PhD (PolyU) MEng (RMIT, Aus) BEng (RMIT, Aus)
Chair Professor of Product Innovation
Fellow of European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Fellow of European Academy of Sciences
Prof Alan LAU has been appointed as the new President of the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) with effect from 12 December 2022. He will provide strategic leadership and operational management to enhance the quality of academic programmes and research outputs in support of industry growth of Hong Kong.
With his strong academic, research and industry background, and his well-established partnerships with the industry and professional bodies in Hong Kong as well as many universities in the Mainland and overseas, Prof LAU will bring in innovative and authentic learning platforms to enable younger generations to unleash their full potential, offer them opportunities to practise and engage with future stakeholders in an early stage, making them work-ready and productive graduates in the industry.
Prof LAU, being a seasoned Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) educator, started his career as an aircraft maintenance apprentice in Hong Kong. He first joined Hong Kong Polytechnic University and then Swinburne University of Technology, Australia after working for years in various engineering companies in Hong Kong and Australia. Prior to commencement of the President role in THEi, Prof LAU was Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Partnerships and Digital Innovation) of Swinburne University of Technology, Australia to take charge of its research performance, international research, and ranking strategy.
Prof LAU holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering (RMIT University). His professional qualification/memberships include the following:
- Fellow, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Fellow, European Academy of Sciences
- Fellow, The Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS)
- Fellow, The Institution of Engineers, Australia (FIEAust)
- Fellow, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE)
- Fellow, The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM)
- Fellow, The Institute of Engineering Designers (FIED)
- Fellow, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (FHKIE)
- Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council (CEng)
- Chartered Professional Engineers, Australia (CPEng)
- Registered Professional Engineer, HKIE (RPE)
09/1997 – 04/2001 | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Mechanical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Thesis: Mechanical Performance and Structural Health Monitoring of Composite-strengthened Structures |
02/1996 – 11/1996 | Master of Engineering (MEng), Aerospace Engineering Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, RMIT University Thesis: The Use of Ultrasonic Welding for Carbon Fiber Preforms for RTM Process Group Project: Design of an Unmanned Air Vehicle |
02/1991 – 11/1995 | Bachelor of Engineering (BEng (Hons)), Aerospace Engineering Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, RMIT University Thesis: Investigation on a Cutout Effect for Aircraft Structures |
02/2022 – now | President Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong |
01/2020 – now | Honorary Professor in Design Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong |
12/2019 – now | Honorary Professor Shandong University, China |
04/2016 – 12/2022 | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Performance and Development; International and Digital Research) Swinburne University of Technology, Australia |
12/2014 – now | Independent Non-Executive Director King’s Flair International (Holdings) Limited; (Stock Code: 6822) |
01/2014 – 04/2016 | Associate Dean Faculty of Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |
12/2014 – 04/2016 | Endowed Professor in Product Design Engineering Alex Wong Siu Wah & Gigi Wong Fook Gi Endowed Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |
09/2002 – 04/2016 | Assistant, Associate and Full Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |
09/2002 – 04/2016 | Director James Hsioung Lee Foundation Product Testing and Analysis Centre (through HSBC Donation) |
09/2001 – 11/2016 | School Manager Wa Ying College (Band 1A school in Hong Kong) |
08/2010 – 05/2012 | Executive Director and Professor Centre of Excellence in Engineered Fibre Composites, Queensland, Australia |
02/2008 – 12/2008 | Visiting Research Fellow University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia |
14/2001 – 08/2002 | Post-doctoral Research Fellow Department of Mechanical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |
06/1997 – 09/1997 | Engineering Designer PolyU Technology & Consultancy Company Limited (Welding specialist) |
01/1997 – 06/1997 | Mechanical Engineer Dynaweld Limited, Hong Kong |
02/1996 – 11/1996 | Research Assistant (Composite manufacturing) Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite (Aerospace) Structures (CRC-ACS) Australia |
11/1995 – 02/1996 | Engineer Trainee (Aircraft repair) General Aviation Maintenance Pty. Ltd. Australia |
1987 – 1990 | Aircraft Maintenance Apprentice (Airframe) Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company, Aircraft |
03/2017 – now | Adjunct Professor, Southwest Jiaotong University, China |
01/2018 – now | Academic Advisor, Asia University |
12/2010 – 11/2013 | Visiting Chair Professor Harbin Institute of Technology, China (Under 100 scholars’ scheme) |
06/2010 – 05/2014 | Visiting Chair Professor, London South Bank University, London, UK (Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Programme) |
07/2009 – 06/2014 | Visiting Chair Professor, Chonbuk National University, Korea (Under the World Class University (WCU) Programme) |
06/2012 – 05/2018 | Adjunct Professor, University of Southern Queensland, Australia |
04/2010 – 04/2013 | Adjunct Professor, Shanghai Maritime University, China |
10/2006 – 09/2009 | Adjunct Professor, Ocean University of China, China |
11/2006 – 10/2008 | Adjunct Professor, Lanzhou University, China |
05/2003 – 05/2007 | Adjunct Professor, University of New Orleans, USA |
2000 | The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship Award |
2002 | Young Scientist Award 2002, Award in Engineering Science Discipline, The Institute of Science |
2004 | Young Engineer of the Year Award, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) |
2006 | Award for Outstanding Research (International) on “Nanocomposites for Space Applications”, The 14th International Conference of Composites/Nano Engineering, July 2006, Colorado USA |
2007 | Elected as Fellow of European Academy of Sciences |
2009 | Winner of the Ernest L. Boyer International Award for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Technology |
2011 | The 1st Technology Award in Heilongjiang Province, China in Space Smart and Structural Health Monitoring Research |
2013 | University Grants Committee Award for Teaching Excellence |
2014 | “Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education” granted by the Global Learntech Congress |
2015 | USQ Research Giant Award on Nano-composites for Space Applications, Australia |
2017 | Elected as Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts |
2019 | Australia’s Research Theme Leader in Composite Materials |
2020 | VEBLEO Best Scientist Award, granted by International Science, Engineering and Technology Conference & Webinars |
- Temperature-compensated FBG strain sensor for statically and dynamically measuring mechanical strains of cement-based structures (2004/CN 03272851.4.)
- Rotary stepping actuator (CN 2005 1 0079594.0)
- Novel Carbon Nanotube/nanoclay composites (CN 2005 10079598.9)
- Sensory Re-educator (US 2010/0106050 A1)
- An FBG music tuner (US 2009/7507891 B2)
- Hygiene rubbish bin (US 2009/0008402 A1)
- A Fibre-optic transducer for simultaneous pressure and temperature measurement in fluid flow (US2010/7729567 B2)
- Automated testing for palpating of diabetic foot patient (US 2008/0193905 A1 and US2015/9017266 B2)
- Aviation Performance Limitations
- Materials Science
- Construction Materials
- Product Innovation Design
- Materials Characterisation
- Nanostructured Materials
2002/03 | CNT for Polymer-based Composites |
2003/04 | The Development of Heat Resistant Nanoclay/Polymer Composites for Space and Automotive Applications |
2003/04 | Interfacial Bonding Properties of Layered Silicates Polymer Composites |
2003-06 | Structural Integrity Monitoring of Delaminated Composite Beams using Embedded Multiplexed FBG Sensor Arrays |
2004/06 | Enhancement of Fracture Toughness of Advanced Composite Materials using Multiwalled Coiled Carbon Nanotubes |
2005/06 | Design of a Product Platform to Improve Commonality for Local Electronic and Home Appliance Industry |
2005/06 | Design of a Multifunctional Sensory Product for Stroke patients |
2005/07 | Delamination detection of composite structures using acousto-ultrasonic and embedded fibre-optic sensor mapping technology |
2005/07 | The use of computer-aided technology to comprehensively investigate KCRC train’s structural problems with due consideration of human effect |
2006/07 | Temperature-compensated FBG sensors |
2006/08 | The Development of Multi-functional Sensory Re-education Device |
2006/08 | Novel Design of a Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Backpack Scaffold with due Considerations of Human Effect and Materials Fatigue for Product and Military Applications |
2006/08 | Development of a High Strength biodegradable composite using natural silk fibres |
2007/08 | MIT-Hong Kong Polytechnic collaboration on Vehicle Design Initiative |
2007/08 | International Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures (MMS) and Their Application |
2007/09 | Structural and Mechanical Performance of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) |
2007/08 | A Novel Luminescent Nano-composite by Incorporating Rare Earth Complex in Polymer Matrix |
2007/08 | Development of a High-strength and Eco-friendly CFF/PEC Composite |
2007/09 | Development of a Generic Product Design Platform for Household Product Design |
2008/09 | Design of a Smart FRP Foot Bridge Systems |
2008/09 | Development of a High-strength Nanoclay Reinforced Advanced Composite Material for Product and Engineering Applications |
2009/11 | Development of a Silk Pelade/PLA Bio-degradable and Bio-resorbable Composite for Bone Fixation |
2010/15 | CRC-ACS Collaborative Research Projects (Bio-composites; Structural Health Monitoring; FRP for Pipe Repair and Deep Water Composites) |
2010/11 | Bridging the Gap –Composite Girder for Bridge Applications (with LOC Composites and Main Roads of Queensland – Smart State Fund) |
2011/12 | Researcher in Business (Geo-polymer for Buildings) |
2011/14 | Monitoring damage in advanced composite structures using embedded multiplexed fibre optic sensors (with Boeing R&T Australia) |
2011/13 | Development of Natural Fibre for Cementitious Materials |
2012/13 | Research in Business (Composites Sandwich Panel) |
2012/13 | Frontier Technologies for Science and Engineering |
2012/14 | Development of a Smart Composite Wind Turbine (with NASA Glenn Research Centre) |
2012/14 | Bamboo Fibre Reinforced Composites (Research in Business) |
2013/16 | UV Resistant Polymer-based Composites for Aircraft Structures |
2014/16 | Cryogenic Nanootibe/Polymer Composites |
2014/15 | Fire Retardant Epoxy-based Fibre Composites |
2015/16 | Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete Bridges |
2015/18 | Reliability and Repair Scheme on Advanced Composite Bonded and Hybrid Joints for Aircraft at Harsh Service Environments |
2016/18 | Using Coiled Carbon Nanotubes to Enhance Composite Joints at Cryogenic Environments (Hong Kong Scholar Scheme) |
2017-19 | Optic Fibre Sensors Network for Composite-Retrofitted Column in Earthquake (DP180103587) |
2017-19 | Quantifying residual stress in rapid manufacturing of composite materials (DP180104199) |
2017-19 | Factory of the Future: High Volume Automated Composites Centre (LE170100245) |
2016-18 | Design for Kitchenware |
2017-18 | JRC in Frontier Carbon Materials |
2018-19 | Hybrid Composite Materials and Structures |
2019-22 | Co-construction of Electronic Arc Extinguishing Research and Development Project |
2019-21 | Anti-bacterial coating for polymers |
2020-21 | Noise-isolated polymer layer using CNTs |
2020-23 | Aerostructures Innovation Research Hub |
- Advances in Composite Materials and Structures (2007) ISBN 0-87849-427-8
- Multifunctional Materials and Structures (2008) ISBN 0-87849-378-6
- Research, Development and Applications (2008) ISBN 978-7-302-18475-1
- Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites Nano- and Bio-Composites (2009) ISBN 9781420080278
- Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites (2010) ISBN 9781439816820
- Polymer-based Materials and Composites – Synthesis, Assembly, Properties and Applications (2011) ISBN 978-1-60511-289-3
Fillers and Reinforcements for Advanced Nanocomposites (2015) ISBN 978-0-08-100079-3
Natural Fiber-Reinforced Biodegradable and Bioresorbable Polymer Composites (2017) ISBN 9780081006566
Polymer-based Composites for Applications in Harsh Environments (2018)
- The revolutionary creation of new advanced materials—carbon nanotube composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2002
- Effectiveness of using carbon nanotubes as nano-reinforcements for advanced composite structures. Carbon 40. 2002
- Thermal and mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube bundle-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites: the role of solvent for nanotube dispersion. Composites Science and Technology. 2005.
- A critical review on nanotube and nanotube/nanoclay related polymer composite materials. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2006
- A critical review on polymer-based bio-engineered materials for scaffold development. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2007
- Natural fibre-reinforced composites for bioengineering and environmental engineering applications. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2009
In-situ synthesis and characterization of electrically conductive polypyrrole/graphene nanocomposites. Polymer. 2010
Polymer membranes for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell: recent advances and challenges. Progress in Polymer Science. 2011
Chemical treatments on plant-based natural fibre reinforced polymer composites: An overview. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2012
Critical factors on manufacturing processes of natural fibre composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2012
