Students Activities

International Student Activities – “International STEM Students’ Forum (ISSF)”

Students joined International STEM Students’ Forum (ISSF) 2020

International Student Activities – Joint Project with MMU (UK)

Two FSS students participated in a joint project with MMU (UK) on ‘The role of probiotic bacteria and its application in healthy product development’ and delivered an...

Programme Webinar

學生在"Programme Webinar 2020”分享自己的經歷跟體驗

Hydroponic Farming System of Chinese Medicines

Student assisted in the research of hydroponic farming of Chinese medicines to improve planting efficiency. 

2021 Hong Kong ICT Awards

Students assisted in the development of the Chinese Medicine Products Tracing and Verification Platform.  Smart Living (Smart Healthcare) Award: Silver Award

Communication with Professionals and Industries – The laboratory skill and safety in the laboratory.

Student assisted the workshop to help the student from secondary school to know the laboratory skill and safety in the laboratory.

Communication with Professionals and Industries – Joined the “1st Smart Consumption Education Video Shooting Competition”

Student joined the “1st Smart Consumption Education Video Shooting Competition” which is the event jointly organized by THEi and the Cosmetic & Perfumery Association of Hong Kong (CPAHK)​

Communication with Professionals and Industries – Students presented their posters

Students presented their posters in front of representatives from industry and professors from other universities.

Student Oversea Activities – Students joined a summer school programme at Manchester Metropolitan University(MMU)

Students joined a summer school programme at Manchester Metropolitan University(MMU) to learn about food testing and know about the culture of the UK.

Communication with Professionals and Industries – Students joined Project Based Learning (PBL)

Students joined Project Based Learning (PBL) and aim to solve parts of the industrial problem by conducting literature reviews.

Student Oversea Activites – “Bright Dairy & Food”

Students joined the study tour to Shanghai and visit the “Bright Dairy & Food” industrial facility

Communication with Professionals and Industries – Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) industries from the sharing of the representatives from Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co. Ltd

Students joined guest lecture and learn the most up-to-date information about the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) industries from the sharing of the representatives from Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co. Ltd. 

Student Oversea Activities – The study tour to Shanghai

Students visited serval companies and facilities to understand the importance of testing techniques in the quality control of food products during the study tour to...

Communication with Professionals and Industries – ICAC (Ms. Jessie KWAN, Assistant Community Relations Officer) in 2022

An online guest lecture about professional integrity and corruption prevention in testing and certification by a representative from ICAC (Ms. Jessie KWAN, Assistant Community Relations Officer) in...

Communication with Professionals and Industries – 1st Smart Consumption Education Video Shooting Competition in 2022

The awardee of the 1st Smart Consumption Education Video Shooting Competition in 2022

Communication with Professionals and Industries – “How to reuse food waste”

Student assisted and also joined serval workshops about “how to reuse food waste” such as making the coffee ground soap.

Communication with Professionals and Industries – Heraeus Group (Dr. P. H. KO, Head of Sales, Functional Materials / Precious Metals Catalysts)

Another guest lecture by a representative from Heraeus Group (Dr. P. H. KO, Head of Sales, Functional Materials / Precious Metals Catalysts) 

Industrial Visits – Students visited the laboratory of SGS

Students visited the laboratory of SGS, HK to learn about the career pathway in the testing industry in Hong Kong.

Student Oversea Activities – Students visited SGS

Students visited SGS and some factories in Germany and joined the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Advances in Chromatography & HPLC Techniques to acquire updated analytical methods’ theories and applications...

Industrial Visits – Students visited Government Chinese Medicines Testing

Students visited Government Chinese Medicines Testing Institute to understand the application of testing techniques in traditional Chinese medicine.

Local workshops and activities – THEi 10th Anniversary Health Diet Design Competition

Students joined THEi 10th Anniversary Health Diet Design Competition Students made their healthy food products for the competition

Communication with Professionals & Industry – International Food Safety Association (IFSA) in 2022

Graduates become Youth Committee in International Food Safety Association (IFSA) in 2022

Chinese Medicines Dispensing System

Students assisted in the development of a TCM dispensing system, hoping to improve the efficiency of TCM hospital dispensing and logistics operations. 

Collaboration with L’OCCITANE

Students assisted in organizing Aroma Garden. 

VTC 40th Anniversary Ceremony cum Outstanding Alumni Award 1

Students attended the VTC Outstanding Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony.

One School One Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) Garden

Students assisted in organizing Chinese herbal medicine talks, workshops, recognition ceremony, and community exhibitions.

