



电邮: nshen@thei.edu.hk

电话: +852 3890 8199

  1. Managerial Accounting and Finance
  2. Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2005-2009PhD in Finance The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2000-2003Master of Science in Management Tianjin University
1996-2000Bachelor of Engineering Tianjin University
2025-PresentAssociate Professor
Department of Hospitality and Business Management
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
2020-2024Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
2014-2020Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
2018-2018Visiting Scholar
Australian Centre for Asian Business,
University of South Australia, Australia
Department of Business Administration
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Deloitte (Tianjin office)
2018Endeavour Research Fellowship,
Department of Education and Training, Australia Government
2017, 2019, 2021Research Active and Teaching Excellent Award.
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Since 2010Reviewer of many journals such as International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Finance Research Letters, etc.
2024Reviewer of HKCGI Corporate Governance Paper Competition
2024Reviewer for “LEAD to the Future” Business Case Competition 
Since 2010Member, International Association for Chinese Management Research
Since 2017Director of HKAORS (Hong Kong Association of Overseas-Returned Scholars)
Since 2022Committee member of Greater Bay Area Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship Foundation
  • Corporate Finance
  • Family Firm
  • Entrepreneurship
  1. YI, L., SHEN, N*., XIE, W., LIU, Y. (2024). Rational herding: Evidence from equity crowdfunding. Management Decision (SSCI, ABS2), 62 (3), 1008-1029.
  2. SHEN, N., XU, L. (2024). Internet finance, private firm financing, and investment: Evidence from China. In Sustainable Wealth Management – Directing Capital towards Sustainability (edited by Dr. Karen Wendt, Dr. Bernd Villhauer). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  3. SONG, D., SHEN, N., SU., J. (2023). A catering perspective of performance commitment-evidence from acquisitions in China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI, ABS2). 78, 101987.
  4. HUANG, S., YANG, J., SHEN, N., XU, Q., ZHAO, Q. (2023). Artificial intelligence in lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis: Current application and future perspective. Seminars in Cancer Biology (SCI), 89, 30–37.
  5. SHEN, N., AU, K., LI, W. (2020). Strategic Alignment of Intangible Assets: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI, ABS3), 37, 1119–1139.
  6. YUE, X., CHEUNG, C., ZHENG, X., WANG, W., YAN, H., SHEN, N. (2020). Positive impact of Learning Chinese Culture and History on National Identification and Self-esteem. Hong Kong Journal of Social Science, 55, 79-93.
  7. SONG, D., SU, J., YANG, C., SHEN, N. (2019). Performance commitment in acquisitions, regulatory change and market crash risk–evidence from China, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI, ABS2), 57(C).
  8. SHEN*, N. (2018). Family Business, Transgenerational Succession and Diversification Strategy: Implication from a Dynamic Socioemotional Wealth Model. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management (SSCI, ABS2), 25 (4), 628 – 641.
  9. SHEN*, N., AU, K. & YI, L. (2018). Diversification strategy, ownership structure and financial crisis: Performance of Chinese private firms. Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (SSCI), 47, 54-80.
  10. SHEN, N., & SU, J. (2017). Religion and Succession Intention – Evidence from Chinese Family Firms. Journal of Corporate Finance (SSCI, ABS4), 45, 150-161.
  11. SHEN*, N., AU, K. & BIRTCH, T. (2016). The performance of Chinese private firms in coping with a global financial crisis: Who is best positioned? Frontiers of Business Research in China (ESCI), 10(4): 548–575.
  12. SHEN*, N., & SU, J. (2015). A Comparison of Different Contract Forms for Consumers with Switching Costs and Changed Preferences. Economic Modelling (SSCI, ABS2), 50:19-26.
  13. LI CH., CUI, X., & SHEN, N. (2015). How Do Different People Evaluate Mobile Applications? A study on Demographic Characteristics and Utilitarian Mobile Applications. Global Journal of Emerging Trends in e-Business, Marketing and Consumer Psychology, Vol 1 (1): 222-239.
  14. ZHANG, M., SU, J., SUN, Y., ZHANG, W., & SHEN, N. (2015). Political Connections and Corporate Diversification: An Exploration of Chinese Firms. Emerging Market Finance and Trade (SSCI, ABS2), 51(1), 234-246.
  15. SHEN*, N. (2014). Consumer Rationality/irrationality and Financial Literacy in the Credit Card Market: Implications from An Integrative Review. Journal of Financial Services Marketing (ABS1), 19 (1), 29-42.
  16. REN, B., AU, K., & SHEN, N. (2014). Bamboo network in China: An emerging phenomenon unlike the overseas Chinese. In Handbook of East Asian Entrepreneurship (edited by Tony Fu-Lai Yu and Ho-Don Yan). London: Routledge.

* represents corresponding author