Epoxy clay nanocomposites–processing, properties and applications: A review. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2013
Book Chapters
Hao W and LAU KT. Hemp and Hemp-based Composites. Green Composites from Natural Resources, CRC Press, USA, edited by Vijay Kumar. 32-46, 2013 (ISNB: 9781466570696)
LAU KT. Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites. Nano- and Biocomposites, published by by Taylor & Francis / CRC Press, USA, 1 – 22, 2009 (ISBN: 9781420080278)
LAU KT. Recent Development on Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites. Functional Materials, Nanophysics and Nanotechnology, published by Institute of Materials, Vietnam, edited by Anthony Chatham. 118-150, 2006 (ISBN: 987-90-9021459-7)
LAU KT. Potential Applications of nanotube and Nanoclay Polymer-based Composites. Developments in Composites: Advanced, Infrastructural, Natural and Nano-composites, 2006 (ISBN 0-7334-2362-9)
JIN W, LEE TKY, HO L, HO HL, LAU KT, ZHOU LM and ZHOU Y. Structural Strain and Temperature Measurements Using Fiber BRAGG Grating Sensors. Guided Wave Optical. Chapter 25, 2005
LAU KT, SANKAR J and HUI D. Enhancement of the Mechanical Strength of Polymer-based Composite using Carbon Nanotubes. Nano-Engineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials (Chapter 14), published by CRC Press, edited by Mark J Schulz, Ajit D Kelkar, Mannur J Sundaresan. 2005 (ISBN: 0849316537)
GOU J and LAU KT. Modelling and Simulation of Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites. A chapter in The Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, published by American Scientific Publishers, edited by Michael Rieth and Wolfram Schommers, 2005 (ISBN 1-58883-042-X)
LING HY. LAU KT. CHENG L. JIN W. THOMSON RS and Murray L SCOTT. Embedded FBG Sensor for Dynamic Strain Measurement for a Clamped-Clamped Composite Structure. Key Engineering Materials (Vol 295-296). Trans Tech Publications Inc. Publishers in Science and Engineering, USA, 2005; 21-26. (ISBN: 0-87849-977-6)
LING HY, LAU KT, ZHOU LM, CHENG L, TENG JG and W JIN. Utilisation of Embedded Fibre-optic Sensors for Infrastructure Applications. Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology. Edited by F. K. Chang, C. B. Yun and B. F. Spencer. DES tech Publications, Inc. USA. 2004; 453-460. (ISBN: 1-932078-40-1)
LAU KT, ZHOU LM and YE L. Strain Evaluation on Strengthened Concrete Beam by using FBG Sensor. Non-destructive Characterisation of Materials, Chapter, Edited by R. E. Green, American Institute of Physics (AIP) (ISBN 1-5639-911-4), New York, pp 303-308, 1999
LAU KT, SHI SQ and ZHOU LM. Stress Intensity Factor for the Concrete Beam Strengthening by Composite Plate. Fracture Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Materials, Chapter, Edited by L. Ye and Y. W. Mai, The University of Sydney Press (ISBN 1-86487-283-7), Australia, pp 84-91, 1999
CHAN PKC, LAU KT, JIN W and ZHOU LM. Utilisation of Fibre-optic Bragg Grating Sensors in Concrete Columns Confined with Glass-fibre-reinforced Plastic (GFRP) Laminate under Uni-axial Compression Test. Chapter, Edited by Marcus M. A. and Wang A., The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) (ISBN 0-8194-2999-6), U.S.A. pp 64-72, 1999
Single-authorship Papers
- LAU KT. Structural Health Monitoring for Smart Composites using Embedded FBG Sensor Technology. Materials Science and Technology. 2014; 30(13A): 1642-1654
- LAU KT. Interfacial Bonding Characteristics of Nanotube/polymer Composites. Chemical Physics Letters. 2003; 370: 399-405
- LAU KT. Fibre-optic Sensors and Smart Composites for Concrete Applications: A Review Article. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2003; 51(1): 19-34
- LAU KT. Vibration Characteristics of SMA Composite Beams with Different Boundary Conditions. Materials and Design. 2002: 23: 741-749
Journal articles (accepted and published)
Chan KY., Pham DQ., Demir B., Yang D., Mayes ELH., Mouritz AP and Lau KT. Graphene Oxide Thin Film Structural Dielectric Capacitors for Aviation Static Electrically Harvesting and Storage. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2020; 201: 108375
Kabir MM., AI-Haik MY., Aldajah SH., Lau KT and Wang H. Impact Properties of the Chemically-treated Hemp Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites. Fibers and Polymers. 2020; 21(9): 2098-2110
Jiang J., Lau KT and Chen S. Discussion of “An Unstiffened Eight-bolt Extended End-plate Moment Connection for Special and Intermediate Moment Frames”. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2020; 146(7): 0702004
Guo F., Shen X., Zhou J., Zheng Q., Yang J., Jia B., Lau KT and Kim JK. Highly Thermally Conductive Dielectric Nanocomposites with Synergistic Alignments of Graphene and Boron Nitride Nanosheets. Advanced Functional Materials. 2020; 30(19): 1910826
Hung PY., Lau KT., Guo Q., Jia B and Fox B. Tailoring Specific Properties of Polymer-based Composites by using Graphene and its Associated Compounds. International Journal of Smart and Nan0-materials. 2020; 11(2): 173-189
Peerzada M., Abbasi S., Lau KT., Hameed. Additive Manufacturing of Epoxy Resin” Materials, Methods and Latest Trend. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2020; 59(14): 6375-6390
Kshetri T., Tran DT., Nguyen DC., Kim NH., Lau KT and Lee JH. Ternary Graphene-carbon Nanofibers-carbon Nanotubes Structure for Hybrid Supercapactor. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020; 380: 122543
Kshetri T., Tran DT., Singh TI., Kim NH., Lau KT and Lee JH. Effects of the Composition of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Carbon Nanofibre Nanocomposite on Charge Storage Behaviour. Composites part B: Engineering. 2019; 178: 107500
Chan KY., Yang D., Demir B., Mouritz AP., Lin H., Jia B and Lau KT. Boosting the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Structural Dielectric Capacitor Composites via Gold Nanoparticle Doping. Composites part B: Engineering. 2019; 178: 107480
Wang H., Murray VJ., Qian M., Minton DJ., Dong A., Lau KT., Wu B and Che L. Resistance of Nanoclay Reinforced Epoxy Composites to Hyperthermal Atomic Oxygen Attack. Chinese journal of Chemical Physics. 2019; 32(5): 543-552
Hung P., Lau KT., Fox B., Hameed N., Jia B and Lee JH. Effect of Graphene Oxide Concentration on Flexural Properties of CFRP at Low Temperature. Carbon. 2019
Hung P., Lau KT., Qiao K., Fo B and Hameed N. Property Enhancement of CFRP Composites with Different Graphene Oxide Employment Methods at a Cryogenic Temperature. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2019; 120: 56-63
Demir B., Chan KY., Yang D., Mouritz A., Lin H., Jia B., Lau KT and Walsh TR. Epoxy-gold Nanoparticle Nanocomposites with Enhanced Thermo-mechanical Properties: An Integrated Modelling and Experimental Study. Composites Science and Technology. 2019; 174: 106-116
Yuan G., Bai Y., Jia Z., Lau KT and Hung PY. Structural Deformation Performance of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite Beam Actuated by Imbedded Indented SMA Wires. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2019; 159: 284-291
Di C., Yu J., Wang B. Lau KT., Zhu B and Qiao K. Study of Hybrid Nanoparticles Modified Epoxy Resin used in Filament Winding Composite. Materials. 2019; 12(23): 3853-62
