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Department-based Programme Briefing Sessions

Department-based Programme Briefing Sessions

Department-based Programme Briefing Sessions

Department-based Programme Briefing Sessions



New students are highly encouraged to join the programme briefing session of your home-based department. You will be welcomed to meet the THEi family, including the President, Head of Department, your academic programme team and fellow schoolmates, and learn important information that may affect your future study progress.


For students of the


  • Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR)


  • Department of Hospitality and Business Management (DHBM)


  • Department of Design and Architecture (DDA)
  • Department of Digital Innovation and Technology (DDIT)
  • Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management (HALM) in Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering (DCEE)
  • Date: 20 August 2024 (Tuesday)
  • Time: 3:20 pm - 4:45 pm
  • Venue: Exhibition Hall, Chai Wan Campus
  • Medium: English
  • Click HERE for the programme briefing schedule of DSR, DHBM
  • Click HERE for the programme briefing schedule of DDA, DDIT
  • Click HERE for the programme briefing schedule of HALM in DCEE
For students of the
  • Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering (DCEE)
  • Department of Food and Health Sciences (DFHS)
  • Date: 22 August 2024 (Thursday)
  • Time: 3:20 pm - 4:45 pm
  • Venue: Lecture Theatre 5, Tsing Yi Campus
  • Medium: English
  • Click HERE for the programme briefing schedule of DCEE, DFHS


 Register now

Click here for the Notes to confirm your attendance in New Student Orientation 2024. 