Dietary therapy manual for the prevention and conditioning of coronavirus disease

tudents assisted in compiling the book, expecting to bring practical and correct Chinese medicine knowledge to the public. 

2022 Hong Kong ICT Awards

Students assisted in the development of Chinese Medicine Products Tracing and Verification Platform.  ICT Startup (Social Impact) Award: Silver Award

“Free as the Wind”

Assistant Professor Dr. Dawn AU and Assistant Professor Dr. Wesley CHOW explained the traditional Chinese medicine Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium on the radio.

Happy Old Buddies

Assistant Professor Dr. Dawn AU explained the Cordyceps sinensis and Lodoicea maldivica in the program. 

Field Studied at Shing Mun Country Park

Students learned about the common medicinal plants in Hong Kong.

“Medicinalis Planta in latino”

Dr. LAU Kai Man, an expert in Latin, explained plant Latin to students in the lecture.

21st Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Alliance Awards

Students obtained Winner and Merit Awards.  Chinese Medicine Products Traceability and Verification Platform  Research and Development category: Winner  Consumer category – Retail and Distribution: Merit

Communication with Professionals and Industries – Joined THEi career fair 2023

Students joined THEi career fair 2023 to know the job opportunities and requirements from testing-related companies and companies seeking personnel with talented testing skills.

5G Hydroponic Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultivation

Students assisted in the study of “Innovation and Technology Shennong – 5G Hydroponic Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultivation Project”.

Chinese Herbel Medicine Mosquito Repellent Workshop

Students assisted in held a workshop for the public. 

Road Repair Work

Students attended road repair work.

Chinese Medicine Pharmacist Registration

Dr. Dawn AU, programme leader of Chinese Medicinal Pharmacy programne met and discussed the Chinese medicine pharmacist registration with Mr. CHAN Wing Kwong, member of the Legislative Council.

“Free as the Wind”

Assistant Professor Dr. Wesley CHOW and students explained the innovative technology and the development of traditional Chinese medicine on the radio.

業界參觀 – ALS Technichem (HK)

Students visited the laboratory of ALS Technichem (HK) to learn more about the career pathway of food testing in Hong Kong.

Planting Activity

Students attended planting activity. 

The First THEi-Lions Clubs Enterprise Start-Up Competition

Students won the first prize with a Chinese medicine product and won a prize of HK$100,000.

“Chinese Medicine Culture To Campus”

Assistant Professor Dr. Dawn AU announced the launch of the plan to bring Chinese medicine culture to campus during Professor ZHAO Zhongzhen’s lecture.

Taylor’s University

Assistant Professor Dr. Wesley CHOW and students visited Malaysia to exchange Chinese medicine development with experts. 

THEi and Malaysia Agarwood Company Sign MOU on Joint R&D and Commercialization of Hong Kong TCM Medical Technology

Traditional Chinese medicine technology industry jointly promotes the development of a traceable and verifiable agarwood project.

Chinese herbal medicine labeling activity

Students labeled Chinese herbal medicines on D20 ROOTS.

Chinese Medicine Tie-Dye Workshop

Assistant Professor Dr. Dawn AU explains Chinese medicine tie-dye to secondary school students.

Field Studied at Lau Shui Heung Reservoir

Students learned about the common medicinal plants in Hong Kong. 

The Chinese Medicine & Culture Research Center • D20 Roots Opening Ceremony cum Seminar on Sustainable Development of Chinese Medicine

Students assisted in holding an opening ceremony of the Chinese Medicine Garden “D20 ROOTS”.

Industry professionals visited THEi

Industry professionals visited THEi. 


Students visited Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Company Limited.

“Chinese Medicine Culture To Campus”

Students assisted in held a microscope workshop for secondary school students.

Chinese Medicine Industry Meeting

Assistant Professor Dr. Dawn AU and Assistant Professor Dr. Wesley CHOW met with Chinese medicine industry.

Materia Medica Study Group

Assistant Professor Dr. Dawn AU and Assistant Professor Dr. Wesley CHOW met with experts from Materia Medica Study Group. 

Launching of The Second THEi – Lions Clubs Enterprise Start-Up Competition

Speech by a student representative.

業界參觀 - “Mindful Sparks"

學生們參觀了“Mindful Sparks”的生產設施,這是一家當地飲料公司,生產優質、本地生產、不含酒精的手工氣泡茶

THEi高科院獲海洋公園支持攜手打造中藥園景點 弘揚中華文化及推廣中醫藥知識

Sustainable Chinese medicine garden project supported by the Chinese Medicine Development Fund – The grand opening of the new attractions, “Whiskers Herbal Valley” and “...