Tran P., Nguyen QT and Lau KT. Fire Performance of Polymer-based Composites for Maritime Infrastructure. Composite Part B: Engineering. 2018; 155: 31-48
Chan KY., Han L., Qao K., Jia BH and Lau KT. Multifunctional Graphene Oxide Paper Embodied Structural Dielectric Capacitor based on Carbon Fibre Reinforced Composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2018; 163: 180-190
Mohan VB, Lau KT, Hui D and Bhattacharyya. Graphene-based Materials and their Composites: A review on Production, Applications and Product Limitations. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2018; 142: 200-220
Lau KT, Hung PY, Zhu MH and Hui D. Properties of Natural Fibre Composites for Structural Engineering Applications. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2018; 136: 222-233
Chan KY., Jia BH., Lin H., Zhu B and Lau KT. Design of a Structural Power Composite using Graphene Oxide as a Dielectric Material Layer. Materials Letters. 2018; 216:162-165
Chan KY., Jia BH., Lin H., Hameed N., Lee HL and Lau KT. A Critical Review on Multifunctional Composites as Structural Capacitors for Energy Storage. Composite Structures. 2018; 188:126-142
Ma HL., Zhang XQ., Lau KT and Shi SQ. Effect of nanoclay Concentration on the Lap Joint Shear Performance of nanoclay/Epoxy Adhesive at Cryogenic Condition. Journal of Composite Materials. 2018; 52 (18): 2477-2482
Liu ZY., Lin H., Lee KK., Lau KT and Tam HY. Large Dynamics Range Pressure Sensor Based on Two Semicircle-hole Micro-structured Fiber. Scientific Reports. 2018; 8:65 (8:65: DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-18245-6)
Hung PY., Lau KT., Cheng LK., Leng JS and Hui D. Impact Response on Hybrid Glass/Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Designed for Engineering Applications. Composites part B: Engineering; 2018, 133: 86-90
Hung HY., Lau KT., Fox B., Hameed N., Lee JH and Hui D. Surface Modification of Carbon Fibre using Graphene-related Materials for Multifunctional Composites. 2018; 133: 240-257
Bajracharya RM., Manalo AC., Karunasena W and Lau KT. Durability Characteristics and Property of Glass Fibre Reinforced Mixed Plastics Composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2017; 116: 16-29
Layek RK., Uddin Md E., Kim NH., Lau KT and Lee JH. Noncovalent Functionalization of Reduced Graphene Oxide with Pluronic F127 and its Nanocomposites with Gum Arabic. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2017; 128: 155-163
Wu Y., Sun XY., Liu X., Lin XY., Wang ZY., Li RK., Yang ZY., Lau KT and Kim LK. Graphene Foam/Carbon Nanotube/Poly(Dimethyl Siloxane) Composites as Excellent Sound Absorber. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2017; 102: 391-399
Ma HL., Lau KT., Hui D., Shi SQ and Poon CK. Theoretical analysis on the pull-out behaviour of carbon nanotube at cryogenic environment with the consideration of thermal residual stress. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2017: 128: 67-75
Ma HL., Jia ZM., Lau KT, Li XF., Hui D and Shi SQ. Enhancement on Mechanical Strength of Adhesively-bonded Composite Lap Joints at Cryogenic Environment using Coiled Carbon Nanotubes. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2017; 110: 396-401
Chipara M., Artiaga R., Lau KT, Chipara DM and Hui D. Dynamical Mechanical Analysis of Multiwall carbon Nanotube-styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer nanocomposite. Composites Communications. 2017; 3: 23-27
Ma HL, Jia ZM., Lau KT., Leng JS and Hui D. Impact Properties of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites at Cryogenic Environment. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016; 92: 210-217
Jia ZM., Yuan GQ., Ma HL., Hui D and Lau KT. Tensile Properties of a Polymer-based Adhesive at Low Temperature with Different Strain Rates. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016; 87: 227-232
Bajracharya RM., Manalo AC., Karunasena W and Lau KT. Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Properties of Injection Moulded Glass Fibre Reinforced Mixed Plastics Composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2016; 84: 393-405
Yuan GQ., Bao YJ., Jia ZM, Hui D and Lau KT. Enhancement of Interfacial Bonding Strength of SMA Smart Composites by using Mechanical Indented Method. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016; 106; 99-106
Jia ZM., Hui D., Yuan GQ, Lair J., Lau KT and Xu FJ. Mechanical Properties of an Epoxy-based Adhesive under High Strain Loadings at Low Temperature Environment. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016; 105: 132-137
Das O., Bhattacharyya D., Hui D and Lau KT. Mechanical and Flammability Characterisations of Biochar/Polypropylene Biocomposites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 106; 120-128: 2016
Jia ZM, Ma HL, Cheng LK, Lau KT, Hui D and Yuan GQ. Stress Transfer Properties of carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Composites at Low Temperature Environment. Composites part B: Engineering; 2016; 106: 356-365
Wong TT., Lau KT., Tam WY., Etches JA., Kim JK and Wu Y. Effects of silane surfactant on nano-ZnO and rheology properties of nano-ZnO/epoxy on the UV absorbability of nano-ZnO/epoxy/micron-HGF epoxy composite. Composite Part B: Engineering. 2016;90:378-385
Wong TT., Lau KT and Tam WY. Degradation of Nano-ZnO Particle filled Styrene-based and Epoxy-based SMPs under UVA Exposure. Composite Structures. 2015; 132: 1056-1064
Ho MP, Lau KT and Wang H. Improvement on the Properties of Polylactic Acid (PLA) using Bamboo Charcoal Particles. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2015; 81: 14-25
Manalo A., Wani E; Zukamain NA and Lau KT. Effects of Alkali Treatment and Elevated Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Fibre-polyester Composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2015; 80: 73-80
Dong Y., Marshall J., Haoosh H and Lau KT. Polylactic Acid (PLA)/Halloysite Nanotubes (HNT) Composite Mats: Influence of HNT Content and Modification. Composites Part A – Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2015: 76: 28-36
Misnon MI., Islam MM., Epaarachchi JA and Lau KT. Analyses of Woven Hemp Fabric Characteristics for Composite Reinforcement. Materials and Design. 2015; 66: 82-92
Baijracharya RM., Manalo AS., Karunasena W and Lau KT. An Overview of Mechanical Properties and Durability of Glass-fibre Reinforced Recycled Mixed Plastic Waste Composites. Materials and Design. 2014; 62: 98-112
Ho MP and Lau KT. Enhancement of Impact Resistance of Biodegradable Polymer using bamboo Charcoal Particles. Materials Letters. 2014; 136: 122-125
Li P, Yan ZJ, Zhang L, Liu YJ, Leng JS and Lau KT. Monitoring of deployment process of shape memory polymers for morphing structures with embedded fibre Bragg grating Sensors. J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2014; 25(10): 1224-1232
Lau KT. Structural Health Monitoring for Smart Composite using Embedded FBG Sensor Technology. Materials Science and Technology. 2014; 30(13): 1642-1654
Wong TT, Tam WY, Julie A and Lau KT. Feasibility of Using ZnO/Epoxy Filled Hollowed Glass Fibres for UV Resistant Polymer Composites. Materials Letters. 2014; 63: 76-84
Haroosh H, Yu D and Lau KT. Tetracycline Hydrochloride (TCH)-loaded Drug Carrier Based on PLA:PCL Nanofibre Mats: Experimental Characterisation and Release Kinetics Modelling. J. Materials Science. 2014; 49(18): 6270-6281
Wang H, Kabir MM and Lau KT. Hemp Reinforced Composites with Alkalization and Acetylation Fibre Treatments. Polymers and Polymer Composites. 2014; 22(3): 247-252
Misnon I, Epaarachchi J and Lau KT. Potentiality of Utilising Natural Textile Materials for Engineering Composites Applications. Materials & Design. 2014; 59: 359-368 (DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2014.03.022)
Dong Y, Mosaval T, Haroosh HJ, Umer R, Takagi H and Lau KT. The Potential Use of Electro-spun Poly-lactic Acid Nanofibres as Alternative Reinforcements in an Epoxy Composites System. J. Poly. Sci. Part B – Polymer Physics. 2014; 52: 618-623 (DOI: 10.1002/polb.23467)
Wong TT, Lau KT and Tam WY. UV resistibility of a Nano-ZnO/galss Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite. Materials and Design. 2014; 56: 254-257 (DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2013.11.014)
Dong Y, Ghataura A, Takagi H, Haroosh HJ, Nakagaito AN and Lau KT. Polylactic acid (PLA) Biocomposites Reinforced with Cori Fibres: Evaluation of Mechanical Performance and Multifunctional Properties. Composites Part A. 2014; 63: 76-84
Rohan B, Manalo A, Warna K and Lau KT. An Overview of Mechanical Properties and Durability of Glass-fibre Reinforced Recycled Mixed Plastic Waste Composites. Materials and Design; 2014; 62: 98-112
Tao F, Liu YJ, Lau KT and Leng JS. Impact Source Identification in a Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Plate by using Embedded Fibre Optic Acoustic Emission Sensor. Comp. Pt. B: Engineering. 2014; 66: 420-429
Shamsuddoha Md., Islam MM, Aravinthan T., Manalo A and Lau KT. Characterization of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Epoxy Grouts for Composite Repair of Steel Pipelines. Materials and Design. 2013; 52: 315-327
Ho MP, Lau KT, Au HY and Tam HY. Monitoring of an asymmetrical SMA reinforced composite using embedded FBG sensors. Smart Materials and Structures. 2013; 22(12): 125015
Gayan K., Epaarachchi, Wang H and Lau KT. Extraction and Processing of Real Time Strain of Embedded FBG Sensors using a Fixed Filter FBG Circuit and an Artificial Neural Network. Measurement. 2013; 46(10): 4045-4051
Lau ML, Lau KT, Ku H and Bhattacharyya D. Analysis of Heat-treated Bovine Cortical Bones by Thermal Gravimetric and Nano-indentation. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2013; 55: 447-452
Lau KT, Wong TZ, Leng JS and Hui D. Property Enhancement of Polymer-based Composites at Cryogenic Environment by using Tailored Carbon Nanotubes. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2013; 54: 41-43
Kabir MM, Wang H, Lau KT, Cardona F, Aravinthan T. Mechanical properties of chemically-treated hemp fibre reinforced sandwich composites. Composites: Part B: Engineering. 2013; 53: 362-368
Yu D, Thomas B, Hazim JH and Lau KT. Multi-response analysis in the material characterisation of electrospun poly (lactic acid)/halloysite nanotube composite fibres based on Taguchi design of experiments: fibre diameter, non-intercalation and nucleation effects. Applied Physics A- Materials Science & Processing. 2013; 112(3): 747-757
Kabir MM, Wang H and Lau KT. Effects of Chemical Treatments on Hemp Fibre Structures. Applied Surface Science. 2013; 276: 13-23
Li Q, Mishra AK, Hoon N, Lee JH and Lau KT. Effects of processing conditions of pol(methylmethacrylate) encapsulated liquid curing agent on the properties of self-healing composites. Composites Part B. 2013; 49: 6-15
Tarawneh MA., Shmad SHJ., EhNoum SY and Lau KT. Sonication effect on the mechanical properties of MWNTs reinforced natural rubber. J. Composites Materials. 2013; 47(5): 579-585
Yan Z, Wang H and Lau KT. Reinforced of polypropylene with hemp fibre. Composites Part B. 2013; 46: 221-226
He YX, Li Q, Kuila T and Lau KT. Micro-crack behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic modified epoxy composites for cryogenic applications. Composites Part B. 2013; 44(1): 533-539
Shamsuddoha Md, Mainul Md, Aravinthan T and Lau KT. Effectiveness of using fibre-reinforced polymer composites for under water steel pipeline repairs. Composite Structures. 2013; 100: 40-54
Albdiry MT, Yousif BF, Ku H and Lau KT. A critical review on the manufacturing processes in relation to the properties of nanoclay/polymer composites. J. Composite Materials. 2013; 47(9): 1093-1115
Ho MP, Wang H and Lau KT. Effect of silk fibre to the mechanical and thermal properties of its biodegradable composites. J. Applied Polymer Science. 2013; 127(4): 2389-2396
YS Choy, Liu Y, Cheung HY, Qiang X and Lau KT. Development of a Composite Plate for Composite Silence Design, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012; 331(10): 2348-2364
Ho MP, Wang H and Lau KT. Degumming Effect on Silkworm Silk Fibre for Biodegradable Polymer Composites. Applied surface science. 2012; 258: 3948-3955
Cardona F, Lau KT, Fedrigo J. Novel Phenolic Resin with Improved Mechanical and Toughness Properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences. 2012; 123: 2131-2139
Ho MP and Lau KT. Design of an Impact Resistant Glass Fibre/Epoxy Composite using Short Silk Fibre. Materials and Design, 2012; 35: 664-669
Liu LW, Liu YJ, Leng JS and Lau KT. Electromechanical Stability of Compressible Dielectric Elastomer Actuators. Smart Materials and Structures. 2011; 20(11): 115015
Kim MT, Rhee KY, Lee JH and Lau AKT. Property Enhancement of a Carbon Fibre/Epoxy Composite by using Carbon Nanotubes. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2011; 42(5): 1257-1261
Chan ML, Wong TT and Lau KT. Interfacial Properties of Nanoclay/Polymer Composites. Applied Surface Science. 2011; 258: 860-864
Chan ML, Lau KT, Wong TT, Ho MP and Hui D. Mechanism of Reinforcement in a Nanoclay/polymer Composite. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2011; 42: 1708-1712
Dong Y, Chaudhary D, Ploumis C and Lau KT. Correlation of Mechanical Performance and Morphological Structures of Epoxy/Micro/Nanoparticulate Composites. Composites Part A. 2011; 42: 1483-1492
Bose S, Kim NH, Kuila T, Lau KT and Lee JH. Electrochemical performance of a graphene-polypyrrole nanocomposite as a super-capacitor electrode. Nanotechnology, 2011; 22(29): 295202
@ Bose S, Kuila T, Thi XLN, Lau KT and Lee JH. Polymer membranes for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell: Recent advances and challenges. Progress in Polymer Science. 2011; 36(6): 813-843
Tarawneh MA, Ahmad SH, Rasid R, Lau KT and Lee JH. Thermal behavior of MWNT-reinforced thermoplastic natural rubber nanocomposites. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2011; 30(3): 216-221
Ho MP, Lau KT and Wang H. Characteristics of a Silk Fibre Reinforced Biodegradable Plastic. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2011; 42(2): 117-122
