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Student Development Office

Service Learning and Outbound Trips

Service-learning Trip in Inner Mongolia

Cultural Exchange & Service-learning Trip to

Inner Mongolia 2024  


Engaging in community service in Hong Kong or other parts of the world provides you with opportunities to contribute to society, reflect on social and global issues, and demonstrate a sense of responsibility. Through hands-on service projects, you can immerse yourself in their environments while giving back to the community in a meaningful way.

Exchange Tour in Eastern Europe 2020

Exchange Tour in Eastern Europe 2020

Apart from volunteering, you can also participate in cultural exchange tours to enhance your global outlook and cultural sensitivity by exchanging ideas and interacting with local people. You can have the chance to meet people of all ages and backgrounds from around the world and establish wider connections.


The SDO organises outbound trips in the summer or winter break every year. Students are encouraged to join the trips and pay attention to news from the SDO. Below is a selection of highlights from the trips over the past few years:




Jun-24 Cultural Exchange & Service-learning Trip to Inner Mongolia 2024 
Jul-23 Zhengzhou University of Light Industry Summer Camp 2023


Exchange Tour to Eastern Europe

(Sponsored by the Youth Development Commission)


Service Learning Trip to Yangon, Myanmar


Service Learning Trip to Yunnan, China


Service Learning Trip to Inner Mongolia, China


Cultural Exchange Tour to Western Europe

(Sponsored by the Home Affairs Bureau)


Service Learning Trip to Vietnam


Baltic Sea and Russia Cultural Exchange Programme

(Sponsored by the HKSAR Government )



Schemes for Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students

The Education Bureau (EDB) is offering the following schemes to support local and/or non-local students of full-time locally-accredited undergraduate programmes to participate in exchange activities outside Hong Kong:


  • Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE)
  • Scheme for Means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to Belt and Road Regions for Post-secondary Students (Means-tested SSEBR)
  • Scheme for Non-means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to Belt and Road Regions for Post-secondary Students (NMTSSEBR)
  • Non-means-tested Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NMTMES)


*The maximum amount of subsidy to be granted varies according to the destination and duration of the relevant exchange activity.

**Please pay attention to SDO email on the scheme details and application method. 




You are welcome to contact us for further information on the subsidy schemes and application details:

Student Development Office

TEL     3890 8133 / 2176 1400