Entrance Scholarship Scheme for Non-Local Students
内地生学士学位课程入学奖学金 (适用于一年级入学学生) (2025/26 学年入学)
奖学金金额 | 资格 | 续奖条件 |
相等於连续四年全额基本学费及港币15,000元(一次性)# | 实际应届高考成绩(原始分,不含加分) 须高於所属省市的一本分数线七十分或以上 | 条件一
或 条件二
相等於连续四年半额基本学费 | 实际应届高考成绩(原始分,不含加分) 须高於所属省市的一本分数线五十分或以上 | 获奖学生必须於每年学年末之累计平均积分点(CGPA) 达3.50 或以上,奖学金将自动延续生效。 |
港币$50,000 ( 一次性) | 实际应届高考成绩( 原始分,不含加分) 须达到所属省市的一本分数线 | (不适用) |
- 符合资格的学生将会收到院校以电邮通知,并须提供相关资料及参与面试,学生毋须另行递交申请。
- 奖学金遴选要求将按年检讨。其他范畴的表现或被考虑。
- 获奖学生如已获取全额或半额奖学金,将不会再获颁发由同一课程提供的入学奖学金。
- 获颁发入学奖学金的学生须同意及达到遴选委员会订立之其他条件以成功获取奖学金,包括成功于THEi高科院修毕相关学年的课程。
- 获取全额奖学金的得奖学生须符合遴选委员会订立之其他条件,包括:
- 成功修毕于THEi高科院相关学年的课程;及
- 于学院就读期间不得转读其他课程或重新申请入读同一课程;及
- 于每一个学年内修读至少30个学分(透过学分转移/科目豁免所得之学分不计算在内);及
- 符合全额奖学金延续条件的得奖学生,均不能于同一学年内同时受惠于本院之「卓越表现奖学金」。
- 入学奖学金只适用于首次入读THEi高科院学位课程的新生。不论任何原因,再次入读本院同一或另一课程的学生均不符合任何入学奖学金的资格。
- THEi高科院有权因应每年收生情况,调整遴选准则,或更改上述奖学金条款或取消奖学金。遴选委员会和THEi高科院就奖学金的决定为最终决定。
此外,内地学生亦有机会获得其他奖学金,包括 香港特别行政区政府的奖学金 (卓越表现奖学金、最佳进步奖、才艺发展奖学金 、外展体验奖及展毅奖学金 ),以及香港高等教育科技学院为升班学生而设的卓越表现奖学金以表扬学生在学期间取得卓越成绩。
Entrance Scholarship Scheme for Students from Mainland China and Countries of Belt and Road (for Year-3 Entry Students) (for AY2025/26 Intake)
THEi has set up an Entrance Scholarship Scheme for new Year-3 entry students from Mainland China and Countries of Belt and Road who enrolled in our degree programmes. The scheme offers scholarships with award amount up to full scholarship covering two consecutive years of studies per award. For details, please refer to table below.
Application Procedures | Nominated by respective departments, shortlisted students will be invited to attend a selection interview. |
Selection Criteria | Apart from interview performance, students will be assessed by the Selection Committee based on the student’s demonstrated talent including achievement in national competitions, academic performance and/or proven track record in industry excellence. |
No. of Awards | Up to two full scholarships, one for a student from Mainland China and the other from the Belt and Road countries. |
Condition of Renewal | Awardees must attain a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above at the end of each academic year, and take a minimum study load of 30 credit points in order to renew the scholarship. |
- Shortlisted students will receive an email notification from the Institute and may be required to provide relevant information and attend a selection interview. No application is required.
- The criteria of scholarship is subject to annual review. Achievements in other aspects may be considered.
- Students who are awarded with the Full Scholarship will not be eligible to other Entrance Scholarships offered by the same THEi programme.
- Awardees of Full Scholarship have to fulfill other renewal conditions as set by the Selection Committee, which include requiring the awardees to:
- Undertake to study at the Institute for at least one academic year in each academic year; and
- Remain in the same programme, rather than transfer or readmit to the same or another programme during the study period; and
- Take a minimum study load of 30 credit points in each academic year (the credit points obtained by way of credit transfer/module exemption are excluded.
- Awardee of the Full Scholarship who meets the renewal condition is not eligible to receive the Scholarship for Excellent Performance of the same academic year
- Entrance scholarships are only applicable to new students who are admitted to THEi degree programmmes for the first time. Students will not be eligible for any entrance scholarship if they are readmitted to the same or another THEi programme for whatever reasons.
- THEi reserves the rights to adjust the selection criteria in each academic year. The decision of the Selection Committee and THEi on the scholarship schemes is final.