THEi E-Resources
Featured E-Databases / E-Books
The Learning Commons (LC) welcome all users to use the following on-trial databases:
During the trial, you will have automatic access to the databases within THEi Campus Network/Wi-Fi (please install a VPN to access it outside the campus).
We welcome you to use the following databases and let us know your feedback by filling in this form after the trials.
Here are the relevant links:
China Business Case Platform(中國工商管理案例庫)
e-Databases | Content | Links |
China Business Case Platform(中國工商管理案例庫) | Provide full texts of cases in 13 disciplines: supply chain management and logistics, entrepreneurship and innovation, accounting and control, finance, human resources, business environment and social responsibility, information management and e-commerce, marketing management, operations management, strategic management and execution, general management, organizational behavior and leadership, etc. | Trial Period: From now until 31 March 2025 |
Gale Business Insights
e-Databases | Content | Links |
Gale Business Insights | Explore the world’s companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more. | Password: amazing Trial Period: From now until 15 March 2025 |
National Geographic Virtual Library
e-Databases | Content | Links |
National Geographic Virtual Library | Houses most of the past issues of publications of “National Geographic Society”, including: National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, and hundreds of maps, images, etc. | Password: amazing Trial Period: From now until 15 March 2025 |
E-Databases and E-Books for THEi Staff and Students
VTC E-Resources
- Electronic Resources through VTC library Catalogue (Summon) and My Library Account:
E-Databases E-Books E-Journals - New book arrival / New resources available (books, DVD, e-resources)
- Find Books: VTC Library Catalogue, Hong Kong Academic Library Link, Other Library Catalogues
- Borrowing Quota of Library Materials, Portable Computers and accessories