
Assistant Professor

Department of Sport and Recreation

Contact details


Phone: +852 3890 8255

  1. Functional Anatomy and Exercise Physiology
  2. Management of Sports Injuries
  3. Exercise Testing and Training for Sports Injury Prevention
  4. Recognition and Evaluation of Sports Injuries
  5. Rehabilitation for Sports Injuries
  6. Motor Learning and Control
  7. Exercise Principles and Programming
  8. Research Methods and Statistics
  9. Honours Project
2022 – PresentPhD Candidate, The University of Zagreb, Croatia
2020MSc: Data Science, The University of Sunderland, UK
2010MSc: Exercise Science in Strength & Conditioning, Edith Cowan University, Aus
2002BSc (Hons): Physiotherapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK
2023Performance and Movement Therapy Specialist, Rehab-U
2022 – PresentCertified Personal Trainer, ACE
2013 – PresentLevel 2 Strength & Conditioning Coach, ASCA
2019Anatomy Train in Motion
2018Neuroscience, Barca Innovation Hub
2017BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist, TBMM
2014Sports Taping Certificate
2014Level 1 Sports Trainer Certificate, SMA
2014Level 1 Sports Physiotherapy Certificate, APA
2014On-Field Sports Physio Course Certificate, AASFP
2013 – 2015Advanced Certificate – Immediate Care in Sport (ICIS), HKRU
2013 – 2015Registered Exercise Professional, REPNZ
2012Level II, Grade B Certificate in Putonghua Proficiency Test
2008Pilates Matwork Instructor (AASFP-BASI)
2007Performance Enhancement Specialist, NASM
2005Nutrition and Weight Management Certificate, Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals
2002Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), NASM
2023Performance and Movement Therapy Specialist, Rehab-U
2022 – PresentCertified Personal Trainer, ACE
2013 – PresentLevel 2 Strength & Conditioning Coach, ASCA
2019Anatomy Train in Motion
2018Neuroscience, Barca Innovation Hub
2017BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist, TBMM
2014Sports Taping Certificate
2014Level 1 Sports Trainer Certificate, SMA
2014Level 1 Sports Physiotherapy Certificate, APA
2014On-Field Sports Physio Course Certificate, AASFP
2013 – 2015Advanced Certificate – Immediate Care in Sport (ICIS), HKRU
2013 – 2015Registered Exercise Professional, REPNZ
2012Level II, Grade B Certificate in Putonghua Proficiency Test
2008Pilates Matwork Instructor (AASFP-BASI)
2007Performance Enhancement Specialist, NASM
2005Nutrition and Weight Management Certificate, Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals
2002Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), NASM
2023 – PresentAssistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Hospitality, THEi
2022 – 2023Associate Program Director, Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals
2022 – 2023Part Time Lecturer, Physiotherapy, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
2021 – 2021Department Head, Sports Information Center
2012 – 2021Lecturer, Faculty of Management and Hospitality, THEi
2011 – 2012Project Officer, Vocational Training Council
2010 – 2011Senior Program Officer and Master Trainer, Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals
2008 – 2010Deputy Senior Program Officer and Master Trainer, Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals
2005 – 2008Program Officer and Master Trainer, Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals
2023 – PresentHonorary Advisor, Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals
2014 – PresentEducation Officer, Sports & Exercise Specialty Group of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association (HKPA-SESG)
2012 – 2021Honorary Advisor, Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals
2017 – 2020Strength and Conditioning Consultant for HK Elite Team, Orienteering Association of Hong Kong
