
Department :

Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering

Programme Name :

Professional Diploma in Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management*

Programme Code :


Duration :

Approximately 1 year for the Professional Diploma (PDHALM); and
Approximately 6 months for the Professional Certificate (PCHA).

Medium of Instruction :


Venue(s) :

Chai Wan Campus

The programme is recognised under the QF Level: 4
Registration No.: 20/000212/L4
Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2020 to 31/08/2027

Remarks: The programme title before 2020/21 academic year was ‘Professional Diploma in Horticulture and Landscape Management’.

Programme Description

This programme is designed to meet the industry's demand for professionals in horticulture, arboriculture, and landscape management. The course utilizes various teaching methods, including classroom instruction, lectures, workshops, practical classes, and field visits, emphasizing horticultural principles and practices, plant science, tree risk assessment, and landscape management. It integrates essential knowledge and practical skills that align with industry requirements.

The programme consists of seven modules. Upon completion of the first four modules, students are eligible for Professional Certificate in Horticulture and Arboriculture. After completion of the remaining three modules, students will be awarded for a Professional Diploma in Horticulture, Arboriculture, and Landscape Management.

Graduates of this programme with five years or more of relevant work experience may apply for admission to the third year of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture, Arboriculture, and Landscape Management at our institution.

Professional Recognition

Both Professional Diploma (PDHALM) and Professional Certificate (PCHA) programmes are recognized as “Academic Qualifications” of Arborist, and as “Academic/Professional Qualifications” of Tree Risk Assessor, in vetting application for Arborists and Tree Risk Assessors under Registration Scheme for Tree Management Personnel of Hong Kong SAR Government.

Graduates are eligible to apply for memberships of (subject to fulfilment of additional requirement on relevant working experience as appropriate):

  1. Accredited Arborist of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
  2. Technician Membership of the Arboricultural Association (UK)
  3. Membership of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture (UK)

Academic and Professional articulation pathway

Graduates are eligible to apply for QF level 5 degree program Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management Top up Year 3 entry (Part-time or Full-time mode) given that they had at least five years of relevant working experience. Study duration is 3 years for part-time mode and 2 years for full time mode.

Entry Requirements

  • Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English Language and Chinese Language, or equivalent, with at least 1 year’s relevant working experience; or
  • Five passes in the HKCEE (including English Language and Chinese Language – Grade E/ Level 2) or equivalent, with at least 1 year’s relevant working experience; or
  • Mature applicants at the age of 21 or above by the commence day of the targeted round of programme offering, with at least 1 year’s relevant working experience; and pass in the admission interview.

Applicants with award(s) in relevant stream(s) will be considered case-by-case. 

Tuition Fee and Caution Money

Program tuition fee and approximate amount of Vplus subsidy are listed below:


Tuition Fee

Vplus Subsidy
(approximate amount) #

Tuition fee After Vplus Subsidy (approximate amount) #









# Enrolled students should apply for Vplus subsidy Scheme and submit necessary documents for approval on their own sake. The tuition fee will be reimbursed by instalments at the end of each term of the programme upon successful completion. The above subsidy is calculated based on current Vplus subsidy scheme, please refer to Vplus Subsidy Scheme website for latest arrangement, and is subject to change.

*HK$400 will be collected as the caution money during application

Class will run subject to sufficient enrolments.  In the unlikely instance where a class has to be cancelled, cheques received for payment of tuition fee and caution money will be returned to applicants.

Vplus Subsidy Scheme

This programme is one of the eligible programs under Vplus Subsidy Scheme for supporting students admitted to designated professional part-time programmes offered by VTC. Vplus Subsidy Scheme is supported by the HKSAR Government for promotion of lifelong learning of working adults to pursue higher qualifications geared towards upward mobility.  Successful applicants will be refunded 60% of the tuition fees of eligible programmes, subject to a maximum of $45,000 per person. Vplus Subsidy Scheme – Vplus Engineering details.

Intermediate Exit Award

A student is eligible for the Professional Certificate in Horticulture and Arboriculture (PCHA) award if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. Accumulation of 48 QF Credit Points;
  2. Attend at least 70% of contact hours for each of the four designated modules;
  3. Achieve a minimum average pass mark of 40% across all assessment items for each designated module. Supplementary exam or re-submission of assessment items would be arranged within 3 months of the end date of each module at the discretion of the module convenor.

Class Schedule

AY2024/25 Class A – to be commenced in 30 October 2024

Wednesday evening, Saturday morning and/or Saturday afternoon

AY2024/25 Class B – Target to be commenced in March 2025

Tuesday and/or Thursday evening, Saturday morning and/or Saturday afternoon

Application Period

AY2024/25 Class A - 7 August 2024 - 27 September 2024

Proof of Work Experience

Note on the document of proof for applicant’s work experience.

For Current Work Experience:

  • Duly filled and signed “Proof of work experience” form by current employer (Click here to download), OR
  • Employment contract, reference letter

For Previous Work Experience:

  • Employment contract, letter of service, reference letter (which clearly state your name, job title, job duty, working period) issued by employer / representative of employer will be accepted as a proof of previous jobs, OR
  • Duly filled and signed “Proof of work experience” form by past employer (Click here to download)

Fees are subject to annual reviews.  THEi reserves the right to cancel any programme/class, revise programme content or change the class commencement date/class venue if circumstances so warrant.

Programme Curriculum

Module No.Module TitleModule ContentsQF Credit PointsTHEi Credit PointsContact Hours
1*Basic Horticulture & ArboricultureIntroduction to Horticulture, Arboriculture and LandscapePlant BiologyPlants and the Environment12342
2*Identification & Selection of Trees & ShrubsPlant TaxonomyPlant IdentificationPlant Selection12342
3*Care of Trees & ShrubsPlant Production Soil and Water Management Plant Establishment and Maintenance12342
4*Tree Risk Assessment & ManagementTree Risk ManagementTree Risk AssessmentCorrection and Prevention of Hazardous Tree Defects12342
5Tree Pests & DiseasesFundamental entomology and pathologyPest control methods8228
6Arboricultural Practices & Communication SkillOperation ManagementSafety at workCommunication Skill12342
7Landscape ManagementLandscape DesignLandscape Contract Management12342
*Core modules of Professional Certificate in Horticulture and Arboriculture