Associate Professor
Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering
Contact details
Email: rogerng@thei.edu.hk
Phone: +852 2176 1023
- Lighting Technology
PhD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
BEng(Hons) in Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
- Associate Professor, Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
- Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Science and Technology, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
- Lecturer, Department of Engineering, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin)
- Instructor, Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Registered Professional Engineer (Building Services), Engineers Registration Board, Hong Kong
- Member, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
- Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council, UK
- Member, The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, UK
- Corporate Member, Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society, Hong Kong
- BEAM Professional, Hong Kong Green Building Council
- Building Services Engineering
- Lighting Engineering
- Building Information Modelling
- Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
- Engineering Education
Ng, R.T.H., Lai, J.H.K., Leung, O.C.H. and Edwards, D. (2023), Assessing lift maintenance performance of high-rise residential buildings. Journal of Building Engineering 68, 106202.
Lai, J.H.K., Ng, R.T.H., Chiu, B.W.Y., Hou, C.H.Y., Edwards, D. and Wong, P.Y.L. (2022), Retro-commissioning for buildings: problems and the way forward for a policy research study. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1101, 062013.
Cheng, J.Y.C, Wong, N.C.Y, Ho, T.W.L, Kwong, H.F., Ng, R.T.H. and Cheung, H. (2021), A case study of lighting retrofit to improve building energy efficiency and lighting quality by using luminaires with nano optical coating. HKIE Transactions 27(4), 156-165.
Ng, R.T.H. and Wong, A.Y.Y. (2020), Perceived importance and levels of technical English communication skills among stakeholders in engineering fields. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology 5(2), 43-50.
Chan, M.Y. and Ng, R.T.H. (2015), An experimental study of heat pipe heat exchanger for cooling and dehumidification in an indirect evaporative way. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 36(5), 596-613.
Lai, J.H.K, Ng, R.T.H. and Chiu B.W.Y. (2016), “Research Study – Towards adoption of Building Information Modelling in Building Services Engineering in Hong Kong”, Collaborative Research among CIBSE-HKB, HKIE-BSD and PolyU.
Chung, T.M. and Ng, R.T.H. (2016), “Application of analytic hierarchy process in daylighting performance assessment”, Indoor and Built Environment, 25(1), 50-68.
Chung, T.M. and Ng, R.T.H. (2013), Introduction of a new daylighting quality benchmarking method. ICSDEC 2012: Development the Frontier of Sustainable Design, Engineering, and Construction, 921-928
Ng, R.T.H. and Chung, T.M. (2011), “On the calibration of high dynamic range photography for luminance measurements in indoor daylit scenes”, Architectural Science Review, 54, 39-49.
Chung, T.M. and Ng, R.T.H. (2010), Variation of calibration factor over time for high dynamic range photography in a single daylit interior scene. Journal of Light & Visual Environment, 34(2), 87-93.