2016 – 2019Team Physiotherapist, KMB Yuen Long Football Club
2013 – 2019VTC 27 Magazine Feature Column Writer
2012 – 2018External Examiner of Hong Kong Institute of Technology (HKIT)
2015 – 2017Team Physiotherapist, Tin Shui Wai Pandas Rugby Football Club
2014Team Physiotherapist, Hong Kong Rugby Team Women XV, HKRU
2013 – 2017Event Medical Service team member
2016Hong Kong Team Physiotherapist, World Orienteering Championship
2016Hong Kong Team Physiotherapist, Asian Orienteering Championship
2014 – 2015Team Physiotherapist, Hong Kong Rugby Women’s National XV Squad
2015Gold Medalist of 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Unified Golf
2015Medical and Recovery Support in Asia Rugby Olympic Sevens Qualifier in Hong Kong
2011 – 2012Physiotherapist and Strength & Conditioning Consultant, Sham Shui Po Football Club, Hong Kong
2008 – 2010Featured Article Writer, Fitness & Beauty Magazine (China)
2008 – 2009Featured Article Writer, Recruit Magazine
2007 – 2010Featured Article Writer, Esquire Magazine
2025Guest reviewer, Sensors (IF: 3.4)
2025Guest reviewer, Life (IF: 3.2)
2025Guest reviewer, Science Progress (IF: 2.6)
2025Guest reviewer, Healthcare (IF: 2.4)
2025Guest reviewer, Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness  (IF: 2.4)
2025Guest reviewer, PLoS One  (IF: 2.9)
2025Guest reviewer, Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (IF: 2.6)
2024Guest reviewer, Scientific Report (IF:3.8)
2024Guest reviewer, The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (IF:1.2)
2024Guest reviewer, International Journal of Sports Medicine (IF: 2.5)
2023Guest reviewer, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IF: 3.4)
2024 – PresentEditor-in-Chief, Sports Therapy Journal
2021 – PresentMember of Sigma Xi
2024Guest reviewer, Sensors (IF: 3.4)
2024Guest reviewer, Scientific Report (IF: 3.8)
2024Guest reviewer, The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (IF: 1.2)
2023Guest reviewer, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IF: 3.4)
2023Guest reviewer, Medicine in 2023 (IF: 1.817)
2023Guest reviewer, Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal (IF: 1.50)
2023Guest reviewer, PLoS One (IF: 3.70)
2022Guest reviewer, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (IF: 1.35)
2022Guest reviewer, Frontiers in Public Health (IF: 6.461)
2022Appointed reviewer, Signa Vitae (IF: 0.907)
2021Guest reviewer, Science Progress (IF: 2.774)
2021Guest reviewer, European Journal of Sport Science (IF: 2.781)
2020Guest reviewer, Journal of Sports Sciences: Science and Medicine in Football (IF: 2.597)
2020Guest reviewer, European Journal of Sport Science (IF: 2.781)
2019Guest reviewer, Journal of Sports Sciences: Science and Medicine in Football (IF: 2.7)
2015Guest reviewer, Journal of Sports Sciences: Science and Medicine in Football (IF: 2.1)
2014Guest reviewer, Biology of Sport (IF: 0.42)
2014Guest reviewer, Journal of Sports Science & Medicine (IF: 0.95)
  • Sports Science / Strength and Conditioning
  • Sports Medicine / Rehabilitation
  • Signal Processing / EMG
  • Health and Fitness Exercise / Assessment
  • Data Science and Machine Learning
  • Neurocognitive Training
  • Liu, H., Li, Q., Yang, W., Poon, ET, Liu, H., Bao, D., & Ho, IMK. (2025). Effects of HIIT vs. sprint interval training on adiposity in overweight adults: a meta-analysis. International journal of sports medicine, 10.1055/a-2559-8063. Advance online publication.
  • Zhao D., Liu, H., Yang, W., Ho, IMK., Poon, ET., Su, Y., Guo, Y., Li, Q.,  Huang, Y., (2024). Effects of low-volume court-based sprint interval training on anaerobic capacity and sport-specific performance in competitive tennis players. Scientific Report, 14(1), 19131.