Bose S, Kuila T, Uddin Md E, Kim NH, Lau KT and Lee JH. In-situ Synthesis and Characterization of Electrically Conductive PP/Graphene nanocomposites. Polymer, 2010; 51: 5921-5928
Zhao YQ, Cheung HY and Lau KT. Silkworm silk/PLA Biocomposites: Dynamic mechanical, thermal and biodegradable properties. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2010; 95(10): 1978-1987
Cheng S, Lau KT and Chen SG. Microscopic Observation of the Marine Bacterium Vibrio Natriegeus Growth on Metallic Corrosion. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2010; 25(5): 293-297
Lau ML, Lau KT, Yin YS, Li L, Wong M, Chan K and Chen W. A Shape Memory Alloy Energy Absorber for Backpack Design. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 2010; 25(4): 281-286
Guo QB, Lau KT, Rong MZ and Zhang Q. Optimization of tribological and mechanical properties of epoxy through hybrid filling. Wear, 2010; 269(1-2): 13-20
Zhou YQ, Lau KT, Lim JK, Xu CL, Zhao DD and Li HL. Nanodiamond/PLA nanocomposites: effect of nanodiamond on Structure and Properties of PLA., Composites Part B: Engineering. 2010; 41: 646-653
Liu T, Lau KT, Chen SG, Cheng S, He T and Yin YS. The electrochemistry corrosion behaviour of Fe3Al-type intermetallic with Super-hydrophobic surfaces. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 2010; 25(5): 298-301
Cheung HY, Lau KT, Pow YF, Zhao YQ and Hui D. Biodegradation of a Silkworm Silk/PLA Composite. Composites: Part B: Engineering, 2010, 41(3): 223-228
Park OK, Kim NH, Lau KT and Lee JH. Effect of Surface Treatment with Potassium Persulfate on Dispersion Stability of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes. Materials Letters. 2010; 64: 718-721
Lau ML, Lau KT and Lee JH. Measurement of Bovine Bone Properties through Surface Indentation Technique. Materials and Manufacturing Process, 2010; 25(5): 324-328
Ji XY, Li H, Hsiao KT, Ou JP and Lau KT. I-V Characteristics and Electro-mechanical response of different carbon balck/epoxy composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2010; 41: 25-32
Cheung HY, Ho MP, LAU KT, Cardona F and Hui D. Natural Fibre-reinforced Composites for Bioengineering and Environmental Engineering. Comp. Pt. B: Engineering. 2009; 40: 655-663
Cheng S, LAU KT, Liu T, Zhao YQ, Lam PM and Yin YS. Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Chicken Feather Fiber/PLA Green Composites. Comp. Pt. B: Engineering. 2009; 40: 650-354
Choy YS, LAU KT, Wang C, Chau CW, Liu Y and Hui D. Composite panels for reducing noise in air conditioning and ventilation systems. Comp. Pt. B: Engineering. 2009; 40: 259-266
Lam PM and LAU KT. Acousto-ultrasonic Sensing for Delaminated GFRP Composites using An Embedded FBG Sensor. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2009; 47: 1049-1055
Cheung HY, LAU KT, Ho MP and Mosallam A. Study on the Mechanical Properties of Different Silkworm Silk Fibers. J. Comp. Mater. 2009: 43(22): 2521-2531
Lam CK and LAU KT. Optimization Effect of Micro Hardness by Nanoclay Clusters in Nanoclay/Epoxy Composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. 2009: 22: 213-225
Li XF and LAU KT. Luminescent and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy-based Composites Doped with Europium Complex. Materials Letters. 2009, in press
Guo QB, Rong MZ, Jia GL, LAU KT and Zhang MQ. Sliding wear performance of nano-SiO2/short carbon fiber/epoxy hybrid composites. Wear. 2009; 266: 658-665
Wang B, Teng JG, De Lorenzis L, Zhou LM, Ou JP, Jin W and LAU KT. Strain Monitoring of RC Members Strengthened with Smart NSM FRP Bars. Construction and Building Materials. 2009: 23: 1698-1711
Guo QB, LAU KT, Zheng BF, Rong MZ and Zhang MQ. Imparting Ultra-low Friction and Wear Rate to Epoxy by the Incorporation of Microencapsulated Lubricant. Marcomolecular Materials and Engineering. 2009; 294: 20-24
Wang ZC, Xu CL, Zhao YQ, Li HL and LAU KT. Fabrication and mechanical properties of exfoliated clay-CNTs/epoxy nanocomposites. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2008; 490 (1-2): 481-487
Chipara M, Brittain WJ, LAU KT and Chipara MD. Polycarbonate-Carbon Nanofibers Composites: An Electron Spin Resonance Study. Polymers and Polymer Composites. 2008; 16(8): 519-526
Chan ML, LAU KT, Ho MP, Cheng A and Wong TT. Fabrication of uniformly-dispersed nanoclay cluster/epoxy composites. Polymers and Polymer Composites. 16 (8); 2008: 555-559
Si XJ, Guo LF, Wang YM and LAU KT. Preparation and study of Polypropylene/polyethylene terephthalate composite fibres. Comp. Sci and Tech. 2008; 68: 2943-2947
Li XF, LAU KT and Yin YS. Mechanical Properties of Epoxy-based Composites using Coiled Carbon Nanotubes. Comp. Sci. Tech. 2008; 68(14): 2876-2811
Guo LF, Wang YM, LAU KT and Hui D. Preparation and study of PP/PET composite fibers. Comp. Sci. Tech. 2008; 68(14): 2943-2947
LAU KT, Cheung HY, Lu J, Hui D and Li HL. Carbon nanotubes for space and bio-engineering applications. J. Computational & Theoretical nanoscience (invited). 2008; 5(1): 23-35
Zhu YF, Shi L, Liang J, Hui D and LAU KT. Synthesis of Zirconia Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes and Their Potential for Enhancing the Fracture Toughness of Alumina Ceramics. Composites Part B; 2008: 39(7-8): 1136-1141
Cheung HY, LAU KT and Tao XM. A Potential Material for Tissue Engineering: Silkworm Silk/PLA Biocomposite. Comp. Pt. B: Engineering. 2008; 36(6): 1026-1033
Zhu JJ, Wang XY, Guo LF, Wang YM, Wang YP, Yu MF and LAU KT. A Graphite Foam Reinforced by Graphite Particles. Carbon, 2007; 45(13): 2547-2550
LAU KT, Chan WH, Au S and Chung CY. Implementation of the Web-based Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) System. Computer-aided Design. 2007; 15-16: March/April 2007
Lam CK and LAU KT. Tribological Behaviour of Nanoclay/epoxy Composites. Materials Letters. 2007; 61(18); 3863-3866
Wang Y, An QQ, Cao LL, Si XJ, Liu DH, Chen JJ, Wang YM, LAU KT. The Study on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Foam based on Fractal Theory. E-Polymer. 2007; Aug 29: 95
Ling HY, Choi PC, Zheng YP and LAU KT. Extraction of mechanical properties of soft tissue using ultrasound indentation associated with genetic algorithm. J. Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2007: 18(8): 1579-1586
Ling HY, LAU KT and Lam PM. Damage assessment in advanced composite structures using embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors. HKIE Transactions. 2007; 14(3): 23-32
LAU KT, King A and Justice L. New Engineering & Product Design Opportunities in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta Region of China. Engineering Designer, IED, 2007; Jan/Feb, 18-22
Wei J, Li YB and LAU KT. Preparation and characterization of a nano-apatite/polyamide6 bioactive composite. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2007; 38(3): 301-305
Cheung HY, LAU KT, Lu TPC and Hui. A Critical Review on Bio-engineered Materials for Scaffold Development. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2007; 38(3): 291-300
Ling HY, LAU KT and Jin W and Chan KC. Characterization of dynamic strain measurement using reflection spectrum from a fiber Bragg grating. Optics communications. 2007; 270:25-30
Lam CK and LAU KT. Enhancement of Hardness and Wear Resistance of Epoxy-based Materials using Clay Nanoparticles. HKIE Transactions. 2007; 14(1): 13-17
