Work-integrated Learning (WIL)


In THEi, work-integrated learning (WIL) refers to the educational activities that integrate the learning of a profession with practical application in the workplace. The term WIL is used interchangeably with industrial attachment, industry attachment or internship in THEi.

THEi prepares Work Ready, Future Ready graduates by adopting an applied learning approach to higher education. We are one of the institutions piloting the Applied Degree Programmes in Hong Kong. With the practice of work, THEi’s learning programmes link programme contents to real life, thereby advocating for students to integrate knowledge and theories with practical application.

WIL in the form of industrial or work-based attachment is an important learning approach in realizing the strengths and benefits of applied degree programmes and professional education. It gives students a structured work experience during their programme of study. Through WIL, students can apply the knowledge and skills learnt during campus-based learning to practical applications in real-world workplaces, and in turn, reciprocate their learning at the workplace back to campus-based study. WIL also benefits the students’ personal and professional development and advances industry practice through the innovative ideas brought by the students to workplace.

WIL module

Every programme of THEi offers at least one WIL module. Students must complete the WIL module(s) of their programmes in order to be eligible for the award of the Bachelor's Degree in their respective programmes.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

The THEi WIL webpages are funded by the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) – Formation and Development of a Work Integrated Learning Hub for Diverse Programmes of THEi (Project no.: IA03/QESS/2022).

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Education Bureau, any member in the Committee on Self-financing Postsecondary Education (CSPE) and its Sub-committee on Support Measures, and the Secretariat of the CSPE and its Sub-committee on Support Measures.


THEi Work-integrated Learning (WIL) Day

An institute-wide event “Work-integrated Learning (WIL) Day” was held on 22 Mar 2024 (Fri) at THEi Chai Wan Campus.  The event aimed to introduce the latest WIL strategy of THEi and provide a platform to foster the connections between Industry

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