The supreme governing body is the Board of Governors, which sets the Institute’s strategies and policies, and ensures that these are implemented well and resources are used effectively. Its members are prominent people from business and academia, with the former more numerous because of the vocational nature of the programmes.
As the Institute is a member institution of the Vocational Training Council (VTC), it has close ties with the parent body through members of the VTC’s Council sitting as members of the Board of Governors.
The Institute Council is the executive body administering and managing the Institute’s day-to-day operations. It is chaired by the President of the Institute and most of the members are academic staff. Under the Institute Council is the Academic Board, which oversees and regulates the Institute’s academic affairs and is chaired by the Vice President (Academic).
The Academic Board is supported by the Programme Board and School of General Education and Languages Board on matters related to programme and curriculum development. The Programme Board is accountable for the overall organisation and management of THEi's academic programmes and the implementation of the academic policies and regulations of the Institute, while the School of General Education and Languages Board is responsible for the development, review and quality assurance of the General Education Curriculum.