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LC Programme #6

Programme #6 Pedagogies

About the Programme

Pedagogies Programme is offered by THEi Learning Commons. This programme aims to use the practice-based instructional structures and routines in support of learning and teaching toTHEi staff.


Target Participants

The programme is designed for all THEi academic staff / THEi staff.



The programme objectives are as follows:

  • To enable staff to create the assessment and pedagogical strategies for effective learning and teaching
  • To promote positive learning experience to enhance learning and teaching


Programme Learning Outcomes

It is intended that by the end of this programme, participants will be able:

  • To identify suitable instructional and assessment strategies to enhance student learning
  • To enhance learning and teaching through adopting innovative pedagogical strategies
  • To create the current development of positive education 


Programme Structure

Programme Structure

The programme is in modular-based to reflect on participants' learning and teaching. It is a face-to-face or online learning module.


Mode of Delivery

A range of teaching and learning activities such as online facilitation, webinar, lectures, experience sharing, discussions, and hands-on computer-based learning would be used.


Completion Requirement

Participating staff will be awarded Continuous Professional Development (CPD) hours and the record will be uploaded centrally by the HR.

Also, participants will be awarded an electronic Certificate of Attendance of the workshop.


Module 1: New to Teaching in Higher Education

The programme is designed for new academic staff to enhance pedagogical knowledge and skills for conducting learning and teaching activities and assessment of learning outcomes. Topics include defining learning objectives, understanding learning styles, introducing pedagogies, applying Bloom's taxonomy and Kirkpatrick level of evaluation, designing assessment, rubric and assessment goals, providing feedback, engaging students, utilizing technology to enhance learning, etc.


Module 2: New to Programme Leadership and Growing Your Skills in Higher Education Teaching and Learning

The programme is designed for continuous enhancement of academic staff in pedagogical knowledge and skills for conducting learning and teaching activities; effective use of emergent technology to enhance learning, and leadership.




For enquiries, please contact:

THEi-Learning Commons

Tel: 3890-8026
