School of General Education and Languages

Module Information for GE Elective Modules held by
Department of Sport and Recreation

GEE5202 Wellness & Lifestyle Management

This module aims to provide an overview of how individuals could increase control over health through lifestyle and behavioural modification.  This module will employ laboratory sessions, exercise sessions and experiential learning activities to equip students with the skills to pursue healthy lifestyle.  The tutorial venues will be at Human Performance Laboratory & Fitness Room at CW campus.  By completion of the module, students will be able to design, implement and review a personalized total wellness programme for themselves.

The following topics/areas will be covered:

  1. Introduction to Wellness and Lifestyle Management
  2. Wellness
  3. Healthy Nutrition
  4. Weight Management
  5. Self Image and Self Esteem
  6. Lifetime Fitness and Wellness

The following topics will be delivered in tutorials and practical classes:

  1. Change of Behaviour
  2. Fitness Activities
  3. Prevention of Cancer
  4. Addictive Behaviour
  5. Emotional Well-being

Assessment Methods

ComponentReflective JournalWritten TestProjects
No. of assessment112
Weighting as a % of module mark30%30%40%