The THEi Student Applied Research Presentations (SARP) 2022 was once again successfully hosted on the THEi website. It was encouraging to see a high participation rate, with 74 abstracts, 62 research posters and 24 video presentation submissions from final year students across the 3 faculties. The online event, which went live on 1 August 2022 for public viewing, had over 1,700 visits on the web pages during the period 1 – 10 August 2022. Visitors were from a range of local businesses and from both local and overseas education institutions. All visitors could vote in the awards competition, and more than 800 people voted for their favourite posters and video presentation.
Here are the winners of SARP2022:
Faculty of Design & Environment
Grand Prize
| Miss NG Sze Wai BSc (Hons) in Surveying
| An Empirical Study on Operators’ Challenges on Developing Co-Living Spaces in Hong Kong: A Focus on Property Acquisitions (P23)
Merit Prizes
| Miss LIU Kanglan BA (Hons) in Product Design
| A Wearable Technology Design for Colour-Blind People (P8)
| Miss LO Chui Yung BSc (Hons) in Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management
| Effects of Sewage Sludge-Chinese Medicinal Herbal Residue-Biochar Amendment on Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) in Agricultural Soil (P16)
Faculty of Management & Hospitality
Grand Prize
| Miss KWONG Lok Yi BA (Hons) in Hotel Operations Management
| Investigate How Social Media Influencer Marketing Impacts Customers’ Purchase Intention on Choosing Hotels for Staycations in Hong Kong (P30) |
Merit Prizes
| Miss YAU Sze Wing BA (Hons) in Culinary Arts and Management
| Lactose-free Canelé Recipe Development and the Acceptance of Lactose-free Dessert Among HongKongers (P29)
Faculty of Science & Technology
Grand Prize
| Mr CHEUK Lai Shun BSc (Hons) in Food Science and Safety
| Development of Sensory Labels for Selected Beverages Using Electronic Tongue Analysis (P51)
Merit Prizes
| Mr WU Wenfeng BEng (Hons) in Building Services Engineering
| Application of Building Information Modelling in Optimizing Building Orientation for Energy Efficiency (P43)
| Mr NG Yui Him BSc (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Management
| Enhanced Rate of Hydrogen Released from Ammonia Borane: A Systematic Study on Cobalt Copper Dual-atom Synergy (P45)
Grand Prize
| Miss CHENG Po Yu BA (Hons) in Product Design Faculty of Design
| Shared – A Tea Table with Sustainable Materials: The Use of Children’s Furniture at Home (V4)
Merit Prizes
| Miss MOK Cheuk See BSc (Hons) in Surveying Faculty of Design and Environment
| Using a Machine Learning Approach to Predict Residential Building Life in Hong Kong (V22)
| Miss CHAN Lee Tung BSc (Hons) in Testing and Certification Faculty of Science
| Investigation on Combining Plant Extracts with a Probiotic to Make a Health-promoting Supplement (V62)
Click here to visit SARP2022: