Supported by the Institutional Development Scheme (IDS) of Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project NO.: UGC/IDS25/16) in 2016, the Centre for Sustainable Design and Environment (the Centre) was setup to support THEi’s five-year strategic research theme “Sustainable Living” by formulate solutions to improve the environment.
The Centre was a multi-disciplinary team of academics and professionals who have developed an international reputation for excellence in the fields of sustainability and environmental research. The Team had track records of successful research grant applications, presentations at international conferences, and published articles in peer-reviewed journals. The team focused on R&D works on innovative & sustainable design and eco-landscaping by working with industrial partners.
The Centre was equipped with cutting-edge equipment which were led by research experts from the Faculty of Design and Environment.
The Centre operated from 2017 to 2020.
In the Centre, there are two laboratories and one education unit:

1. The Sustainable Innovation and Development Lab (SIDL)
SIDL focuses on the research of sustainable innovation in fashion and product design.

2. The Sustainable Living and Environment Lab (SLEL)
SLEL focuses on the research of sustainable urban greening, landscape and neighborhood.

3. The Design and Environment Education Unit (DEEU)
DEEU will be a formal physical platform for knowledge exchange, training and education in green and sustainable living for the general public and different stakeholders.
Kee, T. (Ed.) (2019). Sustainable Revitalization – Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Buildings. Hong Kong, HK: The Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd. [External link]
Book chapters:
Chen, A.P., Chu W.C., and Chan C.T. (2020). The Relationship between the Aesthetic Attributes of Sports Bras Design and the 3D Body Measurements of Generation Y Females in Hong Kong. In Hong, C. and Ma, W.K. (Eds.), Applied Degree Education and the Future of Work. Singapore: Springer Singapore. [External link]
Shi, S.L. (2019). Chapter 9: Contribution of Affordable Housing Projects to Green Network in Compact Cities A Hong Kong Case. In Olanrewaju, A., Shari, Z., and Gou, Z. (Eds.), Greening Affordable Housing: An Interactive Approach (pp. 138 – 153) New York, NY: CRC Press. [External link]
Referred Journal Articles:
Kee, T. and Chau, K.W. (2019). Economic sustainability of heritage conservation in Hong Kong: The impact of heritage buildings on adjacent property prices. Sustainable Development, 28(1), 308-319. Doi: 10.1002/sd.2004 [External link]
Kee, T. (2019). Sustainable adaptive reuse – economic impact of cultural heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 165-183. Doi: 10.1108/JCHMSD-06-2018-0044 [External link]
Lai, P.Y, Jim, C.Y., Tang G.D., Hong, W.J. and Zhang, H. (2019). Spatial differentiation of heritage trees in the rapidly-urbanizing city of Shenzhen, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 181, 148-156. Doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2018.09.017 [External link]
Lee, Louis S.H., Jim, C.Y. and Zhang, H. (2019). Tree density and diversity in Hong Kong’s public housing estates: From provision injustice to socio-ecological inclusiveness. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 46, 126468. Doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2019.126468 [External link]
Conference proceeding:
Chau, N.L. (2019) Evaluation of Slope Greening Performance in Promoting the Urban Ecology of Hong Kong. IICEHawaii 2019/IICSEEHawaii 2019, 3 – 5 Jan 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Chen, A.P. and Chu W.C. (2019). Sustainable Athleisure Sports Bras Design: The Preferences for Aesthetic Attributes in Terms of Values and Lifestyles of Generation Y Females in Hong Kong. The 13th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, 1-3 March 2019, St Petersburg, Russia.
Cheng H. (2019). Sustainability Perspective in Hong Kong: An Investigation of Awareness of Sustainable Elements in the Fashion Design Process. The 13th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, 1-3 March 2019, St Petersburg, Russia.
Choy, Sonny Y.H. (2019). Social Innovation through Sustainable Initatives: Renewing Value of Timber Waste Through Up-Cycling and Co-Creation with Mentally Disabled Rehabilitation Candidates. IICEHawaii 2019/IICSEEHawaii 2019, 3 – 5 Jan 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Kee, T. (2019). Analyzing the Effectiveness of Architectural Conservation and the Impact on Sustainable Built Environment. Conference Proceedings at the International Conference on Sustainable Development 2019, 10 – 11 Dec 2019, Havard University, Boston, USA.
Kee, T. (2018). Sustainable Universal Design in Public Housing for Globally Aging Population. Conference proceedings at the International Conference on Sustainable Development 2018, 14 – 15 Aug 2018, Oxford University, U.K