
Master Lecture Series on “Entrepreneurship: A Chill but Tough Journey”

On February 6, 2024, the School of General Education and Languages (SGEL) hosted a Master Lecture Series titled “Entrepreneurship: A Chill but Tough Journey” at the THEi Chai Wan Campus. It featured three guest speakers who shared their entrepreneurial experiences and ideas with THEi staff and students.

Mr Antony Pang, Deputy Executive Director of the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council (NAAC), started the seminar by explaining the essential ideas of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. He also presented his path, demonstrated how creative ideas may be adopted within an organization such as NAAC.

Furthermore, Ryan and Rachel, both young entrepreneurs and YouTubers, took the stage to discuss their personal experiences and obstacles in music production on YouTube. Their lively dialogue with the audience provided an interactive and vibrant environment.

The song that Ryan and Rachel composed could be assessed at:

Overall, the guest speakers highlighted the importance of overcoming challenges and encouraged THEi students to pursue entrepreneurship with confidence and commitment.
