December 7, 2023
Effective faculty development is essential for ensuring that higher education institutions are providing the best possible educational experiences for their...
December 7, 2023
Faculty development is the process of providing opportunities for faculty members to improve their professional skills and knowledge. It can...
December 4, 2023
THEi Student Applied Research Presentations (SARP) 2023 was successfully held in hybrid mode. It was encouraging to see a high...
December 1, 2023
Students assisted in held a microscope workshop for secondary school students.
December 1, 2023
Students visited Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Company Limited.
November 30, 2023
Thank you for the recognition! THEi is greatly honoured to be awarded “The Best Integrated Science Technology Education Development Institute of...
November 29, 2023
Over a thousand of students, parents, friends and honoured guests celebrated the achievements of THEi’s graduates on Tuesday and Wednesday...
November 23, 2023
The HOM Student Bartender Competition 2023 was successfully hosted on November 23, 2023 (Thursday) at the Exhibition Hall, THEi (Chai...
November 20, 2023
In collaborations with the Bar Pacific Group Holdings Ltd, a kick-off ceremony on the “Industry-School Collaboration: THEi x Bar Pacific: Student-run...
November 20, 2023
THEi高科院 X 太平洋酒吧集團商校合作 「學生當老闆教學餐廳」暨「應用科學大學」之發展藍圖發布會 (2023年11月20日─香港) 香港高等教育科技學院(THEi高科院)今天於柴灣校園舉辦傳媒午宴,發布《THEi高科院 X 太平洋酒吧集團商校合作 「學生當老闆教學餐廳」》之項目。校長劉建德教授更首次公布院校邁向「應用科學大學(University of Applied Sciences, 簡稱UASs) 」之發展藍圖及其對施政報告內有關「應用科學大學」之建議。 秉持院校辦學理念、著重「應用科學與實踐」,THEi高科院冀通過與商界合作,打破專上教育、業界及地域的限制,以嶄新教學模式,啟發學生的企業家精神,並衝出校園勇闖商業世界。劉建德校長感謝太平洋酒吧集團(Stock Code : 8432)對院校理念的支持,免費借出集團旗下分店讓THEi高科院廚藝及管理(榮譽)文學士及酒店營運管理(榮譽)文學士的學士學位學生可以低於市場成本營運餐廳,汲取實戰經驗。 「院校與不同業界的合作夥伴關係由來已久。是次商校合作無論於中外教育界均為典範。透過老師定期指導,學生不但可籌備自己的餐廳,更可學到市場分析、成本及盈利計算、菜單設計、宣傳技巧等,將課程所學應用於真實生意,具體了解生意經營、甚至是創業實際需要具備的條件和原則。」 劉校長於致辭時表示,院校所有學士學位課程均符合香港學術及職業資歷評審局(HKCAAVQ)評審,課程質素獲保證,且達資歷架構第五級,與傳統專上學府無異。課程當中的100%實習安排,業界更讚譽不絕。...