華人民共和國國家勞動及社會保障部
國家高級企業培訓師 - 中華人民共和國國家勞動及社會保障部

Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE), American Hotel & Motel Association, designated in Apr, 2004

Chartered Marketer, UK - The Chartered Institute of Marketing, designated in Oct, 2003

Registered Outbound Tour Escort – Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong, designated in 1999


Head of Department, Department of Hospitality and Business Management

Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong 

Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Management and Hospitality

Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong 

Part-time teaching staff for various local and overseas universities and professional institutes (specialized in Tourism & Hospitality, Business and Japanese-related subjects)

Guest Host for radio programme《旅遊百事通》, (Travel Specialist) – 24 episodes Commercial Radio

Director of Agency Development, Uniglobe Travel (China Region)

Instructor I, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Senior Manager, Media & Marketing Ltd.

Marketing & Business Development Manager, HYFCO Travel Agency Ltd.

Travel Consultant (Japanese Section), Thomas Cook Travel Services (HK) Ltd.

Assistant Sales Manager, T & F Development Ltd.

Makiya & Co. Ltd., Japan

Tour coordinator (Foreign Tourist Division), HYFCO Travel Agency Ltd.


2024 - 2027

Visiting Professor and Invited Researcher  
Guangzhou Donghua Vocational College 



2023 - Present Chairlady of Organizing Committee
Professional Trainer Vocational Skills Competition (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area) (第一屆粵港澳培訓師職業技能大賽組委會主任)
2023 - Present Member of Advisory Committee
China Vocational Competency Committee under Association for Student Employment , PRC (中華人民共和國高校畢業生就業協會核心能力分會顧問)
2023 Member of the International Programme Committee
International Conference on Engaged Learning & Innovative Teaching in Higher Education, Hong Kong, 15-17 Nov 2023
2023 - 2025 Member of Hotel, Catering and Tourism Training Board (HOTB)  Vocational Training Council (VTC)
2022 - 2024  Professional Consultant for Courses
Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (TIC)   
2022 - 2023   Appeal Board member of the Train the Trainer Course
 Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (TIC)
2021 - 2024

Member of Advisory Board

Lingnan University,  LIFE

2021 - 2026

External Examiner of Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)

Saint Francis University
2019 - 2021

External Examiner

Lingnan University, LIFE
2016 - 2027

Specialist (Business and Management/ Services/ Languages and Related Studies)

The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)

2013 - 2014

Course Developer

Caritas Community and Higher Education Service

2013 - 2014

External Course Vetter

Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education

2010 - 2011

External Examiner

YMCA College of Continuing Education

2008 - Present

Technical Advisor (Tourism)

Employees Retraining Board (ERB)

2008 - 2018

External Examiner – Department of Business and Hospitality Management

Caritas Bianchi College of Careers



Hampton by Hilton Shenzhen consultancy project on providing strategic marketing recommendations and suggest pricing strategies

8 November 2023

Guest Speaker for Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) on “ Post-Covid-19 Travel intentions to Kenya among Hongkongers: Determinants affecting  recommendations of travel products in Kenya by travel agencies”

14 October 2022

Speaker for  Compass Group (FTSE 100 Index/Fortune Global 500 company) on Expectations of Gen - Z and Millennial Talent


Trainer for Consultancy Project in “Professional Chauffeur Services” and “Table settings and etiquette for tea ladies “, Nan Fung Development


Speaker for Grandiose World on “求職面試全攻略”


Speaker for Kowloon Women’s Organizations Federations and Women’s Commission on Travel Savvy in the 21st Century


Member of Program Committee for International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Sciences (ICEMSS), Dec, 15-17, Xian, China

11-14 January 2016

Trainer for Consultancy Project in "Improving Customer Experiences" and "Understanding Customer Relationship and Selling" for executives and middle managers, The Peninsula Hotel, Shanghai, PRC 


Project Leader, Consultancy for Employee Induction & Orientation Kits, The Hong Kong Jockey Club

18 June 2014

Trainer for Consultancy Project in "Complaint Handling Skills", China Resources Group

25 September 2012

Trainer for Consultancy Project in "Customer Services and Staff Etiquette & Manners in Hospitality", Kingward International Hotel, Zhuhai, PRC

13 September 2009

Trainer for Consultancy Project in "International Business Etiquette" for middle management, ICBC Beijing Head office


Project Leader, Consultancy for Financial & Management Information System, CLP Group

22-24 February 2006

Trainer for Consultancy Project in "Making Good Things Happen", China Youth Travel Service Shanghai



