
核心单元 - 英语

THEi’s English language curriculum is designed to enhance students’ ability to use English effectively in academic and professional contexts while fostering their independent learning skills.

Module Information

The core English curriculum comprises three modules: GEC4201 English for Academic Studies 1, GEC5202 English for Academic Studies 2 and GEC5206 English for Professional Purposes.
  • GEC4201 English for Academic Studies 1 focuses on key basic skills needed to convey ideas in English clearly and coherently through academic essays and presentations.
  • The focus in GEC5202 English for Academic Studies 2 is on academic research. Students are presented with a problem and asked to do literature-based research in order to identify key developments and potential ways forward.
  • GEC5206 English for Professional Purposes engages students in practising the communication skills relevant to their future profession through activities such as job-hunting, reports and proposals, business correspondence and presentations.

English Language Support Outside Class

Each English language module at THEi incorporates a diagnostic tool used at the beginning of the semester to identify individual students’ specific strengths and weaknesses. Module teachers integrate the results of the diagnostic tools into their lesson plans and help students address their individual weaknesses. Students are also referred to the Centre for Learning Enhancement for further practice outside of class.

An integral part of the School of General Education and Languages, the Centre for Learning Enhancement (CLE) aims to provide students with the support they need to enhance their learning experience at THEi through guided and independent study of a wide range of language learning topics. CLE instructors help students set their learning goals and guide them through their learning by offering individual consultations and regular small-group workshops. In addition to helping students enhance their formal and informal learning, CLE aims to create an inclusive environment where different cultures and languages are equally valued and enjoyed. It organises a range of cultural activities such as movie appreciation workshops, ethnic culture weeks and taster sessions. More information about CLE can be found 按此 填妥表格。.