Li XF, LAU KT and Yin YS. Nano-mechanical properties of coiled carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy composites. Key Engg. Mater., 2007; 334-335:389-392
Lam PM, LAU KT, Ling HY and Su ZQ. Fibre Bragg grating sensor/piezoelectric actuator hybrid system for damage detection in composite laminates. Key Engg. Mater., 2007; 334-335:973-976
Lam CK, LAU KT and Zhou LM. Nano-mechanical creep properties of nanoclay/epoxy composite by nano-indentation. Key Engg. Mater., 2007;334-335: 685-688
Ling HY, Lau KT, Lam PM and Tam HY. Delamination detection in composite structures using chirped fibre Bragg grating sensors. Key Engg. Mater. 2007; 334-335: 969-972
Leung RCK, Lau KT and Yu SF. Design of shape memory alloy actuated deformable airfoil for subsonic flight. Key Engg. Mater., 2007; 334-335: 1133-1136
Cheung HY and Lau KT. Mechanical performance of an animal-based silk/polymer bio-composite. Key Engg. Mater. 2007; 334-335: 1193-1196
Wong KK, Shi SQ and LAU KT. Mechanical and thermal behaviour of a polymer composite reinforced with functionalized carbon nanotubes. Key Engg. Mater., 2007; 334-335:321-324
Ling HY, LAU KT, Zheng YP and Choi PC. Study on the mechanical properties of tissue-mimicking phantom composites using ultrasound indention. Key Engg. Mater., 2007; 334-335: 133-136
Yin YS, Chen SG, Chang XT and LAU KT. Preparation and mechanical properties of nanoCobalt coated Al2O3-TiC Composites. Key Engg. Mater., 2007; 334-335:933-936
Ling HY, LAU KT, Su YL and Wong ETT. Monitoring mode II fracture behaviour of composite laminates using embedded fiber-optic sensors. Comp. Pt. B: Engg. 2007: 38: 488-497
Xiong CY, Zhu JJ, Wang YM and LAU KT. Preparation of a novel cellular fiber: control of cell density of the fiber. E-polymers. 2006: 64: 1-9
LAU KT, Lin H, Lee F and Iliffe P. Emerging computer-aided technology for supporting the growth of automotive engineering industry in China. Hong Kong Engineer. 2006; 34(11): 20-21
LAU KT, Au HY, Ling HY and Chan PKC. Residual Stress in a Polymer-Glued FBG Temperature-Compensated Sensor for Civil Engineering Applications. Key Engineering Materials. 2006; 326-328: 789-792
Cheung HY and LAU KT. Mechanical Performance of Silk-Based Structural Composites. Key Engineering Materials. 2006; 326-328: 457-460
Meng XL, Cai W, Lau KT, Zhou LM and Zhao LC. Phase Transformation and Thermal Stability of Aged Ti-Ni-Hf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys. J. mater. Sci. Technol., 2006; 22(5): 691-695
LAU KT, Lu M and Liao K. Improved mechanical properties of coiled nanotubes reinforced epoxy nanocomposites. Comp. Pt. A. 2006; 37(10); 1837-1840
Ling HY, LAU KT, Cheng L and Su ZG. Mode II fracture behaviour monitoring for composite laminates using embedded Bragg grating sensors. Composite Structures. 2006; 76: 88–93
Sankar J, Hui D, LAU KT, et al. “Nanoengineered Composites and Ceramic Laminates”. Comp. Pt. B: Engg. 2006, 37 (6): 379-381
Ho MW, Lam CK, LAU KT, Ng DHL and Hui D. Mechanical properties of epoxy-based composites using nanoclays. Composite Structures. 2006; 75(1-4): 415-421
Lam CK and LAU KT. Localized elastic modulus distribution of nanoclay/epoxy composites by using nanoindentation. Composite Structures. 2006; 75(1-4): 553-558
LAU KT, Gu C and Hui D. A Critical Review on Nanotube and Nanotube/Nanoclay related Polymer Composite Materials. Comp. Pt. B. 2006; 37:425-436
LAU KT, LU M and HUI D. Coiled carbon nanotubes: Synthesis and their potential applications in advanced composite structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2006; 37:437-448
TANG CY, DU FP, TSUI CP, LAU KT and TAM HY. Low Cost Fabrication of IPMC Actuator for Industrial Design. Industrial Engineering Research. 2006; 3(1): 30-39
LING HY, LAU KT, CHENG L and JIN W. Viability of using embedded FBG sensor in a composite structure for dynamic strain measurement. Measurement, 39(4); 2006: 328-334
LAU KT, LU M, QI JQ, ZHAO DD, CHEUNG HY, LAM CK, XIAO LN and LI HL. Cobalt Hydroxide Colloidal Particles Precipitation on Nanoclay Layers for the Formation of Novel Nanocomposites of Carbon Nanotubes/Nanoclay. Composites Science and Technology, 2006; 66(3-4): 450-458
Lu M, LAU KT and Tam WY.Enhancement of Vicker’s hardness of nanoclay-supported nanotubes reinforced novel polymer nanocomposites. Carbon, 2006; 44(2): 383-386
劉建德, 陸梅, 梁天培. 溶劑對碳納米管/環氧樹脂複合材料熱性能的影響. 機械設計與硏究. 2005; 21(4):89-93
Ling HY, LAU KT, Cheng L and Jin W. Utilization of embedded optical fibre sensors for delamination characterization in composite laminates using a static strain method. Smart Materials and Structures. 2005; 14: 1377-1386
Su ZQ, Ling HY, Zhou LM, LAU KT and Ye L. Efficiency of genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks for evaluating delamination in composite structures using fibre Bragg grating sensors. Smart Materials and Structures, 2005; 14: 1541-1553
Ling HY, LAU KT and Cheng L. Embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors for non-uniform strain sensing in composite structures. Measurement Science and Technology. 2005; 16: 2415-2424
LU M, LAU KT, QI JQ, ZHAO DD, WANG Z and LI HL. Novel nanocomposite of carbon nanotube-nanoclay by direct growth of nanotubes on nanoclay surface. J. Mater. Sci. 2005; 40 (13): 3545-3548
LU M, LAU KT, XU JC and LI HL. Coiled carbon nanotubes growth and DSC study in epoxy-based composites. Colloids and Surfaces A – Physicochemcial and engineering Aspects, 2005; 257-258: 339-343
LING HY, LAU KT, CHENG L and JIN W. Fibre optic sensors for delamination identification in composite beams using genetic algorithm. Smart Mater. Struct. 2005; 14 (1): 287-295
LING HY, LAU KT and LAM CK. Effects of embedded optical fibre on mode II fracture behaviours of woven composite laminates. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2005; 36(6-7): 534-543
LAM CK, CHEUNG HY, LING HY and LAU KT. Effect of ultrasonic sonication in nanoclay clusters of nanoclay/epoxy composites. Materials Letters. 2005; 59(11): 1369-1372
MENG XL, CAI W, LAU KT, ZHAO LC AND ZHOU LM. Phase transformation and microstructure of quaternary TiNiHfCu high temperature shape memory alloys. Intermetallics, 2005; 13(2): 197-201
@LAU KT, LU M, LAM CK, CHEUNG HY, SHENG FL and LI HL. Thermal and mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube bundle-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites: the role of solvent for nanotube dispersion. Composites Science and Technology. 2005; 65(5): 719-725
LAU KT, Nurse AD and Veprek S. Nano-Composites for Space and Infrastructure Applications: Preface. Composites Science and Technology. 2005; 65 (5): 711-712
LAM CK, CHEUNG HY, LAU KT, ZHOU LM, HO MW and HUI D. Cluster size effect in hardness of nanoclay/epoxy composites. Comp. Pt. B: Engineering. 2005, 36(3): 263-269
POON CK, LAU KT and ZHOU LM. Design of pullout stresses for prestrained SMA wire/polymer hybrid composites. Composite Part B: Engineering. 2005; 36 (1): 25-31
HUI D, CHIPARA M, SANKAR J and LAU KT. Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Composites. J. Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2004; 1: 209-220
