IT Services

IT Helpdesk

Tel:5808 4209 (Chai Wan Campus) / 5808 4206 (Tsing Yi Campus)
Address:CW Campus: S209, 133 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong TY Campus: Rm 703A, 20A Tsing Yi Road, Tsing Yi Island, New Territories.                                                                  
Services Hours:08:45 to 17:45 (Monday to Friday)

Opening Hours

Computer Labs (THEi-CW campus) 

Computer Labs Opening Hours
Room S304 Monday to Friday: 8:30 – 22:00
Saturday: 8:30 – 17:00
Sunday & Public Holidays (Closed)
Room S305 Open 24 hours
Room S306Monday to Friday 8:30 – 22:00
Saturday: 8:30 – 17:00
Sunday & Public Holidays (Closed)

Computer Labs (THEi-TY campus) 

Computer Labs Opening Hours 
Room 417 Open 24 hours
Room 703 Monday to Friday: 8:30 – 22:00
Saturday: 8:30 – 17:00
Sunday & Public Holidays (Closed)


Chai Wan Facilities

Teaching Rooms

 Room No. 
Lecture TheaterS202, S211, S212 
Combine RoomS802a/b, S902a/b

S501, S502, S503, S602,

S701, S702, S801, S901

Tutorial Room

S603, S604, S605, S703, S704, S705, 

S803, S804, S805, S903, S904, S905, S1017 

Computer LabS304, S305, S306 
Total 30

Above teaching rooms are equipped with the following AV Equipment: 

1. Instructor Desktop PC
2. Visualizer and Projector
3. Electrical screen
4. Wireless video streaming devices (Apple TV)
5. Sound System 

Computer Labs

Equipped with AV Equipment for teaching purposes and activities. 

Computer Labs Equipment  
Room S304 

PC workstations – 32 sets 

Printers (B/W) – 2 sets 

Photocopiers (PaperCut) (Color) – 1 set 

Scanning services

Room S305 

PC workstations – 34 sets 

Printers (B/W) – 2 sets 

Photocopiers (PaperCut) (Color) – 1 set 

Scanning services

Room S306

PC workstations – 62 sets 

Photocopiers (Octopus) (Color) – 1 set 

Photocopiers (PaperCut) (Color) – 1 set 

Printers (B/W) - 2 sets 

Scanning services 

*Printing services and scanning services are provided in all computer rooms. 

Installed Software of CW Computer Labs: 

1. 7-Zip 
2. Adobe Acrobat Reader 
3. Adobe Acrobat 
4. Adobe Creative Cloud  
5. Arc GIS * 
7. Autodesk Series 
8. Bently DGN * 
9. CD Burner XP 
10. G* Power 
11. Chrome 
12. SPSS 28 
13. Irfanview 
14. Kaspersky 
15. Keyshot * 
16. Lumion * 
17. Microsoft Office Product 
18. Microsoft One Drive 
19. Firefox 
20. MYOB 
21. Prezi Desktop * 
22. Rhinoceros * 
23. Sculptris * 
24. SketchUp * 
25. Solidworks * 
26. Synchro *
27. VectorWorks * 
28. VLC Player

Teaching Rooms

 Room No. 

811, 812, 813, 814  

Student Project Room417
Computer Lab703
Total 16 

Above teaching rooms are equipped with the following AV Equipment: ​

  1. Instructor Desktop PC
  2. Visualizer and Projector
  3. Electrical screen
  4. Wireless video streaming devices (Apple TV)
  5. Sound System

Computer Labs

Equipped with AV Equipment for teaching purposes and activities. 

Computer Labs Equipment  
Room 417

PC workstations – 15 sets 

Photocopiers (PaperCut) (Color) – 1 set 

Scanning services 

Room 703

PC workstations – 70 sets 

Photocopiers (Octopus) (Color) – 1 set 

Photocopiers (PaperCut) (Color) – 2 sets 

Scanning services 

*Printing services and scanning services are provided in all computer rooms.

Installed Software of Computer Room 703 & 413
  1. 7-Zip

  2. Adobe Acrobat Reader

  3. Adobe Acrobat

  4. Adobe Creative Cloud

  5. Autodesk Series  

  6. Chrome

  7. SPSS 29

  8. Kaspersky

  9. VLC Player

  10. K-Lite Codec

  11. Microsoft Office Product

  12. Microsoft One Drive

  13. Firefox

  14. ETABS 2013

  15. SAP2000 V15

  16. MATLAB R2014a

  17. Solidworks

Services and Support

Charging Rate of Printing Quota

A4 B/W:  1 credit of free print quota
A4 Color:  7 credits of free print quota
A3 B/W:  2 credits of free print quota
A3 Color:14 credits of free print quota
* 700 free printing credits per year for students;* $30 per ticket for additional quota (equivalent to 100 pages of A4 B/W Printing)* Unused print quota will be carried forward to the next Academic Year

Charging Rate of Octopus Printing

A4 B/W:$0.3 per page
A4 Color:$2.0 per page
A3 B/W:$0.6 per page
A3 Color:$4.0 per page

IT Support Guides

Microsoft Certification Exam Centre

Microsoft Certification Exam Centre:

  • We are delighted to inform you that THEi has established an examination centre to assist our students and colleagues in obtaining Microsoft Certifications. The centre is housed at PC Lab S305, Chai Wan Campus.

Microsoft Certification Overview:

  • The chart below illustrates the examinations. You will discover that subjects are not limited to the IT discipline. There are subjects on digital literacy and business applications in general that is suitable for all.
  • At THEi Certification Examination Centre, exam vouchers cover Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE), Microsoft Certified Fundamentals and Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS).