  • 亞洲運動及體適能專業學院(2024)。運動科學及體適能實務手冊: 醫護及健身專業訓練策略。 (共二十個章節作者)。 McGraw-Hill。
  • Yang, W., Yin, L., Poon, ET., Ho, IMK., Liu, H.,  & Qi, B. et al. (2024). Effects of low-volume court-based sprint interval training on aerobic capacity and sport-specific endurance performance in competitive tennis players. Biology of Sport, 42(1), 223-232. (IF: 4.2)
  • Mo, RCY, Ngai, DCW, Ng, CCM, Sin, KHS, Luk, JTC, & Ho, IMK. (2023) Effects of loading positions on the activation of trunk and hip muscles during flywheel and dumbbell single-leg Romanian deadlift exercise. Frontiers in physiology in press (IF: 4.00)
  • Fu, K, Chen, L, Poon, ET, Wang, R, Li, Q, Liu, H, & Ho, IMK. (2023). Post-activation performance enhancement of flywheel training on lower limb explosive power performance. Frontiers in physiology, 14, 1217045. (IF: 4.00)
  • Liu, H, Yang, W, Liu, H, Bao, D, Cui, Y, Ho, IMK, & Li, Q. (2023). A meta-analysis of the criterion-related validity of Session-RPE scales in adolescent athletes. BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation, 15(1), 101. (IF: 2.37)
  • Ho IMK*, Weldon A, Yong JTH, Lam CTT, Sampaio J. (2023). Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Pool Data from Meta-Analysis for the Prediction of Countermovement Jump Improvement. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 10: 5881. (Pubmed score 4.5)
  • Weng Y, Liu H, Ruan T, Yang W, WeH, Cui Y, Ho, IMK, & Li Q. (2022). Effects of flywheel resistance training on the running economy of young male well-trained distance runners. Frontiers in physiology, 13, 1060640. (IF: 4.755)
  • Ho IMK*, Weldon A, Yeung NCY, Luk JTC (2022) Low-dye taping may enhance physical performance and muscle activation in basketball players with overpronated feet. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0275178. (IF: 3.752)
  • Ho IMK*, Wong TS, Yong, JTH, Fang H. (2022). Plyometric Stress Index: A Novel Method for Quantifying Plyometric Training. Science & Sports. In press. (IF: 0.987)
  • Luk JTC, Kwok FKC, Ho IMK, Wong DP. (2021). Acute responses of core muscle activity during bridge exercises on the floor vs. the suspension system. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(11). (IF: 3.39)
  • Bo L, Hua F, Ho IMK*. (2021). The comparison of reliability and validity of the double-leg timed hop test in the national physical fitness measurement between preschool children of different ages in china. Science & Sports. In press.
  • Weldon A, Ma WWK, Ho IMK*, Li E. (2021). Online learning during a global pandemic: Perceived benefits and issues in higher education. Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal. 13(2). (IF: 2.330)
  • Ho IMK*, Cheong KY, Weldon A. (2021). Predicting Student Satisfaction of Emergency Remote Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19 using Machine Learning Techniques. PLOs ONE, (IF: 2.740)
  • Fang H & Ho IMK*. (2020). Intraday reliability, sensitivity and minimum detectable change of National Physical Fitness Measurement for Preschool Children in China. PLOs ONE (IF: 2.740)
  • Ho IMK*, Ng LPC, Lee KOL, & Luk TCJ. (2020). Effects of knee flexion angles in supine bridge exercise on trunk and pelvic muscle activity. Research in Sports Medicine, 1–14. doi:10.1080/15438627.2020.1777552  IF: 2.554)
  • Ho IMK*, Wong DP, Luk JTC, Ngo KL. (2019). Effects of different intra-set rest durations on lifting performance and self-perceived exertion during bench press exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.  DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003101  (IF: 2.34)
  • Lam YET, Wong KTK, Ho IMK*. (2015). Rehabilitation Following Fibro Adenoma Removal Surgery for a Female Junior Elite Basketball Player with Sacroiliac and Lumbo pelvic Dysfunction: A Case Report. Ann Sports Med Res 2(2): 1019.
  • HO IMK* (2013). A brief review of fitness clubs, personal trainers and fitness education providers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 25, 30-38.