  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S.  (2024). Tourism vocational Education: Relations of Input and Output. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 34, 100479. (SSCI)
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S.  (2024). Vocational Education Input for a Sustainable Hospitality Industry.  In W. W. K. Ma (Eds.), Engaging Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education: Digital Technology, Professional Competence, and Teaching Pedagogies, Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (LNET) Series.  Singapore, Springer.
  • Choy, M.W,C.,  Or, B. M., & Liu, A. T. (2023). Post-COVID-19 travel intentions to Kenya from Hong Kong by applying the extended theory of planned behavior (ETPB). Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 7(4), 1743–1765.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2023). Person-environment fit: does it matter for tourism students’ career outcomes in an era of crisis? Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education, 3, 100414. (SSCI)
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2023). Person-Environment Fit: implications for vocational students’ career in the era of crisis. In C. Hong and W. W. K. Ma (Eds.), Applied Degree Education and the Shape of Things to Come, Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (LNET) Series. Singapore, Springer.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2022). Career choice of tourism students in a triple-whammy crisis, PLOS ONE, 17(12), e0279411. (SCIE)
  • Choy, M.W.C., & Shih, C.C. (2022). The effect of employee uniform on job satisfaction: A case of the housekeeping department in a luxury five-star hotel in Hong Kong. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 20 (3), 559-574. (ESCI) (Teacher-student collaboration)
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K. (2022). Factors influencing recommendation of sub-Saharan Africa travel products: a Hong Kong-Kenya importance-performance analysis. Tourism Economics, 28 (4), 1101-1128. (SSCI)
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2022). Cognitive and affective academic self-concepts: Which predicts vocational education students’ career choice? International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3 (2022) 100123.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K. (2021). Identifying stabilizing and destabilizing factors of job change: a qualitative study of employee retention in the Hong Kong travel agency industry, Current Issues in Tourism, 24(10), 1375-1388. (SSCI)
  • Choy, M. W.C., Cheng, J., & Yu, K. (2021). Evaluating the environmental sustainability strategies of the housekeeping department: the case of an international hotel chain in Hong Kong. Tourism Critiques, 2(1), 115-132. (Teacher-student collaboration)
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K. (2017). Toward China-Africa tourism in the context of a new economic engagement. Pannon Management Review, 6 (3-4), 111-124.
  • Choy, M. W.C. (2016). Effective techniques win employees’ minds and hearts: Ways to minimise staff turnover rate. China Staff. 23(5), 26-31.



  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2023). Vocational education input for a sustainable hospitality industry. International Conference on Engaged Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education (ELITE), Nov 15-17, Hong Kong. 
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2023). A study of hotel workers' expectations of new recruits: implications for tourism educators.  The 2nd International Conference on Quality in Self-financed Higher Education: Connecting Local and Global, Mar 11, Hong Kong.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K. (2023). Asia-Africa tourism in a post-pandemic world: Hong Kong travel intentions to Kenya. 6th Biennial Conference of the Africa Academy of Management, Jan 8-10, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2022). Higher Vocational Education Tourism Students’ Career Choice in a Crisis Era, The 10th SELF International Conference, June 6-9, Québec, Canada.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K. (2019). Asia-Africa tourism: The perspective of Hong Kong travel agencies, Africa Research Group (ARG) International Conference, Sep 4-6, Ningbo, China.
  • Kwan, H. Y., & Choy, M. W. C. (2019). Assessing the Influences of Vietnam Hotel Service Quality on Customer Retention through SERVQUAL: Hong Kong Outbound Travellers’ Perspectives, THEi International Conference on Applied Education, Technology and Innovation (THEi AETI 2019) Education, April 16-18, Hong Kong. (Endeavour Merit Award)
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K., & (2018). Applying importance-performance analysis to East Africa as a travel destination, International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Sciences (ICEMSS), Dec, 15-17, Xian, China.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K. (2017). China-Africa tourism: Toward a research agenda, Africa Research Group Conference, August 29-31, Mauritius.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K. (2017). Toward China-Africa tourism in the context of a new economic engagement, Sustaining Sustainabilities - Tourism 2017, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Capital Conference, 3 to 6 May 2017, Veszprém, Hungary. (Best Paper Award)
  • Choy, M. W.C. (2016). Employee turnover in the Hong Kong travel agency: Perceptual differences between managers and customer contact staff, European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), May 29 - June 4, Paris, France.
  • Choy. M. W. C. (2013). Teaching strategies and experience for vocational education and training in Hong Kong. China Skilled Talent Training and Education Conference, December 20-22, Zhongshan, China


  • Guest speaker of Metro Broadcast program 學無止境 on 27 February 2024
  • Interviewed by Next Media Group about job interview and workplace communication skills
  • 杜曉婷和黃德禹 (1 June 2016) 95後見工秘笈。交易通/青雲路。第1271期, 16-20
  • 95後見工秘笈 (24-31 May 2016), 蘋果動新聞, (online video version)
  • 霍芷晴 (2 September 2015) 90後必學見工與職場溝通技巧。交易通/青雲路。第1232期, 18-22
  • Co-host of Commercial Radio Programme《旅遊百事通》(Travel Specialist) in 2006 to 2007– 24 episodes


2023 - 2024 

The construction of workplace identities in a turbulent post-colonial context: the case of Hong Kong under Chinese rule (Co-Investigator) by the BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants (Under Review)

2023 2024

Engaged Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education (Co-Investigator) – HK$282,080 by the Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS) of Research Grants Council (RGC) (2023/24 round) (Under review)

2021 - 2023  

Identifying supply and demand gaps that influence employability and sustainability in the hospitality industry (Principal Investigator) – funded HK$ 504,867 by Competitive Research Funding Schemes of Research Grants Council (RGC)

2017 - 2018

Tourism in the Asia-Africa nexus: A critical examination of a neglected domain (Principal Investigator) - funded HK$90,000 by THEi Seed Grant