食品科學及安全 (榮譽)理學士
- 學生
- 僱主
- 業界
- 專業團體
- 家長
- 校友
THEi has helped me to develop my professional career and to build up my confidence and values.

校友分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi

THEi has helped me to develop my professional career and to build up my confidence and values.
Thanks to my four years of study at THEi, I built a solid foundation in theoretical knowledge and technical skills. Lecturers always inspired us to think critically, and they organised local and overseas food industrial visit for enriching our learning with practical experiences. I joined the summer internship in ALS Technichem (HK) Pty Limited and gained fruitful experiences in conducting food testing. To pursue my further study, I will take the postgraduate degree programme “MSc in Food Safety and Toxicology” in Hong Kong University.
校友分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi
In light of the frequent occurrence of food incidents, research shows that the greatest concern on consumers’ mind is food safety.

業界分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi

In light of the frequent occurrence of food incidents, research shows that the greatest concern on consumers’ mind is food safety.
The food industry is striving its best to provide wholesome and safe food to our consumers. We need well-trained professionals to safeguard our food production from the source, throughout the production processing, to the end products. There has always been a shortage of such well-trained food science professionals. This program is definitely most valuable to fill this need.
業界分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi

業界分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi

業界分享, 食品科學及安全(榮譽)理學士, THEi