  • 何文杰* (2010) 。体适能教练独门秘籍: 101 招教你摆脱白领职业病 (北京体育大学出版)
  • Thapa, C., Luk, JTC., Ho, IMK*. (2024). The prediction of 10-km running performance in trained recreational runners using machine learning algorithms with MotionMetrix data. The HKASMSS Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science 2024, on 23 November 2024
  • Ho, IMK*. (2024). The Single Mounted Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) in Kinetics Prediction for landing Tasks Assessment: A Machine Learning approach and the Applicability in Injury Prevention. The HKASMSS Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science 2024, on 23 November 2024.
  • Ho, IMK*., Tai, ZWY, Luk, JTC. (2024). The comparison of lower limb joint kinetics and kinematics between single-leg drop landing with or without the ball catching task. 10th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology in Croatia, (Sept 2024).
  • Li, MH., Luk, JTC., Lam, SS., Law, VKH., Lee, G., Ho, IMK*. (2024). Predicting the running injuries with kinematics and kinetics data of MotionMetrix using machine learning algorithms. European College of Sports Science in Glasgow (July 2024).
  • Rudometkin, E., Perham, M., Poon, ET., Ho, IMK, Lam, SS., Law, VKH., Lee, G., Ngan, CK. (2024). Predicting running endurance performance by pooling running kinematics and kinetics using the MotionMetrix system, physiological and anthropometric data: Machine learning and deep learning approaches. European College of Sports Science in Glasgow (July 2024).
  • Ho, IMK*. (2024).  Incorporating movement variability and neurocognitive training in sports P/Rehabilitation” at the 1st Hong Kong Athletics Trainers’ Association Cum Asia Pacific Federation of Athletics Trainers Conference on July 13-14, 2024
  • Ho, IMK*,(2024).  The Game Changer of Injury Prevention: Implementing Dual-Task Concepts in Training and Testing” at the Asia Pacific Athletic Trainers Association Society Conference on May 18-19, 2024
  • Ho, IMK*., Tai, ZWY, Luk, JTC. (2024). The comparison of lower limb joint kinetics and kinematics between single-leg drop landing with or without the ball catching task. 10th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology in Croatia, (Sept 2024).
  • Li, MH., Luk, JTC., Lam, SS., Law, VKH., Lee, G., Ho, IMK*. (2024). Predicting the running injuries with kinematics and kinetics data of MotionMetrix using machine learning algorithms. European College of Sports Science in Glasgow (July 2024).
  • Rudometkin, E., Perham, M., Poon, ET., Ho, IMK, Lam, SS., Law, VKH., Lee, G., Ngan, CK. (2024). Predicting running endurance performance by pooling running kinematics and kinetics using the MotionMetrix system, physiological and anthropometric data: Machine learning and deep learning approaches. European College of Sports Science in Glasgow (July 2024).
  • Ho, IMK*. (2024). Incorporating movement variability and neurocognitive training in sports P/Rehabilitation” at the 1st Hong Kong Athletics Trainers’ Association Cum Asia Pacific Federation of Athletics Trainers Conference on July 13-14, 2024
  • Ho, IMK*, (2024). The Game Changer of Injury Prevention: Implementing Dual-Task Concepts in Training and Testing” at the Asia Pacific Athletic Trainers Association Society Conference on May 18-19, 2024
  • Mo, RCY, Ngai, DCW, Ng, CCM, Sin, KHS, Luk, JTC, & Ho, IMK. (2023) Effects of loading positions on the activation of trunk and hip muscles during flywheel and dumbbell single-leg Romanian deadlift exercise. European Congress of Sports Science (ECSS)
  • Chu CCF, Li SSW, Ho IMK, Tang FH, Ng DKS. (2021). Statistical conformity index for improving the evaluation of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plan for neck and head cancer. Royal Statistical Society (RSS) Conference 2021.
