
Urban Tree Conservation Project

Dr Allen Zhang, Faculty of Design and Environment

Urban greening is widely recognized as an essential green infrastructure of cities and urban trees are considered to be one of the major components. An early awareness of issues related to urban trees and their conservation can help gather more efforts to protect the environment.

To educate the young generation about the importance of tree conservation, this project aimed to provide an early understanding of the environmental, cultural, and social issues of urban trees for secondary school students. The project targeted students studying from Form 3 to Form 6. It equipped them with basic concepts and knowledge about urban tree conservation, appreciation, and management. After participating in the events, the participants became more aware of issues related to urban trees conservation and management.

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Secondary school students attending a talk on “Basic Tree Biology”

Dr Allen Zhang and his invited guests including Mr Terry Fung, Tree Management Officer of the Development Bureau and Dr Paul Pui Hay But, Adjunct Professor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong delivered talks on “Tree Knowledge and Conservation”. There were also other talks on topics like “Tree Risk Assessment and Management” and “Heritage Trees and Stonewall Trees Conservation”. Moreover, fieldwork was carried out in Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, Tai Tong Plantations, Victoria Park, etc.

About 984 students benefitted from the project by joining the talks and field studies. 84% of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed that the activities had enhanced their environmental knowledge and understanding of tree problems in Hong Kong.

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Dr Zhang leading a field trip at Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve

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Participants of the Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve field trip