LAU KT, LU M, LI HL, ZHOU LM and HUI D. Heat absorbability of single-walled, coiled and bamboo nanotube/epoxy nano-composites. Journal of Materials Science, 2004; 39(18): 5861-5863
MENG XL, CAI W, LAU KT, ZHOU LM AND ZHAO LC. Phase Transformation and Thermal Stability of Aged Ti-Ni-Hf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys. Solid State Communications, 2004; submitted
CHIPARA M, ALDICA GH, HUI D, DIMONIE M, LAU KT, GEORGESCU L, MUNTEANU I AND MARASCOIU H. Electron Spin Resonance and DC electrical investigations on chlorine doped polyanilines. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 2004; 6(1): 297-305
CHIPARA M. HUI D. LAU KT. CHIPARA MD. NOTINGHER P AND PANAITESCU D. Investigations on Polymer/Carbon Black Blends. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2004; 11(1); 19-26
LAU KT, GU C, GAO GH, LING HY and REID SR. Stretching process of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes for nanocomposite applications. Carbon. 2004; 42: 423-460
LAU KT, LING HY and ZHOU LM. Low-velocity impact on SMA stitched composite plates. Smart Materials and Structures. 2004; 13(2): 364-370
LU M, LI HL, GAO XY and LAU KT. Formation of carbon nanotubes in silicon-coated alumina nano-reactor. Carbon, 2004; 42: 1841-1885
@LAU KT, CHIPARA M, LING HY AND HUI D. On the Elastic Moduli of Carbon Nanotubes for Nanocomposite Structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2004; 35B(2): 95-101
LU M, LI HL and LAU KT. Formation and Growth Mechanism of Dissimilar Coiled Carbon Nanotubes by Reduced-pressure Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2004; 108: 6186-6192
CHIPARA M. HUI D. NOTINGHER PV. CHIPARA MD, LAU KT AND PANAITESCU D. On Polyethylene/Polyaniline Composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2003; 34; 637-645
LAU KT, SHI SQ and CHENG HM. Micro-mechanical Properties and Morphological Observation on Fractured Surfaces of Carbon Nanotube Composites Pre-treated At Different Temperature. Comp. Sci. Tech., 2003; 63:1161-1164
Hui D, Alexandrescu, Chipara M, Morjan I, Aldica Gh, Chipara MD and LAU KT. Impedance Spectroscopy Studies on Doped Polyanlines. J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 2004; 6(3): 817-824
LAU KT, LI HL, LIM DS and HUI D. Recent Development and Future Research Trend on Nanotube/polymer Composite Materials (Invited paper). Annals of European Academy of Science. 2003:1: 314-330
MENG XL, CAI W, LAU KT, ZHOU LM AND ZHAO LC. Effect of Training on Two-way shape memory Effect and Its Stability in a Ti-Ni-Hf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy. J. Mater. Tech. 2003; 16(6): 590-592
LAU KT, SHI SQ AND ZHOU LM. Mirco-hardness and Flexural Properties of Randomly-oriented Carbon Nanotube Composites. J. Comp. Mater., 2003; 37(4): 365-376
MENG XL, LAU KT, ZHOU LM, CAI W and ZHAO L. C. Design and Stability of Shape Memory Alloys Springs Subjected to a Constant Axial Load. J. Mater. Sci. Tech., 2003; 11(1): 1-11
YUAN LB, ZHOU LM, JIN W and LAU KT, Effect of Thermally Induced Strain on Optical Fiber Sensor Embedded in Cement-based Composites. Optical Fiber Technology.2003; 9: 95-106
LAU KT, ZHOU LM and TAO XM. Control of a Clamped-clamped Composite Beam with Embedded Shape Memory Alloys Actuators. Composite Structures, 2002; 58: 39-47
LAU KT, TAM WY, ZHOU LM. and MENG XL. Morphological Study on Twisted NiTi Wires for Smart Composite Systems. Mater. Lett., 2002; 57: 364-368
MENG XL, TONG YX, LAU KT, Zhou LM and Zhao LC. Effect of Cu Addition on Phase Transformation of TiNiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys. Mater. Lett., 2002; 57(2): 452-456
LAU KT and SHI SQ. Failure Mechanics of Carbon Nanotube/epoxy Composites Pretreated in Different Temperature Environments. Carbon, 2002; 40: 2965-2968
LAU KT, POON CK, YAM LH and ZHOU LM. Bonding Behaviour at a NiTi/epoxy Interface: SEM Observation and Theoretical Study. Materials Science Forum, 2002; 394-395: 527-530
@LAU KT and HUI D. The Revolutionary Creation of New Advanced Materials – Carbon Nanotube Composites. Composite Part B: Engineering, 2002; 33: 263-277
LAU KT and HUI D. Effectiveness of using Carbon Nanotubes as Nano-reinforcements for Advanced Composite Structures. Carbon, 2002; 40: 1605-1606
LAU KT, CHAN WL, SHI SQ and ZHOU LM. Debond induced by Strain Recovery of an Embedded NiTi wire at a NiTi/epoxy interface: Micro-scale Observation. Materials and Design, 2002; 23: 265-270
YUAN LB, ZHOU LM, LAU KT, JIN W and Demokan MS Fiber Optic Extensometer for Concrete Deformation Measurements, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2002; 73: 2469-2474
LAU KT, YUAN LB and ZHOU LM. Applications of Composites, Optical Fibre Sensors and Smart Composites for Concrete Rehabilitation: An Overview. Appl. Comp. Mater., 2002; 9: 221-247
LAU KT and ZHOU LM. Investigation on Strengthening and Strain Sensing Techniques for Concrete Structures using FRP Composites and FBG Sensors. Mater. Struct., 2001; 34: 42-50
LAU KT and ZHOU LM. The Mechanical Behaviour of Composite-wrapped Concrete Column Subjected to Uni-axial Compression Load. Comp. Struct., 2001; 52: 189-198
LAU KT and ZHOU LM. Mechanical Performance of Composite-strengthened Concrete Structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, No.1 32 (2001) 21-31
LAU KT, CHAN CC, ZHOU LM and JIN W. Strain Monitoring in Composite-strengthened Concrete Structures using Optical Fibre Sensors. Comp. Pt. B: Engg., 2001; 32(1): 33-45
LAU KT, SHI SQ and ZHOU LM. Estimation of Stress Intensity Factor (KI) for the Plate Bonded Concrete Beams by using Superposition Method. Mag. Con. Res., 2001; 53: 31-41
LAU KT, ZHOU LM and YE L. Rehabilitating and Real-time Strain Monitoring on Concrete Structures using Advanced Composites and Optical Fibre Sensor, Mag. Soc. Manu. Eng., 2001; CM01-02. Invited
CHAN CC, GAO YJ, LAU KT, HO HL, ZHOU LM and JIN W. Characterisation of Crosstalk of a TDM FBG Sensor Array using a Laser Source. Optics and Laser Technology, 2001; 33: 299-304
LAU KT, YUAN LB and ZHOU LM. Thermal Effects on Embedded Grating Sensor for FRP Structure. Smart Mater. and Struct., 2001; 10: 705-712
YUAN LB, JIN W, ZHOU LM and LAU KT. The Temperature Characteristic of Fibre-optic Pre-embedded Concrete Bar Sensor. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2001; 93: 206-213
LAU KT, DUTTA PK, ZHOU LM and HUI D. Mechanics of Bonds in An FRP Bonded Concrete Beam. Comp. Pt. B: Engineering, 2001; 32: 491-502
LAU KT, YUAN LB, ZHOU LM and WOO CH. Strain Monitoring in FRP Laminates and Concrete Beam using FBG Sensors. Comp. Struct., 2001; 53: 9-20
CHAN KC, JIN W, LAU KT and ZHOU LM. Multi-point Strain Measurement of Composite-bonded Concrete Materials with a FMCW Multiplexed FBG Sensor Array. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2000; 87: 19-25
LAU KT, ZHOU LM and WOO CH. Strengthening and Strain Monitoring Concrete Structures using Fibreglass Composites and FBG Sensor. Mater. Sci. Res. Inter., 1999; 5(3): 216-221
LAU KT, ZHOU LM and YE L. Investigation on Upgrading and Health Monitoring the Civil Concrete Structures using FRP and FBG Sensor. Adv. Comp. Letter., 1999; 8(6): 323-332