  • HO IMK*, WU HC, WELDON A, YONG JTH, & LAM, CTT. (2020). A Novel Research Method Using Artificial Intelligence in Sport Science: Using Machine Learning to Predict Changes in Countermovement Jump Performance Before and After Training as Super Meta-Analysis. European Congress of Sports Science (to be completed in Oct, 2020).
  • Ho IMK*, Ho AHY. (2019). Data analytics and machine learning for Oxfam Trailwalkers: Who is more likely to complete the event after received physiotherapy treatment?. The Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association Conference 2019, Hong Kong.
  • Ho IMK*. (2019). Comparisons of employment and working conditions between male and female data scientists: a retrospective analysis on Kaggle Machine Learning & Data Science Survey 2017. International Conference on Applied Education, Technology and Innovation (THEi AETI 2019), Hong Kong.
  • Ho IMK*, Chan SKY, Lam KHP, Tong GMW, Yeung NCY, Luk JTC. (2018). Effects of applying low-dye taping in performing double-leg squat on electromyographic activity for collegiate basketball players with excessive foot pronation. The 20th International Conference on Kinesiology and Exercise, Osaka, Japan.
  • Ho IMK*, Li AY, Luk JTC. (2018). Vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis activity during double-leg squat on flat or declined surface with different movement velocities. Poster presented at The Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association 55th Anniversary Conference, Hong Kong.
  • Yeung NCY, Ho IMK, Chan SKY, Lam KHP, Tong GMW, Luk JTC. (2018). Comparisons of drop jump and countermovement jump performance for male basketball players with and without low-dye taping application. The 20th International Conference on Kinesiology and Exercise, Osaka, Japan.
  • Lam KFC, Ho IMK, Luk JTC. (2017). Acute Effect of Dynamic Stretching and retained Cupping on Hamstring Flexibility, Contractile Properties and Sprinting Performance. Paper presented at the 8th Asia Conference on Kinesiology, Korea.
  • Wong JYT, Ho IMK, Luk JTC. (2017). Analysis of trunk and pelvic muscle activity in supine bridge exercise with increased hip abduction and knee flexion. Paper presented at the 8th Asia Conference on Kinesiology, Korea.
  • Ho IMK*, Chan WW, Luk JTC. (2017). Effects of knee flexion angles in supine bridge exercise on trunk and pelvic muscle activity. Paper will be presented at the 8th Asia Conference on Kinesiology, Korea in December of 2017
  • Wong DP, Ho IMK, Luk JTC, Ngo JK. (2017). Higher lifting successful rate when using intra-set rest during bench press exercise. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, Essen, Germany.
  • Lee KO, Ho IMK, Luk JTC. (2017). Comparison of surface EMG activity of the superior and inferior portion of gluteus maximus and gluteus medius on the shoulder bridge exercises with and without hip abduction and elastic band. Paper presented at the 8th Asia Conference on Kinesiology, Korea.
  • Ho, IMK, Chan ASL, Luk JTC. (2017). Effects of modifying the angle of hip rotation by stance position in shoulder bridge exercise on electromyographic activity of selected hip and trunk muscles. Paper presented at the 8th Asia Conference on Kinesiology, Korea.
  • Ho IMK*, Ho AHY, Chan WKW, Poon PYH. (2017). Epidemiology of injuries and on-field physiotherapy services in Hong Kong Oxfam Trailwalker: a retrospective report. Poster presented at the 1st Conference of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, Hong Kong.
  • Ho IMK*, Ho AHY, Chan WKW, Poon PYH. (2017). Epidemiology of injuries and on-field physiotherapy services in Hong Kong Oxfam Trailwalker: 2014 to 2016. Poster presented at the 1st Conference of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, Hong Kong.
  • Ng CLP, Ho IMK, Luk JTC. (2017). Effects of stance modification and gluteal squeeze in shoulder bridge exercise with 30 degrees hip abduction on trunk and hip muscle activity. Paper will be presented at the 8th Asia Conference on Kinesiology, Korea in December of 2017.