
Department :

Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering

Programme Name :

Professional Certificate in Turfgrass Science and Management

Programme Code :


Duration :

Part-time Evening: 12months

Medium of Instruction :

English supplemented with Chinese

Venue(s) :

Chai Wan Campus

Class Schedule :

AY2024/25 Commencement Date: 23 September 2024
(Mondays & Fridays, Field Trip / Visit maybe arranged on Weekday day time / weekend)
Time: 19:00 - 22:00

Application Deadline (Cohort for September 2024) :

23 August 2024

The programme is recognised under the QF Level: 4
Registration No.: 18/000097/L4
Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2018 to 31/08/2026

Programme Aims

This professional programme aims to equip students with a solid understanding and foundation in both theoretical and practical knowledge of turfgrass science and management for workplace application in the greening and landscaping industry of Hong Kong. In addition, the Programme reflects shifting values in the turfgrass management. These include a greater emphasis on the notion of sustainable development and the multi-disciplinary nature of the greening and landscaping industry. Furthermore, the Programme will prepare students to pursue lifelong professional development.

Entry Requirements

  • Five HKCEE/HKDSE subjects at Grade E/Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent; and
  • At least one year of working experience in the greening and landscaping industry or relevant industry
  • For applicants considered on a case-by-case basis and for mature applicants, a pass in the admission interview is required. The following qualifications are also considered for admission on a case-by-case basis:
    • Graduates of a QF Level-3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the Department Head concerned (Faculty Dean until 31 December 2023);
    • Relevant Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) qualifications(s) at QF Level 3;
    • Other relevant verifiable prior learning and/or working experience that is/are deemed appropriate by the Programme Board (Faculty Board until 31 December 2023);
    • Mature applicants at the age of 21 or above with at least one year of relevant experience.

Applicants with award(s) in relevant stream(s) will be considered case-by-case. Individual module exemption may be granted subject to THEi’s Academic Policies and Regulations.

Tuition Fee

Total HK$39,280 (HK$38,880 being the tuition fee and HK$400 being the caution money), for AY2024/25 only.

For enquiry please contact Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering (Telephone No: 2176 1505 or Email: 

Programme Curriculum

Module No.Module TitleQF CreditContact Hours

Plant Physiology & Turfgrass Identification

2Soil Science for Turfgrass Management1242
3Identification and Control of Turfgrass Diseases and Pests1242
4Practical Skills on Turfgrass Management1242