Library Services

Library Services

Category of Borrower

Books & Non-print Materials

*Reserve Items

Back Issues or Bound Volume of Periodicals

#  Portable Computers

Equipment and Accessories

Loan Quota

Loan & Renewal Period

Loan Quota

Loan & Renewal Period

Loan Quota

Loan & Renewal Period

Loan Quota

Loan & Renewal Period

Loan Quota

Loan & Renewal Period

Books & Audio-Cassettes

**Other Non-print Materials

Students of IVE / HKDI /YC and ***Equivalent Status

50 vols

4 weeks  (24 weeks maximum loan period with renewals)

1 week (2 weeks maximum loan period with renewals)

3 vols

2 hours to 2 weeks (4 hours to 4 weeks maximum loan period with renewal)

3 vols

4 days (8 days maximum loan period with renewal)

1 set

1 day (Renewal: N/A)

5 set

4 days (Renewal: N/A)

Students of Degree Programmes

50 vols

4 weeks (40 weeks maximum loan period with renewals)

1 week (2 weeks maximum loan period with renewals)

3 vols

2 hours (Renewal limit: once)

3 vols

4 days (Renewal limit: once)

1 set

1 day (Renewal: N/A)

5 set

4 days (Renewal: N/A)


50 vols

8 weeks (40 weeks  maximum loan period with renewals)

1 week (3 weeks maximum loan period with renewals)

5 vols

2 hours (Renewal limit: twice)

5 vols

4 days (Renewal limit: twice)

1 set

1 day (Renewal: N/A)

5 set

4 days (Renewal: N/A)

Alumni / PC/PD / External Members

5 vols

4 Weeks (8 weeks maximum loan period with renewals)










* Loan period for reserve items varies with individual Campus Libraries.
** Availability of non-print materials for loan is subject to copyright terms offered by the suppliers.
*** Students who are attending VTC programmes of more than 12 weeks with a valid student card issued by the relevant departments.
# All loaned portable computers should not be taken out of the campus and should be returned to the circulation counter by the borrower in person on the same day (30 minutes before the library closes or any time specified by the library).
Facilities/ EquipmentLocationRemarks
Black & White photocopying / printing (charged by Octopus card) (Support wifi printing with mobile devices, Android & iOS)1/FA4 $0.3
A3 $0.6
Colour photocopying / printing (charged by Octopus card)1/FA4 $2.0
A3 $4.0
Black & White printing (charged by print quota)1/FA4 1 quota/ per page
A3 2 quota/ per page
Colour printing (charged by print quota)1/FA4 7 quota/ per page
A3 14 quota/ per page
3D PrintingG/FHK$1/gram
PlotterG/FWith existing paper:
A0 or 36" wide $50
A0 Photo paper (36" wide) $100
A1 or 24" wide $25
A1 Photo paper (36" wide) $50
A2 $12.5
PC workstations (with dual screen)1/F
Notebook Computers1/FSame day loan
iPads1/FSame day loan
Tablets1/FSame day loan
Mac Books and MacBook Pro1/FSame day loan
HDMI to Lighting  Adapter1/FSame day loan
Wireless LANCovers all areas inside Campus-
New Books Display1/F-
Binding Service1/F-
Group Study RoomsG/F & 1/FReserved  online
Projectors and projection screen1/FReserved and Max loan 7 day
Whiteboard Pens and erasers1/FSame day loan
Book Drop1/F#-
* Available for loan at the Circulation Counter
# For non-overdue printed materials only

Opening Hours

Semester 1 (2 September 2024 – 27 December 2024)  

Semester 2 & 3 (3 February 2025 – 23 August 2025) 

Monday – Friday9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Saturday9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday & Public HolidaysClosed

Semester Break (28 December 2024 – 2 February 2025) & 

(24 August 2025 – 31 August 2025)

Monday – Friday9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Saturday9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday & Public HolidaysClosed

Learning Commons (LC) will be closed on the following Public Holidays:

29-31 January 2025 The 1st, 2nd & 3rd Day of Lunar New Year
4 April 2025 Ching Ming Festival
18 April 2025 Good Friday
19 April 2025 The Day following Good Friday
21 April 2025 Easter Monday
1 May 2025 Labour Day
5 May 2025 The Birthday of the Buddha
31 May 2025 Tuen Ng Festival
1 July 2025 HKSAR Establishment Day