
Adjunct Professor

Department of Hospitality and Business Management

Prof CHU Siu-lun, Ivan

Professor Ivan S. Chu, Chief Advisor and Co Founder of Hong Kong Sustainable Development Research Institute (HKSDRI), which has been founded over the decade and contributes his expertise and knowledge to the sustainable development and social affairs in Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific region.

Ivan is the Adjunct Professor of Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) and Hainan University to conduct the research of “Belt & Road” advocacy and teaching Sports Media, PR and Crisis Management etc in a degree courses. He is also the researcher of Bauhinia Research Institute, the commentator of Phoenix Hong Kong channel and radio of the GBA, China National Radio (CNR).

Prof. Chu participates in different social affairs. He is servicing as the Member of United Nations ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (UN ESBN) and Chinese Association of Hong Kong & Macau Studies over a decade. He concerns about the future strategic development of green business, international relationship and policy advocacy. He is a former committee member of Sir David Trench Fund Committee for Recreation of Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR, the former trustee of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund and the former member of Cyberport Entrepreneurship Committee Advisory Group (ECAG) etc.

Prof. Chu was being the management team and independent non-executive director of several Hong Kong and oversea listed companies, which bring him ample experience in cooperate governance. He graduated from the University of Bolton majoring Business Studies (Hons) and achieved a Master of Science in Finance at National University of  Ireland. He acquired professional qualifications as the Fellow member of Institute of Public Accountants of Australia and Institute of Financial Accountants of U.K. respectively. Prof. Chu was Visiting Fellow in rehabilitation Science at Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University, and Visiting Fellow at Korea Orthopaedic Clinic/Korea Sports Medicine Center at 2004-2005.