Prof AU Wai Man, Raymond, MH
Honorary Professor
Department of Design and Architecture
Prof CHAN Janae
Honorary Professor
Department of Design and Architecture

Prof CHEN Hung-chi, Leslie, JP
Honorary Professor
Department of Design and Architecture

Prof LAU Sau-shing, Patrick
Honorary Professor
Department of Design and Architecture

Prof TANG Shuk-ming, Winnie, MH, JP
Honorary Professor
Department of Design and Architecture

Prof WONG Wah Sang
Honorary Professor
Prof YANG Ming-yen, Teresa, JP
Honorary Professor
Department of Design and Architecture
Sr Ir Prof CHAN Yuk Kit, James, MH, JP
Adjunct Professor
Department of Design and Architecture
Sr Prof CHEUNG Tin Cheung, SBS
Adjunct Professor
Department of Design and Architecture

Prof FOK Lo-ming, Crystal
Adjunct Professor
Department of Design and Architecture

Prof FU Ying
Adjunct Professor
Department of Design and Architecture

Prof WAN Tak-fai, Danny
Adjunct Professor
Department of Design and Architecture
Sr Prof YEUNG Man Kai, Gary
Adjunct Professor
Department of Design and Architecture

Prof YUEN Fung-ting, Euphemia
Adjunct Professor
Department of Design and Architecture
Prof WONG Kar Tat, Carter
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Design and Architecture

Prof WU Yan
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Design and Architecture